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from Junichi Inagaki - Orion Kagayaku Ano Machi De (2019) | |||||
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from Junichi Inagaki - Otokoto Onna 4 (2013) | |||||
4:40 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - OMOIYARIのうた [single] (2010) | |||||
4:40 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - OMOIYARIのうた [single] (2010) | |||||
4:30 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - OMOIYARIのうた [single] (2010) | |||||
4:36 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - OMOIYARIのうた [single] (2010) | |||||
3:57 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:33 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:45 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
3:46 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:23 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010)
From a distance the world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains, wide From a distance the ocean meets the stream And the eagle takes to flight From a distance, there is harmony And it echoes through the land It′s the voice of hope, its the voice of peace It′s the voice of every man From a distance, we all have enough And no one is in need And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease No hungry mouths to feed From a distance we are instruments Marching in the common band Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace They′re the songs of every man God is watching us...God is watching us... God is watching us...from a distance From a distance You look like my friend Even though we are at war From a distance I just cannot comprehend What all this fighting is for From a distance there is harmony And it echoes through the land And its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves Its the heart of every man Its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves This is the song of every man And God is watching us...God is watching us God is watching us, from a distance Oh God is watching us...God is watching us God is watching us...from a distance... |
4:54 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
3:47 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:04 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:08 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
3:35 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:40 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
5:51 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:38 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Smile (2010) | |||||
4:07 | ||||
from Hinata Toshifumi - いつかどこかで (2009) | |||||
4:16 | ||||
from Hinata Toshifumi - いつかどこかで (2009) | |||||
5:16 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008)
♬ 시작은 언제나 비 - 후지타 에미(藤田惠美,Fujita Emi)
君に逢う日は 不思議なくらい 키미니아우히와 후시기나쿠라이 당신을 만나는 날은 이상할 정도로 雨が多くて 아메가오오쿠떼 비가 많이 내려서 水のトンネル くぐるみたいで 미즈노톤네루 쿠구루미타이데 물로 된 터널을 빠져나가는 것 같아서 しあわせになる 시아와세니나루 행복하게 되지요 君を愛する度に 키미오아이스루타비니 당신을 사랑할 때마다 愛じゃ足りない氣がしてた 아이쟈타리나이키가시테타 사랑만으론 부족한 느낌이 들었어요 君を連れ出す度に 키미오츠레다스타비니 당신을 데리고 나갈 때 마다 雨が包んだ 아메가츠츤다 비가 감쌌어요 君の名前は 優しさくらい 키미노나마에와야사시사쿠라이 당신 이름은 다정함정도로 よくあるけれど 요쿠아루케레도 흔하지만 呼べば素敵な とても素敵な 요베바스테키나 토테모스테키나 부르면 근사한 너무나도 근사한 名前と氣づいた 나마에토키즈이타 이름이라고 느꼈지요 僕は上手に君を 愛してるかい 보쿠와죠-즈니키미오 아이시테루카이 난 당신을 잘 사랑하고 있는 걸까 愛せてるかい 아이세테루카이 사랑할 수 있는 걸까 誰よりも 誰よりも 다레요리모 다레요리모 누구보다도 그 누구보다도 今夜君のこと誘うから 콘야키미노코토사소우카라 오늘 밤 당신 생각이 나서 空を見てた 소라오미테타 하늘을 보았어요 はじまりはいつも雨 星をよけて 하지마리와이츠모아메 호시오요케테 시작은 언제나 비 별을 피해서 今夜君のこと誘うから 콘야키미노코토사소우카라 오늘 밤 당신 생각이 나서 空を見てた 소라오미테타 하늘을 보았어요 はじまりはいつも雨 星をよけて 하지마리와이츠모아메 호시오요케테 시작은 언제나 비 별을 피해서 ふたり 星をよけて 후타리 호시오 요케테 두 사람 별을 피해서... |
4:31 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008)
우리 만나지 못한지 얼마나 지났나요 出した手紙も今朝ポストに舞いもどった 보냈던 편지도 다시 돌아 왔어요 窓邊に搖れる目をさました若葉のように 창밖에 흔들리는 막 돋아난 어린잎처럼 長はを越え今ごろきづくなんて 긴긴 겨울이 지나고서야 깨달았어요 どんなに言葉にしても足りないくらい 말로는 아무리 해도 표현할수 없을만큼 あなた愛してくれたすべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 まるでひだまりでした 마치 따스한 햇살처럼 말이에요 菜の花もえる二人最後のフォトグラフ 유채꽃 흐드러진 꽃밭에서 우리둘이 찍은 사진 「送るからね」と約束はたせないけれど 「보낼게요」라고약속은못하지만 もしも今なら優しさもひたむきさも 지금이었다면 그대를 향한 내 마음 兩手にたばれて屆けられたのに 양손 가득 담아 건네줄수 있을텐데 それぞれ別別の人好きになっても 이런 사람 저런사람 만나 보아도 あなた殘してくれたすべて忘れないで 당신은 내게 알려주었지요. 誰かを愛せるように 누군가를사랑할수있도록 廣い空の下二度と逢えなくても生きてゆくの 넓은 하늘 아래 두번다시 만날수 없어도 살아 가죠 こんな私のこと心から 이런 나를 마음속 깊이 あなた愛してくれた すべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 まるで ひだまりでした 마치 따스한 햇살처럼 말이에요 あなた愛してくれた すべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 それはひだまりでした 그건 바로 따스한 햇살 이었어요 |
3:51 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:25 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:00 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:45 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:28 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
5:12 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
6:09 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:51 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:17 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
4:44 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - 마음의 식탁 (2008) | |||||
3:18 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
5:00 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
And I love you so the people ask me how
난 당신을 너무나 사랑해요. 그전에 사람들은 내가 어떻게 How I live till now I tell them I don't know 어떻게 지금까지 살았냐고 묻죠. 전 어떻게 대답해야될지 모른다고합니다. I guess they understand how lonely life has been 그들은 날 이해한다 믿어요. 얼마나 외롭게 살아왔는지를 But life began again the day you took my hand 하지만 내 삶은 다시 시작 되었죠 당신이 내 손을 잡은 그날 And yes, I know how lonely life can be 그리고 그래요, 난 삶이 얼마나 외로워질 수 있는지 알아요. The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free 그림자가 날 따라오고 밤은 날 자유롭게 놓아주지 않죠. But I don't let the evening get me down 하지만 난 오후가 날 우울하게 만들도록 두지 않을거에요. Now that you're around me 지금 당신이 내 곁에 있으니까요. And you love me too, your thoughts are just for me 그리고 당신도 나를 사랑해요. 당신의 생각들은 나만을 위한거죠(당신은나만 생각하고있어요) You set my spirit free, I'm happy that you do 당신은 나의 (정신)영혼을 자유롭게 해요. 당신이 그렇게 해주어(그런모습에)난 행복합니다. The book of life is brief and once a page is read 삶의 책은 간결하고(인생의책이란간단해요), 그 첫장의 한페이지가 읽혀졌을 뿐입니다. All but love is dead that is my belief 모두 죽고 사랑만이남는다고 난믿어요. 사랑 말고 모든것은 죽었다고 난 믿어요. And yes, I know how lovely life can be 그리고 그래요, 난 삶이란 얼마나 사랑스러울 수 있는지 압니다. The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free 그림자가 날 따라오고 밤은 날 자유롭게 놓아주지 않죠. But I don't let the evening bring me down 하지만 난 오후가 날 우울하게 만들도록 두지 않을거에요. Now that you're around me 지금 당신이 내 곁에 있으니까요. And I love you so, the people ask me how 그리고 당신을 너무사랑해요. 사람들이 나에게 어떻게. How I live till now, I tell them I don't know 어떻게 지금껏 살았는지 물어요. 난 모른다고 대답하죠. |
4:43 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
4:11 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
3:58 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
3:03 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you The words will never show The you I've come to know If a face could launch a thousand ships Then where am I to go? There's no one home but you You're all that's left me to And when my love for life is running dry You come and pour yourself on me If a man could be two places at one time I'd be with you tomorrow and today Beside you all the way If the world should stop revolving spinning Slowly down to die I'd spend the end with you And when the world was through Then one by one the stars would all go out Then you and I would simply fly away |
5:33 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
4:37 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
4:10 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
3:45 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high. There's a land that I heard of once on a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles me it like lemon drops away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow why then oh why can't I? Somewhere over the rainbow way up high. There's a land that I heard of once on a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles me it like lemon drops away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow why then oh why can't I? Blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow why then oh why can't I? Why then oh why can't I? |
1:10 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
3:49 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
Love in your eyes
당신의 눈 속에 담긴 사랑은 Sitting silent by my side 제 곁에 고요히 머무르네요 Going on holding hand 끊임없이 손을 맞잡고 Walking through the nights 밤을 지새며 가까이 하네요 Hold me up hold me tight 들어주고 꽉 잡아주세요 Lift me up to touch the sky 하늘에 맞닿게끔 위로요 Teaching me to love with heart 진심어린 사랑을 가르켜주시고 Helping me open my mind 마음의 문을 열도록 해주세요 I can fly 전 날 수 있어요 I’m proud that i can fly 날 수 있어 자랑스러워요 To give the best of mine 시간의 끝이 보이기까진 Till the end of the time 최선의 모습으로 남게 하네요 Believe me i can fly 믿어주세요 전 날 수 있어요 I’m proud that i can fly 날 수 있어 자랑스러워요 To give the best of mine 하늘 위 천국에서도 The heaven in the sky 최선의 모습으로 남게 하네요 Stars in the sky 예전에 소원을 빌며 바라본 Wishing once upon a time 하늘의 별들이 사랑을 Give me love make me smile 웃음을 가져다주네요 Till the end of life 삶이 지속되는 동안은요 Hold me up hold me tight 들어주고 꽉 잡아주세요 Lift me up to touch the sky 하늘에 맞닿게끔 위로요 Teaching me to love with heart 진심어린 사랑을 가르켜주시고 Helping me open my mind 마음의 문을 열도록 해주세요 I can fly 전 날 수 있어요 I’m proud that i can fly 날 수 있어 자랑스러워요 To give the best of mine 시간의 끝이 보이기까진 Till the end of the time 최선의 모습으로 남게 하네요 Believe me i can fly 믿어주세요 전 날 수 있어요 I’m proud that i can fly 날 수 있어 자랑스러워요 To give the best of mine 하늘 위 천국에서도 The heaven in the sky 최선의 모습으로 남게 하네요 Can’t you believe 당신은 아시나요 that you light up my way 저의 등불이 되어주심을 No matter how that ease my path 그래서 편안한 길이 될지언정 I’ll never lose my faith 신념은 결코 잊지 않아요 See me fly 날개짓을 보세요 I’m proud to fly up high 높이 날 수 있어 뿌듯해요 Show you the best of mine 시간의 끝이 보이기까진 Till the end of the time 최선의 모습을 보여드릴께요 Believe me i can fly 믿어주세요 전 날 수 있고 I’m singing in the sky 하늘에서 노래도 불러요 Show you the best of mine 하늘 위 천국에서도 The heaven in the sky 최선의 모습을 보여드릴께요 Nothing can stop me 누구도 절 막을 수 없네요 Spread my wings so wide 날개를 활짝 펼 테니깐요 |
3:54 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
3:37 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
Some say loveit is a riverthat drowns the tender reedSome say loveit is a razorthat leaves yoursoul to bleedSome say loveit is a hungeran endless aching needI say love it is a flowerand you its only seedIt's the heart afraidof breakingthat never learns to danceIt's the dream afraidof wakingthat never takes the chanceIt's the one whowon't be takenwho cannot seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingthat never learns to liveWhen the nighthas been too lonelyand the roadhas been too longAnd you thinkthat love is onlyfor the lucky and the strongJust rememberin the winterfar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed thatwith the sun's lovein the springbecomes the rose
3:06 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006)
Try to remember the kind of septemberWhen life was slow and so mellowTry to remember the kind of septemberWhen grass was green and the grain was yellowTry to remember the kind of septemberWhen you were youg and the callow fallowTry to remember and if you rememberThen follow, followTry to remember when life was so tenderWhen no one worked exept the willowTry to remember when life was so tenderWhen dreams were kept beside your pillowTry to remeber when life was so tenderWhen love was an ember about to billowTry to remmber and if you rememberThen follow followDeep in december, it' s nice to rememberAlthought you know the snow will followDeep in december, it' s nice to rememberWithout the hurt the heart will followDeep in december it's nice to rememberThe fire of september that made you mellowDeep in december our hearts should rememberThen follow, follow
5:08 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Camomile Classics (2006) | |||||
4:57 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
4:41 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
3:51 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
3:49 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
4:24 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
4:08 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
5:23 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005)
Another night, another room Another shadow from a cloud against the moon An endless blue sky of stars Wherever my eyes turn, there you are Another day, another time Another moment like this, you were by my side But when the winds catch my hair Like earth and sea and sky, I know you're there There are things I wish I had taken time to say So many moments I let slip away But when the shahows fade With the morning light I can feel you're all right Somewhere in a land outside of time Somewhere only hearts can ever go Somewhere beyond words and ways and questions why We still hold the wonder of our love Seasons come, seasons go The world keeps turning, and I wonder if you know My heart of hearts is so full of dreams I believe that you're the one who'll give them wings Wherever you may be In that canopy of stars I know that you are not so very far Wherever life takes me I will carry you In every dream that comes true Somewhere in a land outside of time Somewhere only hearts can ever go Somewhere beyond words and ways and questions why We still hold the wonder of our love Somewhere in a land outside of time Somewhere between here and skies above Somewhere deep inside of us where hope never dies We still hold the wonder of our love Somewhere in a land outside of time Somewhere only hearts can ever go Somewhere deep inside of us where hope never dies We still hold the wonder of our love We still hold the wonder of our love |
3:58 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
4:29 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
3:21 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
4:33 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
3:37 | ||||
from Fujita Emi - Rembrandt Sky (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
The race of life is nearly o'er
And the night around me's falling As one by one the stars shine through I hear angel voices calling Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling When just a lad I roamed these hills From whence I take my parting And yet no place on earth's so dear As the land for which I'm starting Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling The gates of pearl, I see them now Everlasting morn has broken The victor's crown is on my brow Of olive branches woven Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
Desperado Why don`t you come to your senses
You`ve been out riding fences for so long now Oh you`re hard one But I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasing you Can hurt you somehow Don`t you draw the queen of diamond, boy She`ll be beat you if she`s able You know the queen of hearts Is always you best bet Well it seems to be some fine things Have been laid upon your table But You only want the things that you can get Desperado You know you ain`t getting younger Your pain and your hunger They`re driving you home And freedom, oh freedom Well, That`s just some people talking Your prison is walking Through this world all alone Don`t your feet get cold in the winter time The sky won`t snow and the sun won`t shine It`s hard to tell the night time from the day You`re losing all your highs and lows Ain`t it funny how the feeling goes away Desperado Why don`t you come to your senses Come down form your fences open the gate It may be raining but there`s rainbow above you You`d better let somebody love you Let somebody love you before it`s too late |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
Every breath you take
Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you Every single day Every word you say Every game you play Every night you stay I'll be watching you Oh can't you see you belong to me how my poor heart breaks with every step you take. Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake Every claim you stake I'll be watching you Since you've gone I been lost without a trace I dream at night I can only see your face I look around but it's you I can't replace I feel so cold and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby please. Oh can't you see you belong to me how my poor heart breaks with every step you take Every move you make Every vow you break Every smile you fake Every claim you stake I'll be watching you Every move you make Hmm Hmm HmM Hmm Hmm |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
You´ll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley You´ll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we walk in fields of gold So she took her love For to gaze awhile Upon the fields of barley In his arms she fell as her hair came down Among the fields of gold Will you stay with me, will you be my love Among the fields of barley We´ll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we lie in fields of gold See the west wind move like a lover so Upon the fields of barley Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth Among the fields of gold I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I´ve broken But I swear in the days still left We´ll walk in fields of gold We´ll walk in fields of gold Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold You´ll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,
we used to love while others used to play. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, someone else moved in from far away. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess who'll cry come first of May. The apple tree that grew for you and me, I watched the apples falling one by one. And as I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed your cheek and you were gone. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess who'll cry come first of May. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do ... Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, someone else moved in from far away. |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
From a distance the world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains, wide From a distance the ocean meets the stream And the eagle takes to flight From a distance, there is harmony And it echoes through the land It′s the voice of hope, its the voice of peace It′s the voice of every man From a distance, we all have enough And no one is in need And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease No hungry mouths to feed From a distance we are instruments Marching in the common band Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace They′re the songs of every man God is watching us...God is watching us... God is watching us...from a distance From a distance You look like my friend Even though we are at war From a distance I just cannot comprehend What all this fighting is for From a distance there is harmony And it echoes through the land And its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves Its the heart of every man Its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves This is the song of every man And God is watching us...God is watching us God is watching us, from a distance Oh God is watching us...God is watching us God is watching us...from a distance... |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged Oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all And the darkness inside you Can make you feel so small But I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful, Like a rainbow Show me a smile then, Don't be unhappy, can't remember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful, Like a rainbow |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
I see trees of green
red roses too I see them bloom for me and you and i think to muself what a wonderful world I see skies of bule and clouds of white the bright blessed day, dark sacred night and I think to myself, what a wonderful world the colors of the raindow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying "How do you do?" they're really saying "I love you" I hear babies crying, I watch them grow They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know But I think to myself what a wonderful world I think to myself what a wonderful world Hey, yeah, wonderful, wonderful world The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people passing by I see friends shakin’ hands saying “How do you do?” They’re really saying “I love you” I hear babies crying, I watch them grow They’ll learn much more than I’ll never know But I think to myself what a wonderful world I think to myself what a wonderful world Hey, yeah, wonderful, wonderful world |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005)
우리 만나지 못한지 얼마나 지났나요 出した手紙も今朝ポストに舞いもどった 보냈던 편지도 다시 돌아 왔어요 窓邊に搖れる目をさました若葉のように 창밖에 흔들리는 막 돋아난 어린잎처럼 長はを越え今ごろきづくなんて 긴긴 겨울이 지나고서야 깨달았어요 どんなに言葉にしても足りないくらい 말로는 아무리 해도 표현할수 없을만큼 あなた愛してくれたすべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 まるでひだまりでした 마치 따스한 햇살처럼 말이에요 菜の花もえる二人最後のフォトグラフ 유채꽃 흐드러진 꽃밭에서 우리둘이 찍은 사진 「送るからね」と約束はたせないけれど 「보낼게요」라고약속은못하지만 もしも今なら優しさもひたむきさも 지금이었다면 그대를 향한 내 마음 兩手にたばれて屆けられたのに 양손 가득 담아 건네줄수 있을텐데 それぞれ別別の人好きになっても 이런 사람 저런사람 만나 보아도 あなた殘してくれたすべて忘れないで 당신은 내게 알려주었지요. 誰かを愛せるように 누군가를사랑할수있도록 廣い空の下二度と逢えなくても生きてゆくの 넓은 하늘 아래 두번다시 만날수 없어도 살아 가죠 こんな私のこと心から 이런 나를 마음속 깊이 あなた愛してくれた すべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 まるで ひだまりでした 마치 따스한 햇살처럼 말이에요 あなた愛してくれた すべて包んでくれた 당신은 나를 사랑해 주고 감싸 주었어요 それはひだまりでした 그건 바로 따스한 햇살 이었어요 |
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from Fujita Emi - Lullaby Of Camomlle~Live In Singapore~ [live] (2005) | |||||
3:52 | ||||
from 로맨틱 Cf & Drama - Wishes (2005)
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged Oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all And the darkness inside you Can make you feel so small But I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful, Like a rainbow Show me a smile then, Don't be unhappy, can't remember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful, Like a rainbow |
4:01 | ||||
from 로맨틱 Cf & Drama - Wishes (2005)
to moonn6pence from shootingstar(papayeverte)
가사작성및 해석출처...papayeverte I looked in the sky and there I saw a star shining so bright above 나는하늘을올려다봤어요.. 그곳에서..밝게빛나고있는별을보았죠 I closed my eyes and wished upon a star that I would find true love 나는눈을감고별에게소원을빌었어요 참된사랑을찾게해달고... Someone who needed me 나를필요로하는누군가를... Someone to share my life 내인생을함께할...그누군가를찾게해달라고.. For a love that would be true I would wait forever 그참된사랑을위해서 나는영원히기다리겠어요. So no matter how long it may be I will be waiting 내가기다리는데긴시간은중요치않아요. One star-brighter than the others 다른어떤별보다도...더빛나는별... Two hearts-beating for each other I believe wishes really do come true 두심장이서로를위해뛸것이라는 일이 사실로될것을나는믿습니다. Love at first sight 첫눈에반한사랑... I knew it from the moment when you said hello I hoped you felt it too 난당신이내게...첨인사를했던그순간부터알았어요.. 나도...당신이같은느낌이길바랬죠 but we were both so shy-how was I to know 그러나우리는서로부끄러워했다는걸알았어요 When you reached for my hand I knew you were the one 당신이나에게손을내밀었을때.. 나는알았어요 당신이바로그사람임을... We laughed and talked for hours like I'd known you forever 우린마치오랫동안알고있었던사이처럼... 웃고얘기했죠 Like a dream or something from a book 마치...소설에나나올법한꿈처럼...참사랑이내게왔어요 True love has found me 참사랑이...내게왔어요.. One star-brighter than the others 다른어떤별보다도밝은하나의별.. Two hearts-beating for each other 서로를향해두근거리는두마음.. Now I see wishes really do come true 이제난진실로내가바라던것이이루어졌다는걸알겠어요 You just have to dream 당신도꿈을가져야해요 Nothing's as bad as it seems to be Believe me 나쁜일은없을겁니다 나를믿으세요 Someone's waiting for you to try there in the sky 당신이노력해주길...누군가기다리고있어요 One star-brighter than the others 다른어떤별보다도빛나는하나의별.. Two hearts-beating for each other 두심장이서로를향해뜁니다. You will see wishes really do come true 당신의소원들이정말로이루어짐을알게될거에요 You can't stop believing-wishes do come true 그꿈이현실로이뤄질것임을의심치말아요.. You gotta believe me wishes do come true 당신은내가당신이바라던것을이루게해줄것을... 믿으세요... 기타와 작곡을 담당하는 남편 '후지타 타카시이'와 작사와 보컬을 맡고 있는 '후지타 에미'의 부부 듀엣 'Le Couple'. 불어로 부부라는 의미인 Le Couple(르꾸쁠)은 자연스러움을 기본으로 공기와 같이 부드러운 포크 사운드를 만들어 내고 있다. |
4:11 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:21 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:19 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
3:42 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:13 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:56 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:04 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004)
すてきな物語 (스테키나오하나시) 멋진 이야기 すずらんの風と スキップして (스즈란노카제토 스킵-푸시테) 은방울꽃 바람과 뛰어넘고 「ようこそ」お日?も 先回りした (요오코소오히사마모 사키마와리시타) "안녕"하고 햇님도 주위를 돌고 優しい香りに 思わずSMILE AGAIN (야사시이카오리니 오모와즈 SMILE AGAIN) 부드러운 향기에 나도 모르게 SMILE AGAIN 一?に見たいね すてきな物語 (잇쇼니미타이네 스테키나오하나시) 함께 듣고 싶어요 멋진 이야기 昨日よりも また今日は (키노오요리모 마타쿄오와) 어제보다도 오늘은 一日が ?がしそうよ (이치니치가 사와가시소오요) 하루가 더 바쁜 것 같아요 何もかもが 新しいときめきで (나니모카모가 아타라시이토키메키데) 언제나 새로운 설레임으로 あなたを待ってる (아나타오맛-테루) 당신을 기다려요 手をつなごうよ はぐれないよに (테오츠나고오요 하구레나이요니) 손을 잡아요 떨어지지 않게 ずっと見守っているよ (즛-토미마못-테이루요) 언제나 지켜줄게요 ねえ 歌おうよ SHA LA LA LA LA (네에 우오오요 SHA LA LA LA LA) 자 노래불러요 SHA LA LA LA LA 生まれて初めての歌 (우마레테하지메테노우타) 태어나서 처음으로 부르는 노래 すずらんの風と スキップして (스즈란노카제토 스킵-푸시테) 은방울꽃 바람과 뛰어넘고 「ようこそ」お日?も 先回りした (요오코소오히사마모 사키마와리시타) "안녕"하고 햇님도 주위를 돌고 優しい香りに 思わずSMILE AGAIN (야사시이카오리니 오모와즈 SMILE AGAIN) 부드러운 향기에 나도 모르게 SMILE AGAIN 一?に見たいね すてきな物語 (잇쇼니미타이네 스테키나오하나시) 함께 듣고 싶어요 멋진 이야기 泣いたカラスが 夢のなか (나이타카라스가 유메노나카) 꿈 속에서 울고 있던 까마귀도 クスクスともう笑ってる (쿠스쿠스토모오와랏-테루) 이젠 웃음을 찾았어요 うまく行かない事は まだ (우마쿠유카나이코토와 마다) 잘 되지 않는 일은 아직 これからもいろいろあるけど (코레카라모이로이로아루케도) 앞으로도 여러가지일거에요 でも大丈夫 どんな事でも (데모다이죠오부 돈나코토데모) 하지만 괜찬아요 어떠한 일이라도 信じて 受け止めてあげる (신-지테 우케토메테아게루) 믿고 받아드릴거에요 だって嬉しいよ あなたといると (닷-테우레시이요 아나타토이루토) 하지만 기뻐요 당신과 있으면 私も ときめいて行く (와타시모 토키메이데유쿠) 저도 두근거려요 すずらんの風と スキップして (스즈란노카제토 스킵-푸시테) 은방울꽃 바람과 뛰어넘고 「ようこそ」お日?も 先回りした (요오코소오히사마모 사키마와리시타) "안녕"하고 햇님도 주위를 돌고 優しい香りに 思わずSMILE AGAIN (야사시이카오리니 오모와즈 SMILE AGAIN) 부드러운 향기에 나도 모르게 SMILE AGAIN 一?に見たいね すてきな物語 (잇쇼니미타이네 스테키나오하나시) 함께 듣고 싶어요 멋진 이야기 すずらんの風と スキップして (스즈란노카제토 스킵-푸시테) 은방울꽃 바람과 뛰어넘고 「ようこそ」お日?も 先回りした (요오코소오히사마모 사키마와리시타) "안녕"하고 햇님도 주위를 돌고 優しい香りに 思わずSMILE AGAIN (야사시이카오리니 오모와즈 SMILE AGAIN) 부드러운 향기에 나도 모르게 SMILE AGAIN 一?に見たいね すてきな物語 (잇쇼니미타이네) 함께 듣고 싶어요 すてきな物語 x 3 (스테키나오하나시) x 3 멋진 이야기 x 3 |
4:10 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004)
逢えなくなってどれくらいたつのでしょう 아에나쿠낫테도레쿠라이타츠노데쇼- 만나지못하게된후로얼마나흘렀나요 出した手紙も今朝ポストに舞いもどった 다시타테카미모케사포스토니마이모돗타 보낸편지도오늘아침우체국으로돌아왔어요 窓邊に搖れる目をさました若葉のように 마도베니유레루메오사마시타와카바노요-니 창문가에서흔들리는눈을뜬어린잎처럼 長はを越え今ごろきづくなんて 나가이후유오코에이마고로키즈쿠난테 긴겨울의지나이제서야깨닫다니 どんなに言葉にしても足りないくらい 돈나니코토바니시테모타리나이쿠라이 얼마나말로표현한다고해도모자랄만큼 あなた愛してくれたすべて包んでくれた 아나타아이시테쿠레타스베테츠츤데쿠레타 그대가사랑해주었어요모든것을감싸주었어요 まるでひだまりでした 마루데히다마리데시타 마치햇빛이잘드는양지같았어요 菜の花もえる二人最後のフォトグラフ 나노하나모에루후타리사이고노포토그라프 평지의꽃이싹트는둘의마지막사진 「送るからね」と約束はたせないけれど 「오쿠루카라네」토야쿠소쿠와다세나이케레도 「보낼게」라고약속은못하지만 もしも今なら優しさもひたむきさも 모시모이마나라야사시사모히타무키사모 지금이라면다정함도열중함도 兩手にたばれて屆けられたのに 료-테니타바레테토도레라레타노니 양손에담아전할수있었을것을 それぞれ別別の人好きになっても 소레조레베츠베츠노히토스키니낫테모 각양각색의사람을좋아하게되어도 あなた殘してくれたすべて忘れないで 아나타노코시테쿠레타스베테와스레나이데 그대가남겨주었어요모든것을잊지않고 誰かを愛せるように 다레카오아이세루요-니 누군가를사랑할수있도록 廣い空の下二度と逢えなくても生きてゆくの 히로이소라노시타니도토아에나쿠테모이키테유쿠노 넓은하늘아래두번다시만날수없는채살아가는거죠 こんな私のこと心から 콘나와타시노코토코코로카라 이런나를마음깊숙히부터 あなた愛してくれた すべて包んでくれた 아나타아이시테쿠레타스베테츠츤데쿠레타 그대가사랑해주었어요모든것을감싸주었어요 まるで ひだまりでした 마루데히다마리데시타 마치햇빛이잘드는양지같았어요 あなた愛してくれたすべて包んでくれた 아나타아이시테쿠레타스베테츠츤데쿠레타 그대가사랑해주었어요모든것을감싸주었어요 それはひだまりでした 소레와히다마리데시타 그것은햇빛이잘드는양지같았어요 |
3:46 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004)
あなたと巡り合って初めて愛いする意味を知った 아나타토메구리앗테하지메테아이스루이미오싯타 그대와 우연히 만나서 처음으로 사랑하는 의미를 알았어요. 差し出す手のひらが溫かい 사시다스테노히라가아타타카이 내미는 손바닥이 따뜻해요. 溫もりをありがとう 누쿠모리오아리카토오 온기를 감사해요. 肩ふれる度に今をときめく 카타가후레루타비니이마오토키메쿠 어깨가 닿을 때마다 지금을 두근거려요. もうこれからは同じ道を步けないのに 모-코레카라와오나지미치오아루케나이노니 이제 지금부터는 같은 길을 걸을 수 없는 걸요. いつも側にいたいと困らせたね 이츠모소바니이타이토코마라세타네 언제나 곁에 있고 싶다고 곤란하게 했죠. かなえなくてもいいからね 카나에나쿠테모이이카라네 이루어지지 않아도 괜찮으니까요. あたしの夢は 와타시노유메와 내 꿈은 どうして二つの夢は一つに重ならないの 도시테후타츠노유메와히토츠니카사나라나이노 어째서 두 개의 꿈은 한 개로 겹칠 수 없는 건가요. 寄り添うだけで幸せだったあの日には歸れない 요리소우다케데시아와세닷타아노히니와카에레나이 곁에 있는 것만으로도 행복했던 그 날로는 돌아갈 수 없어요. 今でも好きだって言ってくれた 이마데모스키닷테잇테쿠레타 지금도 좋아한다고 말해 주었어요. 同じ氣持ち隱してるよ二人のために 오나지키모치카쿠시테루요후타리노타메니 같은 기분을 숨기고 있어요. 두 사람을 위해서 本當に大好きだからきっと何も見えなかった 혼토니다이스키다카라킷토나니모미에나캇타 정말 좋아하니까 분명 아무 것도 보이지 않았어요. あなたの描く夢壞してるわたしになってた事 아나타노에가쿠유메코와시테루와타시니낫테타코토 당신이 그리는 꿈을 부숴 버리는 내가 되었던 것. 微笑んでるあなたの顔もう會えないのね 호호엔데루아나타노카오모-아에나이노네 미소짓고 있는 그대의 얼굴도 이젠 만날 수 없네요. 本當に大好きだからきっと何も見えなかった 혼토니다이스키다카라킷토나니모미에나캇타 정말 좋아하니까 분명 아무 것도 보이지 않았어요. 差し出す手のひらが溫かい 사시다스테노히라가아타타카이 내미는 손바닥이 따뜻해요. 溫もりをありがとう 누쿠모리오아리가토오 온기를 감사해요. 差し出す手のひらが溫かい 사시다스테노히라가아타타카이 내미는 손바닥이 따뜻해요. 溫もりをありがとう 누쿠모리오아리가토오 온기를 감사해요. |
5:10 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004)
人波流れて行く hitmonami nagarete yuku 週末の交差点で感じたよ shuumatsuno kousatennde kannjitayo ねえ 解けてく靴紐そのままで ne toketeku kutsuhimo sono mamade かけよるその姿をこのまま見ていよう kakeyoru sono sugata kono mama mite iyou だからいっしょに暮らしたいって dakara isshoni kurashitai tte 素直に思った sunaoni omotta もっと幸せに私がしてあげるから motto shiawaseni watashiga shite ageru kara たとえば雨の日曜 tatoeba ameno nichiyou 聞かせてほしい kikasete hoshii 子供の頃にみた夢なんか kodomono koroni mita yume nanka そんな日もたのしいじゃない sonna himo tanoshii jyanai 二人で探したいの futaride sagashitaino 特別でささやかな喜びを tokubetsude sasayakana yorokobiwo ずっと一人旅 zutto itori tabi みちくさしたりして michikusa shitari shite きままなこの道もあなたへつづいてた kimamana kono michimo anatani tsuzuiteta だからいっしょに暮らしたいって dakara isshoni kurashitai tte 初めて思った hajimete omotta もっとけんかだってすると思うけど motto kennka datte suruto omoukedo 大きなシ-ツを干しで ookina shi-tsuwo hoshide 空を仰ごう sorawo aogou たいくつで笑っちゃう一時を taikutsude waracchau hitotokiwo 二人なら過ごせるかもね futarinara sugoseru kamone 早くいっしょに暮らしたいって hayaku isshoni kurashitai tte 素直に思った sunoani omotta もっと幸せに私がしてあげるから motto shiawaseni watashiga shite agerukara たとえば雨の日曜 tatoeba ameno nichiyou 聞かせてほしい kikasete hoshii 子供の頃にみた夢なんか kodomono koroni mita yume nanka そんな日もたのしいじゃない sonna himo tanoshii jyanai そんな日もたのしいじゃない sonna himo tanoshii jyanai たのしいじゃない tanoshii jyanai *aska* |
5:03 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:04 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:09 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:14 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:00 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:29 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004) | |||||
4:10 | ||||
from Le Couple - 10年物語 (2004)
金色に光る波しぶき 沖を飛ぶカモメ達 금빛에빛나는 파도물보라 앞바다를 나는 갈매기들 おだやかな潮風の中で 私に微笑みかける人 부드러운 앞바다파도속에 나에게웃기시작하는 사람 ずっと友達でいつから こいびとになったの 계속 친구로 언제부터 애인이 되었을까 きづけばそばに いつもあなたがいて 깨달으면 곁에는 항상 당신이 있어서 優しく見守ってくれていた 상냥하게 지켜주고있었어요 ありがとう 고마워요 あなたに逢えてよかった こんなに素直になれた 당신을 만나서 좋았어요 이렇게 솔직하게 되었어요 こいに泣いていたあの頃 夜更けの電話さえも 사랑에 울고 있던 그무렵 깊은밤의 전화조차도 何も聞かずに隣にのせて よく海へ飛ばしてくれた 무엇도 듣지않은체 옆에타고 좋게(자주)바다에 날려주었어요. あれからいくつの季節を 見送ってきたの 그로부터 얼마의 계절을 보내왔을까 それでもそばに いつもあなたがいて 그래도 곁에는 항상 당신이 있어서 かわらず見守ってくれている 변함없이 지켜봐주고 있어요 うれしい 기뻐요 あなたに逢えてうれしい 少し遠回りしたけれど 당신을 만나서기뻐요 조금 (일부러) 멀리돌아가있어도 ありがとう 고마워요 あなたに逢えてよかった こんなに素直になれた 당신을 만나서 좋았어요 이렇게 솔직하게 되었어요 きづけばそばに いつもあながいて 알아차리면 곁에는 항상 당신이 있어서 優しく見守ってくれていた 상냥하게 지켜봐주고 있엇어요 うれしい あなたに逢えてうれしい 기뻐요 당신을 만나서 기뻐요 少し遠回りしたけれど 조금 (일부러)멀리있어도 ありがとう 고마워요 あなたに逢えてよかった こんなに素直になれた 당신을 만나서 좋았어요 이렇게 솔직하게 되었어요 こんなに素直になれた あなたに逢えてよかった 이렇게 솔직하게 되었어요 당신을 만나서 좋았어요 틀린점 있더라도 너그러이 이해해주시구요..되도록이면 의역을 하지 않고 의미전달에 되게할려구했어요. 음독은 달지 않았습니다. |
4:18 | ||||
from Camomile Blend (2004)
The race of life is nearly o'er
And the night around me's falling As one by one the stars shine through I hear angel voices calling Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling When just a lad I roamed these hills From whence I take my parting And yet no place on earth's so dear As the land for which I'm starting Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling The gates of pearl, I see them now Everlasting morn has broken The victor's crown is on my brow Of olive branches woven Bright beings come to welcome me To my eternal dwelling Though once hard-pressed, all that fills my breast Is joy beyond the telling |
4:48 | ||||
from Camomile Blend (2004)
Though I a wanderer be,
No home on land or sea. Still my heart returns to thee silent reverie. Though on Scotland’s bonnie shore, My feet shall tread no more. When I die will you bury me? Beneath a rowan tree. I love thy frosty morn. Where the hunter winds his horn, And thy heathered moors and glens, I’ll not roam again. Though on Scotland’s purple breast, I no longer take my rest. When I die, will you bury me? Beneath a rowan tree. At brave Culloden’s stand, Highland blood like water ran 30,000 pounds upon my head For dear life I fled. Oh but though no crown I won, I’ll always be your native son. So when I die, will you bury me? Beneath a rowan tree. Beneath a rowan tree. |
1:20 | ||||
from Camomile Blend (2004) |