국내 컴필레이션 사상 유례없는 고급 상자형 케이스에 최신 일본 트렌드인 시부야 케이 음악 44곡을 3장의 CD로 담은 컴필레이션 앨범 [보석상자 Vol.1]. 국내 최대 수록곡 J-POP 콜렉션 음반.유명 CF 배경음악에 삽입된 JEWEL OF JAPAN.“Witching magic” 매일유업(썬업)/ ”Green Fields” 라네즈 화장품(이나영편)“Scooter” 모토로라(미니핸드폰) / “Beautiful Day” 코카콜라(미닛메이드)“Jazz Cocktail Cold di da" 소니(사이버샷) / I’m Hip” LG(디오스) 등 수록.4월 28일 국내 내한공연 예정인 램프(Lamp)를 비롯하여 스윙잉 팝시클(Swinging Popsicle), 몽뮤흐뮤흐(Mon Murmure) 하트필드(Hartfield), 몬디알리토(Mondialito), 다케시(Takeshi) 스튜디오 아파트멘트(Studio Apartment), 큅손(Qypthone) 멜팅 홀리데이스(Melting Holidays), 인스턴트 시트론(Instant Cytron), 어드벤티지 루시(Advantage Lucy), 마마 기타 (Mama Guitar) 등 총 13그룹 일본 뮤지션의 사랑스런 음악으로 가득 차 있는 소장 가치가 높은 주옥 같은 컴필레이션 앨범. .... ....
Mam doesn't know the reason why his kisses are sweet And my Grand-ma doesn't know the reason why his smile is so good
Whenever be with the boyfriend, happiness comes along It's for all girls fall in love
Doctor never know the reason why I've a poor appetite Scientists never know the reason why I cannot sleep tight
Whenever be with the boyfriend, lovesick comes along It's for all girls fall in love Dalin' boy and I kissed first time in the midnight Quiet, gentle and the starry night I was looking at me in his eyes, getting change myself Witching magic goes round of me
Eli doesn't know the reason why jet planes can fly Carol and Laura never know the reson why blue sky is so blue
Whenever be with the boyfriend, have no interest about school It's for all girls fall in love
I bought a scooter, it′s a brand noew little one in the pastel shades of pink and light green I got off it, taking to a brand new boyfriend ″Hey take a break, darlin′? It′s too cold today″
I have something that I wanna show you I see what you mean, I really feel for you Are you sure will you let me go with you I see what you mean, so it′s up to you, baby
It′s my scooter Twist the grip and riding on and on and on A brand new scooter Oh, S.C.O.O.T.E.R I′m just gonna run to buy something in the town by this brand new little scooter with my brand new little dog We really get aong well, don′t you think? Hey, darlin, may I come with you?
I bought a brand new lether coat and put it on it on and the just have a look whether it suit me or not Going to the cafe that brand new magazine showed nad then have a brand new sweets with a cup of tea
I'm hip It better goes on now I'm hip It worse goes on now You can tell me twice You might be a wise
I'm hip It better goes on now I'm hip It worse goes on now It's just the word for me
If pretty girl like you were here with me It will be a sunny day whole the world Could you tell me what you reall want me do Your love blows out all sad clouds far away
Such crazy boy like you were here with me It must be a moolit night above our heads Do you wanna dance with me holding on hand in hand Lonely my heart will be filled with all your love
I'm hip It better goes on now I'm hip It worse goes on now You can tell me twice You might be a wise I'm hip It better goes on now I'm hip It worse goes on now It's just the word for me
You lay on the grass, raising the eyes Far away from the green playground Not a word to be heard Not a baby bird, below the sky Raindrops fell on your hair
All the dewy landscapes reminded you of days You were in the playground No one made you stay, So you went there in half-dry shirt Waiting for the sun
Come another day, rain, go away Little kids want to play in the ground
You were on your feet to find playmates From above rain of memories fell Faster than speed of light Scattered in the green, all around Giving off scent of grass
All the dewy landscapes reminded you of days You were in the playground No one made you stay, So you went there in half-dry shirt Waiting for the sun
비에 젖은 초록 잔디
초록 놀이터와는 한참 떨어진 잔디 위에 당신은 누워 고개를 듭니다 아무 소리도 들리지 않고 하늘 아래엔 작은 새 한 마리 날지 않네요 당신의 머리에 빗방울 떨어지는데
그렇게 이슬 맺힌 풍경은 당신에게 놀이터에서의 기억을 회상하게 합니다 있으라고 강요하는 사람도 없었으므로 당신은 반쯤 마른 셔츠를 걸친 채 거길 갔었지요 다시 해가 나오길 기다리며
또 하루가 오면 비 같은 건 가버려 꼬마들은 밖에서 뛰어 놀고 싶어하니까
같이 놀 친구를 찾기 위해 당신은 서 있었지요 위에서는 추억의 빗방울이 광속보다 빠르게 떨어져 사방에 온통 녹색으로 흩어지면서 잔디 향기를 내뿜었지요
あぁ、銀河系を捨てられた小舟で 아아, 긴가케이오스테라레따고부네데 아아, 은하계를 버려진 작은 배로
搖られ續けている千年の戀よ 유라레츠즈케떼이루센넨노코이요 뒤뚱이며 항해하는 길고 긴 사랑
ああ、こんなふうに電話ごしで笑って 아아, 콘나후-니덴와고시데와랏떼 아아, 이렇게 통화하며 웃는 걸로
後どの位を過ごして行くんだろう 아또도노쿠라이오스고시떼이쿤다로- 얼마나 버틸 수 있을지
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 星に願いを 호시니네가이오 별에 소원을 빌어
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 羊數える夜に終りが來るように 히츠지카조에루요루니오와리가쿠루요-니 양을 세며 잠드는 밤이 끝나기를
あぁ、どんなふうに日が暮れてゆくんだって 아아, 돈나후-니히가쿠레떼유쿤닷떼 아아, 어떻게 시간이 가는지도 모르겠는걸
羽が生えてきて飛んだ夢を見る 하네가하에떼키떼톤다유메오미루 날개가 생겨 날아가는 꿈을 꾸곤 해
ああ、そんなふうに偶然を装って 아아, 손나후-니구-젠오요솟떼 아아, 그렇게 우연을 가장해
月の裏側で待ち合わせをしよう 츠키노우라가와데마치아와세오시요- 달의 뒷면에서 만나도록 하자
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 羊數えて 히츠지카조에떼 양을 세며
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 獨り眠れぬ夜に終りが來るように 히또리네무레누요루니오와리가쿠루요-니 혼자서는 잠들지 못하는 밤이 끝나도록
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 星に願いを 호시니네가이오 별에 소원을 빌어
I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby I just wanna kiss you if I was there, baby 羊數えて眠る夜にさよなら 히츠지카조에떼네무루요루니사요나라 양을 세며 잠드는 밤이여 안녕