뮤지컬 배우 서태경은 예술 고등학교를 거쳐 장학생으로 음대와 경희대 석사를 졸업하였으며 뛰어난 실력으로 인정받는 가수이자 배우이다. KBS, MBC, SBS, TJB, JTV, CTS, CBS 등 다수 방송 출연과 CBS 복음성가대회에서 대상을 비롯한 많은 경연에서 수상하였고 작곡에도 능한 싱어송라이터 가수로서 다수의 앨범을 발표하였다. 그의 앨범으로는 ‘알 것 같아’, ‘떠나보낼게’, ‘주의 빛’, ‘가장 낮은 땅 위에’, ‘내게 임하시네’, ‘오월 MAY’, ‘HEAVENLY FATHER’ 가 있으며, 뮤지컬 세종대왕 이도, 뮤지컬 흥부 The Hero, 뮤지컬 The Producer, 뮤지컬 We Are The Stars 앨범에도 참여하였다. 4옥타브를 넘나드는 음역과 사람의 마음을 움직이는 보이스로 어떤 곡이든 자신만의 스타일로 소화해 내며 대체불가한 그만의 독보적인 매력으로 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 뮤지컬 사운드 오브 뮤직, 가스펠, 스크루 테이프의 편지, 세례요한, 황제의 눈물, 그 해 가을, 김해성의 4일, 그해 그들은 등 다수 작품에서 주역을 연기하며 팝, 오페라, 팝페라, 연극까지 다양한 분야에서 자신의 영역을 확장시키며 그만이 가진 예술적 능력들을 발산하며 활발히 활동하고 있다.
Musical actor Tae-kyung, Seo is a talented singer and actor who graduated as a scholarship student from an art high school, received a bachelor's degree from a music college, and a master's degree from Kyung Hee University. He is recognized for his exceptional skills in both singing and acting. He has appeared on many TV broadcasts such as KBS, MBC, SBS, TJB, JTV, CTS, and CBS, and has won awards at many competitions including the CBS Gospel Song Contest. He has released numerous albums as a singer-songwriter, including "I Know," "I'll Let You Go," "The Light of the Lord," "On the Lowest Ground," "Abide With Me," "May," and "HEAVENLY FATHER." He has also participated in various musical albums such as "Musical King Sejong Lee Do," "Hongbu the Hero," "The Producer," and "We Are The Stars.
With a vocal range that exceeds four octaves and a voice that moves people's hearts, he can express any song in his own unique style. He also has a unique and irreplaceable charm that is loved by many. He has played leading roles in many works such as "The Sound of Music," "Godspell," "The Letter of Scrutape," "John the Baptist," "Tears of the Emperor," "That Year's Autumn," "The Four-Day Siege of Castle Kimhae," and "That Year, They." He has expanded his artistic abilities in various fields, from pop to opera, popera, and theater, and is actively engaged in demonstrating his talents. .... ....