Mesiku na nebi hlubokem Svetlo tvé daleko vidi, Po svete bloudis sirokém, Divas se v pribytky lidi.
Mesicku, postuj chvili Reckni mi, kde je muj mily Rekni mu, stribmy mesicku, Me ze jej objima rame, Aby si alespon chvilicku Vzpomenul ve sneni na mne Zasvet mu do daleka Rekni mu, rekni m kdo tu nan ceka! mneli duse lidska sni
At'se tou vzpominkou vzbudi! Mesicku, nezhasni, nezhasni!
Elgar's famous, serene, and stately melody is given a vocal adaptation with this Lux aeterna requiem.
Lux aeterna luceat eis Domine cum sanctis tuis in aeternum: quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Cum sanctis tuis in aeternum quia pius es.
Vita mia Quanta vita c'e Dentro questi occhi in me
There've been times in my life When I couldn't see a difference In pain, or in joy, or in sun, or in rain It just seemed the same
But I'm only human Branded by ambition But I'm going to make it count
Vita mia Quanta vita c'e Ce nell'rosso acceso in me
Vita sia Come un nuovo canto Ora che, muoio per te
So many intentions In life I could have followed Here and now is how I'll live every moment Unafraid of what life gives Respect things I don't understand
NADIR Au fond du temple saint Paré de fleurs et d'or Une femme apparaît! Je crois la voir encore!
ZUGRA Une femme apparaît! Je crois la voir encore!
NADIR La foule prosternée La regarde, entonée Et murmure tous bas: Voyez, c'est la déesse! Qui dans l'ombre se dresse Et vers nous tend les bras!
ZURGA Son voile se soulève! Ô vision! Ô rêve! La foule est à genoux!
NADIR/ZURGA Oui, c'est elle! C'est la déesse plus charmante et plus belle! Oui, c'est elle! C'est la déesse qui descend parmi nous! Son voile se soulève et la foule est à genoux!
NADIR Mais à travers la foul Elle s'ouvre un passage!
ZURGA Son long voile déjà Nous cache son visage!
NADIR Mon regard, hèlas! La cherche en vain!
NADIR/ZURGA Oui, c'est elle! C'est la déesse! En ce jour qui vient nous unir, Et fidèle à ma promesse, Comme un frère je veux te chérir! C'est elle, c'est la déesse Qui vient en ce jour nous unir! Oui, partageons le même sort, Soyons unis jusqu'à la mort!
I was yours before the first morn broke Before the sun that woke the earth And I was yours before rain kissed the ground Before the first dawn's sound was heard
I'll be the whisper of angels And I'll be the frost on your glass And I'll be the shadows at twilight I'll be your first your last
I'm the rush-the fire in your veins Across the desert plains I ride I'm the ache the sound that midnight makes A streak of star across the sky
I'll be the whisper of angels And I'll be the frost on your glass And I'll be the shadows at twilight I'll be your first your last
Cala la notte La luna brilla Lei mormora nel buio Il nome d'un altro Bramae passione, l'alma accende Maundub-bio mi viene I say another prayer in the night
Alcielo sale Rottoil silenzio Nel cor il desir agli angeli svela L'amorsem bra forte
Ce'doal dolore Maundubbio Mi miene I say another prayer in the night
Destatiamor, guardami ben Parli di lui nei sogni tuoi Al trove sei? Che vedior su? Vacuo viso l'ombradi me?
Cala la notte La luna brilla lei Mormora nel buio Il nome d'un altro
We shared emotions Found new horizons, but now doubt pervades me I say another prayer in the night.
Mesiku na nebi hlubokem Svetlo tvé daleko vidi, Po svete bloudis sirokém, Divas se v pribytky lidi.
Mesicku, postuj chvili Reckni mi, kde je muj mily Rekni mu, stribmy mesicku, Me ze jej objima rame, Aby si alespon chvilicku Vzpomenul ve sneni na mne Zasvet mu do daleka Rekni mu, rekni m kdo tu nan ceka! mneli duse lidska sni
At'se tou vzpominkou vzbudi! Mesicku, nezhasni, nezhasni!
Elgar's famous, serene, and stately melody is given a vocal adaptation with this Lux aeterna requiem.
Lux aeterna luceat eis Domine cum sanctis tuis in aeternum: quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Cum sanctis tuis in aeternum quia pius es.
Vita mia Quanta vita c'e Dentro questi occhi in me
There've been times in my life When I couldn't see a difference In pain, or in joy, or in sun, or in rain It just seemed the same
But I'm only human Branded by ambition But I'm going to make it count
Vita mia Quanta vita c'e Ce nell'rosso acceso in me
Vita sia Come un nuovo canto Ora che, muoio per te
So many intentions In life I could have followed Here and now is how I'll live every moment Unafraid of what life gives Respect things I don't understand