[Disc 1]
Après l'orage [After the storm/폭풍 후] / 2.
Les Petits Miroirs [The small mirrors/작은 거울들] / 3.
Barcelone [바르셀로나] / 4.
Nos Ballades [Our Ballades/우리의 발라드] / 5.
Bed and Breakfast [B&B] / 6.
Un coin tranquille à Shibuya [A quiet corner in Shibuya/시부야의 고요한 모퉁이] / 7.
Le thé [Tea/차] / 8.
Un ange qui passé [An angel who crossed /사라지는 천사] / 9.
Pour L'instant [At the moment/지금 막] / 10.
Les Rues Tranquilles [Streets/고요한 거리들] / 11.
A Rainy Sunday Waltz (Inst.) / 12.
Joséphine [Josephine/조세핀] / 13.
Et l'on sème [And they seed/그리고 사람들은 씨를 뿌린다] / 14.
Lonelunaire (Inst.)