Felix Mendelssohn [작곡가,지휘자,피아니스트]

Felix Mendelssohn [작곡가,지휘자,피아니스트]    펠릭스 멘델스존
1810s - 1840s
1809년 02월 03일 / 독일
1847년 11월 04일
PROFILE: 경력 1843 라이프치히음악학교 설립
1835 라이프치히 게반트하우스 관현악단 지휘자

<한 여름밤의 꿈>, 교향곡 5번 <종교개혁>, 교향곡 2번 <찬가> 등


10. 멘델스존 : 노래의 날개 위에 : On Wings of Song (Adain Yr Alawon) (Sung in Welsh) - Felix Mendelssohn / 11. 멘델스존 : 비둘기의 날개 위에 : O for the Wings of a Dove (O konnt' ich fliegen) (Sung in Welsh) - Felix Mendelssohn
17. Good Times (Summer Disco Mix) - Felix
12. Good Times (Summer Disco Mix) - Felix
10. Giraffe - Felix Mendelssohn
10. Don't You Want Me - Felix
13. 무언가 40번 * Songs Without Words 빗소리 - Mendelssohn / 3. 봄의 노래 * Spring Song 새소리 - Mendelssohn / 9. 노래의 날개 위에 * Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges 빗소리 - Mendelssohn
2. Calm Sea And Prosperous Voyage, Op.27 - Christopher Kite, Felix Mendelssohn
2. Duetto - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Mendelssohn: Song Without Words, Book 6, Op.67 - No.36 In E Major [멘델스존: 무언가 6권, Op.67 - 36번 E장조] - Felix Mendelssohn, Peter Nagy
9. Symphony No. 4 In A Major, Op. 90 "italian" - Felix Mendelssohn
4. Giraffe / Felix - Felix
7. Giraffe - Felix
6. Fruhlingslied - Felix Mendelssohn
13. Fruhlingslied - Felix Mendelssohn / 7. Spring Song - Felix Mendelssohn
5. Song Without Words Op.62, 6 - Felix Mendelssohn / 9. Song Without Words Op.67, 4 - Felix Mendelssohn
12. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Spring Song (멘델스존 : 무언가 5번 30권 '봄의 노래') - Felix Mendelssohn
5. Fingel's Cave(The Hebrides Overture) - Felix Mendelssohn
1. On Wings Of Songs - Felix Mendelssohn
12. Morgengebet - Felix Mendelssohn
17. Rondo Capriccioso - Felix Mendelssohn / 18. [Shura Cherkassky] Rondo Capriccioso - Felix Mendelssohn
11. Der Jager Abschied - Felix Mendelssohn / 21. Fruhlingsahnung - Felix Mendelssohn / 35. Elias - Felix Mendelssohn
13. Elijah, Op.70 - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Symphony No.4 In A Major, 'italian' - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Lasset Uns Frohlocken - Felix Mendelssohn
12. Hebrides Overture Fingal`s Cave - Felix Mendelssohn / 24. Symphony For Strings No.10 In B Minor - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Trio For Piano, Violin And Cello In C Minor, Op.66 - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Felix Mendelssohn
5. Romance Sans Paroles Op.109 - Felix Mendelssohn
14. Ave Maria - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Romance, Op.36 - Felix Mendelssohn
6. Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
7. Ein Sommernachtstraum: Scherzo - Felix Mendelssohn
83. 환상곡 카프리스 - 멘델스존 / 94. 죽혼 행진곡 - 멘델스존
9. Hear My Prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
11. Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges - Felix Mendelssohn / 14. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op. 61: Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
14. Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
13. Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
13. Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op. 61: Wedding March [arr. for organ] - Bertalan Hock (organ), Felix Mendelssohn
13. Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op. 61: Wedding March [arr. for organ] - Bertalan Hock, Felix Mendelssohn
11. 멘델스존 : 교향곡 5번 `종교개혁` - Felix Mendelssohn / 2. 멘델스존 : 한 여름밤의 꿈 ; 녹턴 - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Missa Breve - Felix Mendelssohn
7. Song Without Words - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Mein Herz Erhebet Gott - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Hear My Prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Variations Serieuses Op.54 - Felix Mendelssohn
6. Abschied Vom Walde - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Hear My Prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
44. Symphony No.3 In A Minor - Bruno Maderna - Felix Mendelssohn
13. ,,...oder Soll Es Tod Bedeuten?`` - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Motet Op.69/3 - Felix Mendelssohn
9. The Hebrides - Felix Mendelssohn
29. Don`t You Want Me - Felix
9. Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
4. Violin Concerto In E Minor Op.64: Allegro Molto Apassionato - Felix Mendelssohn
5. 봄 노래 - 멘델스존
14. Verleih Uns Frieden - Felix Mendelssohn
11. I Waited For The Lord - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Hear My Prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Les Hebrides - Felix Mendelssohn
11. 바이올린 협주곡 E단조 Op.64 - 알레그로 몰토 아파쇼나도 - Felix Mendelssohn
4. Lied Ohne Worte Op.109 - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges - Felix Mendelssohn / 8. Fruhlingslied - Felix Mendelssohn
5. Rondo Capriccioso - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
18. Frohlocket, Ihr Volker - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
6. `songs Without Words` Op.19 No.1 - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Psalm 42 "wie Der Hirsch Schreit Nach Frischem Wasser" Op.42 - Felix Mendelssohn
21. Romanze - Felix Mendelssohn
11. Don`t You Want Me - Felix
2. 노래의 날개 위에 - 멘델스존
1. Violin Concerto In E Minor Op.64 - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Symphony No.4 In A Major Op.90 `italian` - Felix Mendelssohn
10. War March Of The Priests - Felix Mendelssohn
3. On Wings Of Song Op.34-2 - Felix Mendelssohn
4. I Waited For The Lord - Felix Mendelssohn / 9. Hear My Prayer - Felix Mendelssohn / 9. Thanks Be To God - Felix Mendelssohn
12. Duetto - Felix Mendelssohn / 16. The Bee`s Wedding - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Vom Himmel Hoch - Felix Mendelssohn
6. Rest In The Lord - Felix Mendelssohn
4. Jesu, Meine Freude - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Sonate C Minor : Grave - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Violin Concerto In E Minor Op.64 - Finale - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Nocturne - Felix Mendelssohn
2. A Midsummer Night`s Dream - Felix Mendelssohn
9. Song Without Words - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Lied Ohne Worte Op.109 - Felix Mendelssohn
7. Song Without Words, Op.62/6 - Felix Mendelssohn
18. Grub - Felix Mendelssohn / 7. Engelterzett - Felix Mendelssohn / 9. Beati Omnes - Felix Mendelssohn
19. On Wings Of Song - Felix Mendelssohn
12. Meditation - Felix Mendelssohn
2. 물레의 노래 - 멘델스존 / 2. 봄의 노래 - 멘델스존
15. Fruhlingslied Op.34,2 - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
3. Spring Song - Felix Mendelssohn
15. War March Of The Priests - Felix Mendelssohn
2. Venetian Boat Song I - Felix Mendelssohn-bartholdy
10. The Venetian Gondola - Felix Mendelssohn / 4. Spring Song In A Major - Felix Mendelssohn / 8. Duetto - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Song Without Words, Op.109 - Felix Mendelssohn
4. Song Without Words No.20 - Felix Mendelssohn
3. Cradle Song - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Andante Sostenuto - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Wedding March From A Midsummer Night`s Dream, Op.61 - Felix Mendelssohn
6. Andante Espressivo In G - Felix Mendelssohn
6. Spinning Song - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Wedding March Op.61/3 - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
5. Vom Himmel Hoch - Felix Mendelssohn
10. Don`t You Want Me - Felix
1. 교향곡 4번 `이탈리아` 1악장 - Felix Mendelssohn
17. 바이올린 협주곡 1악장 - 알레그로 몰토 아파시오나토 - Felix Mendelssohn
10. 주여 ,감사하나이다 - Felix Mendelssohn
7. 무언가 - 멘델스존
15. Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn
1. Oct In E Flat, Op.20: Allegro - Felix Mendelssohn
17. `봄의 노래` - Felix Mendelssohn
8. <봄노래> - Felix Mendelssohn
8. On Wings Of Song, Op. 34, No. 2 - Felix Mendelssohn
13. On Wings Of Song - Felix Mendelssohn
6. 바이올린 협주곡 1악장 알레그로 몰토 아파시오나토 (헨릭 셰링) - Felix Mendelssohn
4. 무언가 Op.109 - Felix Mendelssohn
6. 베토벤 : 합창교향곡 제9번 라단조, Op.125, 4. 피날레 [excerpt] - Alla Marcia - Claudio Otelli, Alla Marcia - Claudio Otelli, Felix Mendelssohn
3. Don't You Want Me - Felix
1. Don't You Want Me? - Felix / 10. It Will Make Me Crazy - Felix

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P116091


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