Stephen Cleobury

Stephen Cleobury    
1990s -
1948년 12월 31일 / 영국


[Disc 1]
1. Symphony - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 1. Messiah - First Version of 1752; Edited by Donald Burrows - Part 1 - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 2. 1. Accompagnato: Comfort Ye, My People - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 3. 2. Air: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 4. 3. Chorus: And The Glory of The Lord - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 5. 4. Accompagnato: Thus Saith The Lord - Alastair Miles, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 6. 5. Air: But Who May Abide The Day of His Coming - Hilary Summers, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 7. 6. Chorus: And He Shall Purify The Sons of Levi - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 8. 7. Recitative: Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive - Hilary Summers, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 9. 8. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion - Hilary Summers, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 10. Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 11. 10. Accompagnato: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover - Alastair Miles, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 12. 11. Air: The People That Walked In Darkness - Alastair Miles, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 13. 12. Chorus: For Unto Us a Child Is Born - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 14. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 15. 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds - Accompagnato: And Lo, The Angel of The Lord - Recitative: And The Angel Said Unto Them - Accompagnato: And Suddenly - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 16. 15. Chorus: Glory to God In The Highest - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 17. 16. Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 18. 17a. Recitative: Then Shall The Eyes of The Blind - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 19. 18a. Duet: He Shall Feed His Flock - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 20. 19. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 20. Messiah - First Version of 1752; Edited by Donald Burrows - Part 2 - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 21. 21. Air: He was despised - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 22. 20. Chorus: Behold The Lamb of God - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 23. 22. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 24. 23. Chorus: And with His Stripes We Are Healed - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 25. 24. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort
[Disc 2]
1. 25. Accompagnato: All They That See Him - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 2. 26. Chorus: He Trusted In God - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 3. 27. Recit - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 4. 28. Arioso: Behold and See - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 5. 29. Accompagnato: He Was Cut Off - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 6. 30. Aria: But Thou Didst Not Leave - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 7. 31. Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 8. 32. Recitative: Unto Which of The Angels - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 9. Part 2 33. Chorus: Let All The Angels of God - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 10. 34a. Air: Thou Art Gone Up On High - Hilary Summers, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 11. 35. Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 12. 36. Air: How Beautiful Are The Feet - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 13. 37a. Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 14. 38. Air: Why Do The Nations - Alastair Miles, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 15. 39. Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 16. 40. Recitative: He That Dwelleth In Heaven - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 17. 41. Air: Thou Shalt Break Them - John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 18. 42. Chorus: Hallelujah - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 19. 43. Air: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 19. Messiah - First Version of 1752; Edited by Donald Burrows - Part 3 - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 20. 44. Chorus: Since by Man Came Death - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 21. 45. Accompagnato: Behold, I Tell You a Mystery - Alastair Miles, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 22. 46. Air: The trumpet shall sou - Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 23. 47. Recitative: Then Shall Be Brought to Pass - Hilary Summers, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 24. 48. Duet: O Death Where Is Thy Sting? - Hilary Summers, John Mark Ainsley, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 25. 49. Chorus: But Thanks Be to God - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 26. 50. Air: If God Be For Us - Lynne Dawson, Stephen Cleobury, The Brandenburg Consort / 27. 51. Worthy Is The Lamb - Blessing and Honour - - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort / 28. Amen - Cambridge King'S College Choir, Stephen Cleobury, The Boys Of King'S College Choir, Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort
[Disc 1]
1. Gabrieli : Quem Vidistis Pastores A 12, C 77 / 2. Gabrieli : Canzona Iv A 6 From Canzoni Et Sonate [1615] / 3. Gabrieli : O Jesu Mi Dulcissime Ii [Gumpelzhaimer Ms] / 4. Gabrieli : Canzona Per Sonar A 4 [1608] / 5. Gabrieli : Jubilate Deo / 6. Gabrieli : In Ecclesiis A 14 [C78] / 7. Gabrieli : Timor Et Tremor (C142) Motette / 8. Gabrieli : O Magnum Mysterium / 9. Gabrieli : Canzon Xii A 8
[Disc 1]
1. Howells : Canticles Mattins - Te Deum / 2. Howells : Canticles Mattins - Jubilate / 3. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Kyrie / 4. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Credo / 5. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Sanctus / 6. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Benedictus / 7. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Agnus Dei / 8. Howells : Canticles Communion Service - Gloria / 9. Howells : Pslam-preludes Op.32 / Set One (1915-16) - Pslam 37 V11 / 10. Howells : Preces And Responses - O Lord Open Thou Our Lips / 11. Howells : Pslam 121 / 12. Howells : Pslam 122 / 13. Howells : Canticles Evensong - Magnificat / 14. Howells : Canticles Evensong - Nunc Dimittis / 15. Howells : Preces And Responses - The Lord Be With You / 16. Howells : Take Him, Earth For Cherishing [1963] / 17. Howells : Three Rhapsodies Op.17 (1915-18) - No.3
[Disc 1]
1. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - I. Allegro : Dixit Dominus / 2. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Ii. Largo : Donec Ponam / 3. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Iii. Allegro : Virgam Virtutis Tuae / 4. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Iv. Andante : Tecum Principium / 5. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - V. Adagio - Allegro : Juravit / 6. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Vi. Allegro : Dominus A Dextris Tuis / 7. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Vii. Largo - Allegro Molto : Judicabit / 8. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Viii. Andante : De Torrente / 9. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - Ix. Allegro : Gloria Patri / 10. Vivaldi : Pslam 109 R.594 'Dixit Dominus' - X. Allegro : Sicut Erat / 11. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - I. Allegro : Beatus Vir / 12. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Ii. Allegro Non Molto : Potens In Terra / Allegro (Antifonia) : Beatus Vir / 13. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Iii. Allegro : Gloria Et Divitiae / 14. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Iv. Andante Molto : Exortum Est / 15. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - V. Allegro : Jucundus Homo / Allegro (Antifonia) : Beatus Vir / 16. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Vi. Andante Molto : In Memoria Aeterna / Allegro (Antifonia) : Beatus Vir / 17. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Vii. Allegro : Paratum Cor / 18. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Viii. Largo - Presto : Peccator Videbit / Allegro (Antifonia) : Beatus Vir / 19. Vivaldi : Pslam 111 R.597 'Beatus Vir' - Ix. Allegro : Gloria Patri
[Disc 1]
1. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - New Hills And Lochs And Shores / 2. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - The Mild Circle Of The Sun / 3. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - We Rowed Blindly North And North / 4. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Green Whirls Of Melted Ice / 5. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - The Hills, The Skies, The Sweet And The Salt Waters / 6. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Earth Breakers, Hewers Of Mighty Stone / 7. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Circles Of Stone On The Blank Moor / 8. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Solstice Of Light / 9. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - The Celtic Priests / 10. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - The White Weave Of Peace / 11. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Hawkship / 12. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Norsemen / 13. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Invocation Of The Dove / 14. Maxwell Davies : Solstice Of Light - Prayer For These Islands : New Troves / 15. Maxwell Davies : Five Carols - I. / 16. Maxwell Davies : Five Carols - Ii. / 17. Maxwell Davies : Five Carols - Iii. / 18. Maxwell Davies : Five Carols - Iv. / 19. Maxwell Davies : Five Carols - V. / 20. Maxwell Davies : Hymn To The Word Of God
[Disc 1]
1. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Processeon / 2. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Wolcom Yule! / 3. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - There Is No Rose / 4. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - That Yonge Child / 5. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Balulalow / 6. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - As Dew In Aprille / 7. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - This Little Babe / 8. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Interlude / 9. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - In Freezing Winter Night / 10. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Spring Carol / 11. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Deo Gracias / 12. Britten : Ceremony Of Carols Op.28 - Recesseon / 13. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 - Rejoice In God, O Ye Tongues / 14. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 - For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffrey / 15. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 For The Mouse Is A Creature Of Great Personal Valour / 16. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 For The Flowers Are Great Blessings / 17. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 - For I Am Under The Same Accusation / 18. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 - For H Is The Spirit / 19. Britten : Rejoice In The Lamb Op.30 - Hallelujah / 20. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - A Boy Was Born [Theme] / 21. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 1 : Lullay, Jesu / 22. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 2 : Herod / 23. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 3 : Jesu As Thou Art Our Saviour / 24. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 4 : The Three Kings / 25. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 5 : In The Bleak Mid-winter / 26. Britten : A Boy Was Born Op.3 - Variation 6 : Finale - Noel!
[Disc 1]
1. Bob Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 2. Richard Rodney Bennett: On Christmas Day To My Heart - Choir Of King`S College / 3. Judith Bingham: God Would Be Born In Thee - Choir Of King`S College / 4. Arvo Part: Bogoroditse Dyevo (Mother Of God And Virgin) - Choir Of King`S College / 5. Jonathan Harvey: The Angels - Choir Of King`S College / 6. Lennox Berkeley: In Wintertime Op.103 - Choir Of King`S College / 7. Robin Holloway: Christmas Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 8. Jonathan Dove: The Three Kings - Choir Of King`S College / 9. John Rutter: What Sweeter Music - Choir Of King`S College / 10. John Casken: A Gathering - Choir Of King`S College / 11. Judith Weir: Illuminare, Jerusalem (Jerusalem Rejos For Joy) - Choir Of King`S College / 12. Peter Maxwell Davies: One Star, At Last - Choir Of King`S College / 13. Alexander Goehr: Carol For St Steven - Choir Of King`S College / 14. Peter Sculthorpe: The Birthday Of Thy King - Choir Of King`S College / 15. Giles Swayne: Winter Solstice Carol - Choir Of King`S College
[Disc 2]
1. James Macmillan: Seinte Mari Moder Milde - Choir Of King`S College / 2. Harrison Birtwistle: The Gleam - Choir Of King`S College / 3. Diana Burrell: Christo Paremus Cantica - Choir Of King`S College / 4. John Woolrich: Spring In Winter - Choir Of King`S College / 5. Thomas Ades: Fayrfax Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 6. Nicholas Maw: Swete˙ Jesu - Choir Of King`S College / 7. Stephen Paulus: Pilgrim Jesus - Choir Of King`S College
[Disc 1]
1. Nowell We Sing Now [Holten] - BBC Singers / 2. From Lands That See The Sun Arise [Martland] - BBC Singers / 3. Make We Joy [Martland] - BBC Singers / 4. There Is No Rose of Such Virtue [Martland] - BBC Singers / 5. I Wonder As I Wander [Rütti] - BBC Singers / 6. Illuminaire, Jerusalem [Weir] - BBC Singers / 7. The Shepherd's Gift [Bingham] - BBC Singers / 8. Corpus Christi Carol [Grier] - BBC Singers / 9. The Fayrfax Carol [Adès] - BBC Singers / 10. The Shepherds Sing [Susa] - BBC Singers / 11. Nativitas [Belmont] - BBC Singers / 12. Seinte Mari Moder Milde [MacMillan] - BBC Singers / 13. Today The Virgin [Tavener] - BBC Singers / 14. Oczekiwanie (Waiting) [Kornowicz] - BBC Singers / 15. Carol [Bennett] - BBC Singers / 16. One Star, At Last [Davies] - BBC Singers / 17. O Magnum Mysterium [Harbison] - BBC Singers / 18. Sleep, Little Jesus, Sleep [Panufnik] - BBC Singers / 19. Romance of The Angels [Goodall] - BBC Singers / 20. Mrs. Beeton's Christmas Plum Pudding [Harle] - BBC Singers
[Disc 1]
1. The Sheperd's Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 2. On Christmas Day To My Heart - Choir Of King`S College / 3. God Would Be Born In Thee - Choir Of King`S College / 4. Bogoroditse Dyevo - Choir Of King`S College / 5. The Angels - Choir Of King`S College / 6. In Wintertime - Choir Of King`S College / 7. Christmas Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 8. The Three Kings - Choir Of King`S College / 9. What Sweeter Music - Choir Of King`S College / 10. A Gathering - Choir Of King`S College / 11. Illuminare, Jerusalem - Choir Of King`S College / 12. One Star, At Last - Choir Of King`S College / 13. Carol For St. Steven - Choir Of King`S College / 14. The Birthday Of Thy King - Choir Of King`S College / 15. Winter Solstice Carol - Choir Of King`S College
[Disc 2]
1. Seinte Mari Moder Milde - Choir Of King`S College / 2. The Gleam - Choir Of King`S College / 3. Christo Paremus Cantica - Choir Of King`S College / 4. Spring In Winter - Choir Of King`S College / 5. Fayrfax Carol - Choir Of King`S College / 6. Swete Jesu - Choir Of King`S College / 7. Pilgrim Jesus - Choir Of King`S College
[Disc 1]
1. Sinfonia - George Friedrich Handel / 2. Recitative-tenor : Comfort Ye My People - George Friedrich Handel / 3. Aria-tenor : Ev`ry Valley Shall Be Exalted - George Friedrich Handel / 4. Chorus : And The Glory, The Glory Of The Lord - George Friedrich Handel / 5. Recitative-bass : Thus Said The Lord - George Friedrich Handel / 6. Aria-bass : But Who May Abide - George Friedrich Handel / 7. Chorus : And He Shall Purify - George Friedrich Handel / 8. Recitative-alto : Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - George Friedrich Handel / 9. Aria-alto & Chorus : O Thou That Tellest - George Friedrich Handel / 10. Recitative-bass : For Behold, Darkness Shall Come Over The Earth - George Friedrich Handel / 11. Aria-bass : The People That Walked In Darkness - George Friedrich Handel / 12. Chorus : For Unto Us A Child Is Born - George Friedrich Handel / 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) - George Friedrich Handel / 14. Recitative-soprano : There Were Shepherds - George Friedrich Handel / 15. Recitative-soprano : And The Angels Said Unto Them - George Friedrich Handel / 16. Recitative-soprano : And Suddenlly There Was With The Angel - George Friedrich Handel / 17. Chorus : Glory To God In The Highest - George Friedrich Handel / 18. Aria-soprano : Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion - George Friedrich Handel / 19. Recitative-alto : Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind - George Friedrich Handel / 20. Duet Alto & Soprano : And He Shall Feed His Flock - George Friedrich Handel / 21. Chorus : His Yoke Is Easy - George Friedrich Handel / 22. Part 2 : Chorus : Behold The Lamb Of - George Friedrich Handel / 23. Aria-alto : He Was Despised - George Friedrich Handel
[Disc 2]
1. Chorus : Surely He Hath Borne Our Grieves - George Friedrich Handel / 2. Chorus : And With His Stripes We Are Healed - George Friedrich Handel / 3. Chorus : All We Like Sheep - George Friedrich Handel / 4. Recitative-tenor : All They That See Him - George Friedrich Handel / 5. Chorus : He Trusted In God - George Friedrich Handel / 6. Recitative-tenor : Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His - George Friedrich Handel / 7. Aria-tenor : Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow - George Friedrich Handel / 8. Recitative-tenor : He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land - George Friedrich Handel / 9. Aria-tenor : But Thou Didst Not Leave - George Friedrich Handel / 10. Chorus : Lift Up Your Heads - George Friedrich Handel / 11. Recitative-tenor : Unto Which Of The Angels - George Friedrich Handel / 12. Chorus : Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him - George Friedrich Handel / 13. Aria-alto : Thou Art Gone Up On High - George Friedrich Handel / 14. Chorus : The Lord Gave The Word - George Friedrich Handel / 15. Aria-soprano : How Beautiful Are The Feet - George Friedrich Handel / 16. Chorus : Their Sound Is Gone Out - George Friedrich Handel / 17. Aria-bass : Why Do The Nations? - George Friedrich Handel / 18. Chorus : Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder - George Friedrich Handel / 19. Recitative-tenor : He That Dwelleth In Heaven - George Friedrich Handel / 20. Aria-tenor : Thou Shalt Break Them - George Friedrich Handel / 21. Chorus : Hallelujah! - George Friedrich Handel / 22. Part 3 : Aria-soprano : I Know That My Redeemer - George Friedrich Handel / 23. Chorus : Since By Man Came Death - George Friedrich Handel / 24. Recitative-bass : Behold, I Tell You A Mystery - George Friedrich Handel / 25. Aria-bass : The Trumpet Shall Sound - George Friedrich Handel / 26. Recitative-alto : Then Shall Be Brought To Pass - George Friedrich Handel / 27. Duet Alto & Tenor : O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? - George Friedrich Handel / 28. Chorus : But Thanks Be To God - George Friedrich Handel / 29. Aria-soprano : If God Be For Us - George Friedrich Handel / 30. Chorus : Worthy Is The Lamb...amen - George Friedrich Handel
[Disc 1]
1. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 2. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 3. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 4. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 5. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 6. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 7. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 8. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 9. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 10. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 11. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 12. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini
[Disc 2]
1. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 2. Petite Messe Solennelle - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 3. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 4. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 5. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 6. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 7. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 8. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 9. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 10. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 11. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini / 12. Stabat Mater - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini
[Disc 1]
1. L`enfance Du Christ Op.25 : Parts I & Ii (1-12) (Hector Berlioz) - Hector Berlioz
[Disc 2]
1. L`enfance Du Christ Op.25 : Part Iii (1-7) (Hector Berlioz) - Hector Berlioz / 2. Une Cantate De Noel (8-18) (Arthur Honegger) - Hector Berlioz / 3. Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noel (19-22) (Francis Poulenc) - Hector Berlioz
[Disc 1]
1. Blessing - Sergey Rachmaninov / 2. First Antiphon - Sergey Rachmaninov / 3. Small Litany - Sergey Rachmaninov / 4. Second Antiphon - Sergey Rachmaninov / 5. Small Litany - Sergey Rachmaninov / 6. Third Antiphon - Sergey Rachmaninov / 7. Little Entrance - Sergey Rachmaninov / 8. Trisagion - Sergey Rachmaninov / 9. Cherubic Hymn - Sergey Rachmaninov / 10. Litany Of Supplication - Sergey Rachmaninov / 11. The Creed - Sergey Rachmaninov / 12. "Mercy And Peace" - Sergey Rachmaninov / 13. "We Praise You" - Sergey Rachmaninov / 14. Hymn To The Mother Of God - Sergey Rachmaninov / 15. "First Of All Remember,lord" - Sergey Rachmaninov / 16. The Lords Prayer - Sergey Rachmaninov / 17. "One Is Holy" - Sergey Rachmaninov / 18. Communion Verse - Sergey Rachmaninov / 19. Communion Of The Faithful - Sergey Rachmaninov / 20. Let Our Mouths Be Filled - Sergey Rachmaninov / 21. Small Litany - Sergey Rachmaninov / 22. "Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord" - Sergey Rachmaninov / 23. Dismissal And Blessing - Sergey Rachmaninov
[Disc 1]
1. Nanino: Adoramus Te, Christe / 2. Allegri: Miserere / 3. Marenzio: Magnificat / 4. Frescobaldi: Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica [Part 1] / 5. Frescobaldi: Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica, [Part 2] / 6. Frescobaldi: Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica, [Part 3] / 7. Frescobaldi: Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica, [Part 4] / 8. Frescobaldi: Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica, [Part 5] / 9. Ugolini: Beata Es Virgo Maria / 10. Gabrieli: Omnes Gentes, Plaudite Manibus / 11. Gabrieli: O Magnum Mysterium / 12. Gabrieli: Buccinate In Neomenia Tuba / 13. Gabrieli: O Domine Jesu Christe / 14. Gabrieli: Angelus Ad Pastores Ait / 15. Gabrieli: Sacrae Symphoniae: Canzon Septimi Toni A 8 / 16. Gabrieli: Hodie Completi Sunt / 17. Gabrieli: Hodie Christus Natus Est
[Disc 1]
1. Adoramus Te, Christe / 2. Miserere A 9 / 3. Magnificat / 4. Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica / 5. Kyrie / 6. Gloria / 7. Credo / 8. Sanctus / 9. Agnus Dei / 10. Beata Es Virgo Maria / 11. Omnes Gentes Plaudite Manibus [16 Vv] / 12. O Magnum Mysterium A 8 / 13. Buccinate In Neomenia Tuba, 19vv / 14. O Domine Jesu Christe [8 Vv] / 15. Angelus Ad Pastores Ait / 16. Sacrae Symphoniae / 17. Canzon Septemi Toni, A 8 / 18. Hodie Completi Sunt, 8vv / 19. Hodie Christus Natus Est [10 Vv]
[Disc 1]
1. Adoramus Te, Christe / 2. Miserere A 9 / 3. Magnificat / 4. Messa Sopra L'aria Della Monica / 5. Kyrie / 6. Gloria / 7. Credo / 8. Sanctus / 9. Agnus Dei / 10. Beata Es Virgo Maria / 11. Omnes Gentes Plaudite Manibus [16 Vv] / 12. O Magnum Mysterium A 8 / 13. Buccinate In Neomenia Tuba, 19vv / 14. O Domine Jesu Christe [8 Vv] / 15. Angelus Ad Pastores Ait / 16. Sacrae Symphoniae / 17. Canzon Septemi Toni, A 8 / 18. Hodie Completi Sunt, 8vv / 19. Hodie Christus Natus Est [10 Vv]
[Disc 1]
1. Te Deum Laudamus - Domenico Scarlatti / 2. Te Ergo Quaesumus - Domenico Scarlatti / 3. Stabat Mater Dolorosa - Domenico Scarlatti / 4. Cujus Animam Gementem - Domenico Scarlatti / 5. Eja Mater, Fons Amoris - Domenico Scarlatti / 6. Sancta Mater, Istud Agas - Domenico Scarlatti / 7. Fac Me Vere Tecum Flere - Domenico Scarlatti / 8. Juxta Crucem Tecum Stare - Domenico Scarlatti / 9. Inflammatus Et Accensus - Domenico Scarlatti / 10. Fac Ut Animae Donetur - Domenico Scarlatti / 11. Amen - Domenico Scarlatti / 12. Misere E-moll - Domenico Scarlatti / 13. Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum - Domenico Scarlatti / 14. Recit Potentiam - Domenico Scarlatti / 15. Gloria Patri - Domenico Scarlatti / 16. Laetatus Sum - Domenico Scarlatti / 17. Propter Fratres Meos - Domenico Scarlatti / 18. Gloria Patri - Domenico Scarlatti
[Disc 1]
1. Matthaus Passion (3cd) - J.S.Bach
[Disc 1]
1. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 2. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 3. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 4. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 5. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 6. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 7. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 8. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 9. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 10. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 11. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 12. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 13. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 14. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 15. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 16. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 17. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 18. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 19. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 20. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 21. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 22. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 23. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 24. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 25. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 26. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach
[Disc 2]
1. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 2. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 3. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 4. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 5. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 6. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 7. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 8. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 9. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 10. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 11. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 12. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 13. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 14. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 15. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 16. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 17. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 18. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach / 19. Johannes Passion - J.S.Bach
[Disc 1]
1. Once In Royal David`s City (J. Gauntlett) - Choir Of King`S College / 2. Rejoice And Be Merry (Trad.) - Choir Of King`S College / 3. Ding Dong! Merrily On High (Trad.,arr.c. Wood) - Choir Of King`S College / 4. What Sweeter Music? (John Rutter) - Choir Of King`S College / 5. O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Trad.) - Choir Of King`S College / 6. A Spotless Rose (Herbert Howells) - Choir Of King`S College / 7. Heer Jezus Heeft Een Hofken (Arr.flor Peeters) - Choir Of King`S College / 8. King Jesus Hath A Garden (Trad. Dutch) - Choir Of King`S College / 9. The Lamb (John Tavener) - Choir Of King`S College / 10. Bogoroditze Dyevo (Arr.arvo Part) - Choir Of King`S College / 11. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Tradk Polish, Arr.arvo Part) - Choir Of King`S College / 12. Illuminare, Jerusalem (Judith Weir) - Choir Of King`S College / 13. While Shepherds Watched (Trad.) - Choir Of King`S College / 14. Quittez, Pasteurs (Fr.trad, Arr.rutter) - Choir Of King`S College / 15. In Dulci Jubilo (Trad.arr.buxtehude) - Choir Of King`S College / 16. In Dulci Jubilo (Trad.arr.m. Praetorius) - Choir Of King`S College / 17. The First Nowell (Trad.) - Choir Of King`S College / 18. Coventry Carol (Trad.) - Choir Of King`S College / 19. Personent Hodie (Trad.arr.holst) - Choir Of King`S College / 20. O Come, All Ye Faithful (Trad.,j. Wade) - Choir Of King`S College
[Disc 1]
1. Canzon Primi Toni A 8 (Giovanni Gabrieli) - John Scott / 2. Canzon Vigesimasettima A 8 - John Scott / 3. Sonata A 3 - John Scott / 4. Canzon `La Spiritata` A 4 - John Scott / 5. Canzon A 6 - John Scott / 6. Aria Della Battaglia A 8 (Andrea Gabrieli) - John Scott / 7. Quem Vidistis Pastores? (Giovanni Gabrieli) - John Scott / 8. Canzon Iv A 6 - John Scott / 9. O Jesu Mi Dulcissime - John Scott / 10. Canzon Per Sonar A 4 - John Scott / 11. Jubilate Deo - John Scott / 12. In Ecclesils - John Scott / 13. Timor Et Tremor - John Scott / 14. O Magnum Mysterium - John Scott / 15. Canzon Xii A 8 - John Scott
[Disc 1]
1. St. John Passion Bwv245 (Johann Sebastian Bach) - J.S.Bach
[Disc 2]
1. St. John Passion Bwv245 - J.S.Bach
[Disc 1]
1. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary;organ Prelude;toccata(anon) (King`s College Choir) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 2. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary;deus In Adjutorium - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 3. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:antiphon;dum Esset Rex - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 4. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:psalm;dixit Dominus - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 5. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:antiphon;laeva Ejus - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 6. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:psalm;laudate Pueri - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 7. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:antiphon;nigra Sum - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 8. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:psalm;laetatus Sum - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 9. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:antiphon;iam Hiems Transit - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 10. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:psalm;nisi Doninus - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 11. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:hymn;ave Maris Stella - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 12. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:antiphon; Beatam Me Dicent - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 13. Vespers For The Feast Of The Blessed Virgin Mary:margnificat Octavi Dicenta(sebastian De Vivanco) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 14. Evensong For Advent:antiphon;salve Regina(francesco Caballi) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 15. Evensong For Advent:benedicamus - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 16. Evensong For Advent:pieces & Reponses(radciffe) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 17. Evensong For Advent:psalm 50(thomas Attwood) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 18. Evensong For Advent:magnificat In D(george Dyson) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 19. Evensong For Advent:nunc Dimittis In D(dyson) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 20. Evensong For Advent:responses(philip Radcliffe) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 21. Evensong For Advent:anthem;lord, Thou Hast Been Our Refuge(edward Bairstow) - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 22. Evensong For Advent:hymn;hark! A Herald Voice Is Calling - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 23. Evensong For Advent:disimissal - James Vivian/Robert Quinney / 24. Evensong For Advent:organ Voluntary - James Vivian/Robert Quinney

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