Il y avait, du temps de grand-maman, Des fleurs qui poussaient dans son jardin. Le temps a pass?. Seules restent les pens?es Et dans tes mains ne reste plus rien. Qui a tu? grand maman ? Est-ce le temps ou les hommes Qui n'ont plus le temps de passer le temps ? La la la...
Le bulldozer a tu? grand-maman Et chang? ses fleurs en marteaux-piqueurs. Les oiseaux, pour chanter, ne trouvent que des chantiers. Est-ce pour cela que l'on vous pleure ? Qui a tu? grand maman ? Est-ce le temps ou les hommes Qui n'ont plus le temps de passer le temps ? La la la...
1. 꽃잎처럼 금남로에 뿌려진 너의 붉은 피 두부처럼 잘리워진 어여쁜 너의 젖가슴 오월, 그 날이 다시 오면 우리 가슴에 붉은 피솟네 2. 산자들아 동지들아 모여서 함께 나가자 욕된 역사 투쟁없이 어떻게 헤쳐 나가랴 오월, 그 날이 다시 오면 우리 가슴에 붉은 피솟네
Some day, one day, the tree of liberty bears fruit
So many died for liberty No flowers on their holy tomb People still are dying now Tyrants held them in the ground, down in the ground Look, oh look, my brother true Look this tree, this stately tree Tree of nation, liberty Watered the tree with their blood Sang their song, fought their fight, they are gone Who stood tall, against the wall, answered the call My brother please look at this tree The glorious tree of liberty Blood it needs to grow so strong One day it will bear its fruit And children free can share in the fruit And talk of shed blood and tears
1. Aprendimos a quererte desde la historica altura donde el sol de tu bravura le puso un cerco a la muerte Aqui se queda la clara, la entranable transparencia de tu querida presencia Comandante Che Guevara 2. Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte desde la historia dispara cuando todo Santa Clara se despierta para verte Aqui se queda la clara, la entranable transparencia de tu querida presencia Comandante Che Guevara 3. 우리 모두 전진하네 그대와 영원히 함께 소리 높여 부르네 hasta siempre comandante Aqui se queda la clara, la entranable transparencia de tu querida presencia Comandante Che Guevara