An awaken psyche who hasn't fell asleep yet Is stuggling to atone for one's deeds to the holy palace The eyes of my enemy who is nothing but carrion now filled with grief and agony
But I wonder why For Waht we swing our swords and for whom we bleed our blood? I've devoted myself to my faterland And even so there's nothing left for me
I don't see anybody around only hatred for the foes remains inside
In Allegiance to the something we don't even recognize We are going into the meaningless war again either we want or not While my spirit tired and exhasted is rambling over these unclea fields
I wonder what i can do with this pure chaos of nihility All I do is defeat My enemies but if they really are With the sword of be just killed nothing else matters Now I'd like to rest all those pathetic victims in eternal peace
Abused violated and maltreated in the cruel empty world Only with the invisible love embraced in mine Invisible like nothing and beneath the welkin of solitude albeit for whom? for nobody in the ulltimate !
Remember the day I left you even without a farewell word
(window) I've always awaited you to return but now we shall never be gathered again I feel a great pain to leave you like that in such grief it hurts me it truly lhurts me so much
(warriop) What can i do ot what should I do under whe welkin That is utterly meaningless to me All those dreams we had kept were gone alredy
(window) I just wish you happy and blissful as before from the depth of my ripped heart Watching down you from the life beyond together with children of mine and yours There is noThing more that I can do
Alone in this chilly empty world.... so painful !!!!
저 멀리서 나를 따뜻하게 맞으며 세상에서 가장 아름다운 모습으로 다가와 아주 아주 천천히 그리고 부드럽게 내 몸을 감싸 안아 주소서
단 한순간도 날카로운 장이 내 배를 갈라놓아도 흙처럼 단단해진 내 피부는 흐르는 눈물보다 아프지 않아
그 무엇보다 두려운 건 내가 아직 살아 있다는 사실인데도 나는 거지처럼 일초의 삶을 구걸해야만 했다 때론 불꽃러머 타올라 모든 걸 가질 수 있을 것 같았지만 이젠 더 이상 가슴을 채워 주었던삶의 먼지들을 느낄 수 없어
항상 나를 괴롭히는 역겨운 냄새 나의 눈엔 진실이나 순수 따윈 비쳐질 수 없다는 사실에 감사할 뿐이야 강해져야 한다는 마음도 점점 얼어지고 한 걸음씩 내딛어 보는 더딘 발자국만이 살아있다는 유일한 증거임을 아는지..
숨어져 버린다 해도 달라질건 없다 아직도 나의 숨소리를 느끼는 그대에게 줄 마지막 선물 달콤한 초콜릿 보다 진하고 빛나는 보석보다 눈부시게 흰 살결 나부끼는 그 품에 안겨 따뜻함을 전해줄게.. 시간이 멎은 작은 공간 지금 내가 누워 있는 어두운 휴식처 나를 반겨 주는 건 아무것도 없지만
Where all my powers and Dreams are over Endless pain and despair. darkseed in my mind Now i hear you crying out from beyond the tristful graves Though your face seems as if to say you're still with me My precions princess
I've been blinded by her rept move purple smile and suffocated by you entranced by her But when you handing me a blood red wreath I had to see the symptom of misery
Like a dewdrop on the face of a dead angel My imprecated soul takes a breath yet evervatedly soon i will face the blissfull death Even if any ftal anguish carries away my soul I'll choose to be for you forever
One damp cold day I'll folllow you It's not a promise that will be driven by the wind I wanted to miss you already The way you walks smells smiles and everything
Where all my sorrows and wringers are born fallen down in the middle of a labyinth Buried all my reminiscences that I've had together with you I life my eyes filled with tears I swear to keep this divine love even at the sacrilice of myself .. Eternally