Performed by
서브웨이 1기 (2001)
조성민 : 보컬, 기타
이혁준 : 베이스 기타
이한성 : 드럼
오승규 : 기타
프로듀서 :
신동우마스터링 엔지니어 :
최효영마스터링 스튜디오 : Sonic Korea
poduced by 신동우
co-produced by 이혁준
supervisor by 임창덕
executive producer 조성철,채수환 for the room production
recorded by booming studio, rodeo sound
mix engineering by 임창덕( at boomung studio)-2,4,5,6,7
노양수(rodeo sound)-1,3,8,9,10,11,12,13
record engineering by 이정형, 정두석,이은정, 박혁, 곽은정
mastering studio sonic korea studio
master engineering by 최효영
additional engineering by 하정수,김영식,신세림
schedule cordinated by 하태우
art direction by Engine
design by 배수미
photography by 최윤정
stylist by 이수진
subway homepage design by 배성환
subway is managed by the room production(조성철, 채수환)
subway box 423-500, gumidong126-3 B, bundang, korea