3:56 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
이 세상에 있는 모든 것들을 나는 느끼고 싶어
그래 모든 것들을 나는 느끼고 싶어 '사랑' '평화' 아름다운 단어지만 현실과 거리가 아직 너무 멀어 * 자연의 멜로디 한번 들어봐 바람의 노래를 한 번 들어봐 잠자리 노래를 한번 들어봐 내 마음속까지 지금 날개치잖아 higher... higher... higher... 우주선이 다시 올 때까지 난 여기서 머무를 거야 니가 올 때까지 난 여기서 기다릴거야 '사랑' '평화' 아름다운 단어지만 현실과 거리가 아직 너무 멀어 너의 품 안에서 날이 새었네 너의 품 안에서 날이 새었네 행복은 마음 내 마음엔 너 너와는 영원히 있겠어 행복은 마음 내 마음엔 너 너와는 영원히 있겠어 |
4:26 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
비-몽 사-몽 비행기에 피카소와 둘이 함께
나침판을 내던지고 하늘 향해 출-발해 welcome to the garden of lemonade sweet dreams & love now turn on your radio and sing along with picasso! 희망을 걸만한 영웅들은 모두 행방불명인데 현실이 뜻대로 되지않아 다른 세계 만들꺼야 * 야호 야호 힘차게 달려봐 쉬운건 없잖아 야호 야호 10원도 없지만난 백만장자야 엔진에 갑자기 연기가 나 멈춰버린 프로펠라 모두다 손잡고 살아가면 멋진 지구 되는거야 평화의 라디오를 크게 틀어 함께 노래 불러보자 낡은 기타 하나로 우리 세상을 모두 바꿀 수 있어 실패라는 단어는 우리 인생의 사전에 찾을 수 없어 *Repeat mayday mayday come in london it's captain picasso here with problems in the atmosphere the world is upside-down and we're--we're going doowwwnnn 밝은 미소 하나로 우리 세상을 모두 바꿀 수 있어 불행같은 단어는 우리 인생의 사전에 찾을 수 없어 *Repeat 불쌍한 망가진 비행기는 바다속에 떨어지고 낙하산 두개가 열리면서 내 침대로 돌아왔어 |
3:54 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
나비야 나비야 이리 날아오너라
노란 나비 흰 나비 춤을 추며 오너라 나는 나이가 들수록 뭔가 잃은 것 같아 내가 좋아하는 곰인형 왜 버리게 되었지? 너의 사랑 안에서 나는 살고 싶어 나를 위로 해주던 인형을 찾고 싶어 너를 끌어안고서 잠이 들고 싶어 꿈나라 속으로 다시 가고 싶었어 내가 버린 곰인형 멀어져간 친구들 나의 망가진 비행기 잊어버린 동요들 ice cream, bubble gum, cotton candy, yoyo, mickey mouse, mini car, telephone, bingo, coca-cola, frisbee, aeroplane, ringo starr, spaceship, teddy bear how I wonder where you are! 시계를 뒤로 돌려도 과거로 돌아갈 순 없지만 모든 이의 가슴속에는 어린아이가 있단다 너의 사랑 안에서 나는 살고 싶어 나를 위로 해주던 인형을 찾고 싶어 너를 끌어안고서 잠이 들고 싶어 꿈나라 속으로 다시 가고 싶었어 내가 버린 곰인형 멀어져간 친구들 나의 망가진 비행기 잊어버린 동요들 너 밖에 없어 이 세상 속에서 다 필요 없어 나만 안아줘 영원히 너 밖에 없어 이 세상 속에서 다 필요 없어 나만 안아줘 I just want to be with you and everybody knows it's true now all I want is to fall in love girl this world's just not enough love! peace! harmony! |
4:01 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
오늘은 왜 이렇게 일어나기 힘들까?
오늘은 따뜻한 침대에서 하루종일 있을래 게으름의 왕국에는 내가 황제야 사회가 너무 차가워. 이불 밑에 있을래 나같은 잠꾸러기가 살아갈만한 세상을 혹시 알고 잇으면 가르쳐주지 않겠니? 성안에 삵 있는 임금님도 길에서 고생하는 거지들도 감옥에 갇혀있는 죄수들도 눈물을 흘리고 있는 어머니도 나같은 이기주의자가 살아갈 만한 세상을 혹시 알고 잇으면 내게 가르쳐주지 않겠니? 부모를 잃어버린 고아들도 병원에 누워있는 환자들도 장미를 팔공 ㅣㅆ는 꽃장수도 노래를 부르는 거북이도 이 사실을 모두 알고 있어. 이 세상은 낙원이 될 수 있어 |
4:06 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
난 내꿈 안에 서있을께
어른 되기는 틀려 버렸네 무관심을 여기 다 버리고 희망을 찾으러 갈께 흔들흔들 흔들려 너와 함께 있으면 나의 마음은 피에로같이 흔들흔들 흔들려 우리 눈이 마주쳐 나의 동화의 시작이야 너와 함께 있을땐 뭐가 뭔지도 모르게 되지 영혼의 노래를 한번 들어봐 흔들흔들 흔들려 너와 함께 있으면 나의 마음은 피에로같이 흔들흔들 흔들려 우리 눈이 마주쳐 나의 동화의 시작이야 세상 서커스에서 오늘 아침에 원숭이들의 혁명이 일어났었지 사자들과 호랑이를 풀어 놓고서 광대들은 혼내주었지 코끼리만 한 두려움을 업은 채 난 이 높은 줄에서 지금 쩔쩔매잖아 사람들은 나를 보고 웃고만 있어 과연 건너 갈수 있을까 하하하 난 자신 있어 현실이 너무 밝아서 나는 눈을 감고 있어 그 어두움 속 안에서 보이는 것은 너뿐이야 나는 어린애야 라라라 영원히 나는 어린애야 라라라 영원히 |
3:51 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
나의 꿈속에
주인공 너와 만나서 월화수목금토일 함께 여행을 하자 뚜루뚜우 뚜뚜루 뚜뚜뚜 수성 금성 목성에 함께 들리고 북두칠성 안에서 즐겁게 춤을 추자 뚜루뚜우 뚜뚜루 뚜뚜뚜 나는 작은 별이 되고 싶어 반짝이는 작은 별이 되고 싶어 외로움 안에서 사는건 힘들어 언젠가 반드시 너와 다시 만나겠지 지금은 혼자서 창밖을 보며 떨어진 별똥을 이렇게 매일 세고 있어 오늘 아침 햇살에 눈을 떠보니 너는 이미 떠났고 나만 홀로 남았어 여기서 뚜뚜루 뚜뚜뚜 외로움 안에서 사는건 힘들어 언젠가 반드시 너와 다시 만나겠지 지금은 혼자서 창밖을 보며 떨어진 별똥을 이렇게 매일 세고 있어 너 올때까지 난 환한 저 달빛에 널 그려보면서 여기서 기다릴께 나는 작은 별이 되고 싶어 |
4:23 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
아직도 기억해 나의 어린시절을
하늘속으로 민들레는 불고 있었어 노을이 지면서 너는 내옆에 바람개비를 가지고 너는 놀고 있었어 *마른 꽃잎들이 하나씩 산들바람의 숨결에 흩어져 풀 바다 위에서 떠돌다 씨가 떨어져 가라앉는다 매일 이렇게 같이 놀다가 어느날 갑자기 너는 이사를 갔어 지금 나는 지난날들을 간직하고 있지만 너의 이름을 잊어버렸어 *Repeat 시린 땅속으로 묻혀서 봄을 꾸준히 다들 기다려 all these things I can't forget as I'm left herewith regret like the bond that I couldn't break and the hand that you wouldn't take yes the man that couldn't be all the places that we'll never see the knotthat you didn't tie all the tears that I couldn't dry and the lives that we'll never live and the love that you couldn't give all the dreams I forgot to burn and the secrets that I couldn't learn all the feelings I forgot to feel and the moments that I didn't say just before you went away all the angels start to cry just to see you and I end in this way just yesterday yesterday |
4:04 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
아침에 일어나 밖을 내보니
봄이 정원에 돌아와 겨울을 쫓았어 그림같은 연못 안에서 오늘 너와 다시 만났지 아름다운 너를 보다가 기쁨의 향수에 빠졌어 *나비들이 춤을 춰 꽃이 피기 시작해 퍼진 향기 안에서 참새들이 노래해 제비 꽃밭 안에서 오늘 너와 만났지 너의 요정의 얼굴 기억 속에 심겠어 이슬비가 내려와 꽃들이 젖었어 무지개가 물감을 하늘에 뿌렸어 에덴 같은 정원 안에서 오늘 너와 다시 만났지 아름다운 너를 보다가 기쁨의 향수에 빠졌어 *Repeat 오늘 너와 만난 것은 아마 인연이겠지 나는 하늘을 보고서 감사해 감사해 지금 나 그리고 너 우리 모두 할 것은 어린아이처럼 모든 세상을 사랑해 사랑해 *Repeat 나의 마음 안에서 잠에 빠진 아이가 너의 미소를 보고서 다시 깨어났단다 나의 마음 안에서 잠에 빠진 아이가 너의 미소를 보고서 다시 깨어났단다 |
1:21 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
hello goodbye we live and die
our life it seems is just a dream 해바라기 무궁화 물망초와 민들레 까마귀는 외치지만 비둘기는 노래해 나리 나팔수선화 장미와 진달래 정원에 사는 개미보다 베짱이가 되볼래 |
4:36 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999) | |||||
5:46 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999) | |||||
4:16 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
I built my ship upon a heartbeat of a whale
I was hoping you might come and blow a kiss ito my sail I'm drifting off the map of desire waiting for your wave to take me higher the tide wants to swallow me into the memory of the sea but the fishes will follow me into my drunken reverie then rescue me again from the ocean floor and leave me on the sands of a brighter shore waltzing throught shades of blue on emotion's seven seas i was caught in a whirl pool but your smile it set me free! the sars will encompass you (and smile) under the pale flourescent moon i danced with your silhouette(a while) but then the morning came too soon the tide wants to swallow me(away) into the memory of the sea but the fishes will follow me(today) and tie and anchor to my dreams they'll guide me throught life's endless corridors take me to your heart and unlock the door i'm lost for you on the ocean blue i'm sailing off the map of desire wishing for you wave to take me higher it's my wish you know-it's my solemn prayer that i can always keep you near in my soul forever deep in my heart where nothing ever will break us apart for rich or poor for better for worse until the end of the universe long live hope and death to fear let love reign through the atmospher |
4:21 | ||||
from 레모네이드 1집 - Lennonade (1999)
이 세상에 있는 모든 것들을 나는 느끼고 싶어
그래 모든 것들을 나는 느끼고 싶어 '사랑' '평화' 아름다운 단어지만 현실과 거리가 아직 너무 멀어 * 자연의 멜로디 한번 들어봐 바람의 노래를 한 번 들어봐 잠자리 노래를 한번 들어봐 내 마음속까지 지금 날개치잖아 higher... higher... higher... 우주선이 다시 올 때까지 난 여기서 머무를 거야 니가 올 때까지 난 여기서 기다릴거야 '사랑' '평화' 아름다운 단어지만 현실과 거리가 아직 너무 멀어 너의 품 안에서 날이 새었네 너의 품 안에서 날이 새었네 행복은 마음 내 마음엔 너 너와는 영원히 있겠어 행복은 마음 내 마음엔 너 너와는 영원히 있겠어 |
3:27 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Where everything looks so much better on the outside
Where every day's the same, will turn into a long night Paid too much for losing touch Because the apathy will crack me up in no time Because insanity becomes a state of mind It comes around again That warning sound can wake me from my sleep I've gotten into deep But when you call I'll be ready for the flash Got too heavy on the dark side Tumble and fall I've come a long way to get it back my friend You took the credit for my lost right How come it's still going on? And when the councelling, it doesn't bring the silence And when the craziness becomes a boring ride I'll be around again With every vow you take the best of me The last thing that I needed When you call I'll be ready for the flash Got to heavy on the dark side Tumble and fall I've come a long way to get it back my friend You took the credit for my lost right How come it's still going on? The time has come to ditch the agony and make another start The time is up, I break the line and leave these words behind Take back what was mine all along When you call I'll be ready for the flash Got to heavy on the dark side Tumble and fall I've come along way to get it back my friend You took the credit for my lost right How come it's still going on? Way to get it back my friend You took the credit for my lost right How come I'm still going strong? |
3:27 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Pergola 55, 30 kids come alive
Doorbell, ring-a-la, whining at the playground Mothers call, mothers scream, gotta sleep, had a dream Boom box, booty shave, one o'clock and I'm awake Console, TV-set, in control and out of bed Rob a bank, steal a car, kill a gang, start a war With low life animals, with shooting eyes, tentacles Grabbing me, sucking on my energy, stop Pre-chorus One of these days I'm starting over Write me a song like Crimson and Clover Too many times I tried to remember One of these days I'm gonna make a new life Chorus Here we go, once again, and again Going round and round, pretend Coming home, going out, coming back for some more Going out, get some food, driving through the neighbourhood Parking lot, local store, all in line, find the door In I come, heart attack, checking out a paper bag With toothpaste, cornflakes, party cakes, stop Pre-chorus Chorus Here we go once again and again Going round and round, pretend Coming home, going out, coming back get some more Here we go once again and again Going round and round, pretend Coming home, going out, coming back for some more |
2:51 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
It doesn't ease the mind, doesn't vanish over night
The match you're craving for it's waiting deep inside I wouldn't know my breath and this one's taken much too long I mean it's easier this way, let me be your guide Cause underneath the smiling face, buried in your eyes There's a sadness coming through, breaching your disguise Take this helping hand, shake it, I will be a friend I guess it hurts when all is wrong, but then again You shouldn't waste your time, that is you wasting mine I mean you wanted this and more, let me make it right Cause underneath this weary face, buried in your eyes There's a devil coming through, reaching your disguise Now I'm not here to fool around, to comfort you or put you down I am just a sad relief, a wonder drug for all your grief What's the use of climbing up the wall Where's the sense in trying when it all must fall Now I'm not here to fool around, to comfort you or put you down I am just a sad relief, a wonder drug for all your grief There's nothing more to say, nothing left for me to say I mean I guess I'm on my way |
3:35 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005) | |||||
4:19 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Guess nobody ever told you that
When the day is done You are on your own There'll be no one near to care for you Catch the morning rain On your face again, Then you feel the sun Come shining through And when the day is done And everybody's gone There's still a ghost inside your head that's haunting you And when the day is done You're not the only one Who's hanging on to something that is lost and gone for good Every party seems a fantasy Doesn't mean a lot, When it's all you've got Like a movie playing endlessly Let the morning rain Clear your mind again In your eyes the sun Goes shining through And when the day is done And everybody's gone There's still a ghost inside your head that's haunting you And when the day is done You're not the only one Who's hanging on to something that is lost and gone for good What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go, if you want to feel better What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go, if you want to feel better What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go Still you haven't found the peace of mind, But can you face the consequence Such a wasted chance. You will know in time Your days are through And when the day is done And everybody's gone There's still a ghost inside your head that's haunting you And when the day is done You're not the only one Who's hanging on to something that is lost and gone for good What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go, if you want to feel better What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go, if you want to feel better What's the matter, would you calm down, better Let go (3*) |
2:05 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005) | |||||
2:47 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Over and done with, I wasn't joking,
As promises fade, was meant to be broken Better, or feel who's damned to live such a live Run off together and leave it all burning. Travel the world until it stops turning Follow the winding road ahead, On a dead end street we ride Step on the gas, erase the past, We can do it if we try. Jump off the latch, we'll make it fast, Yeah, together we can fly Under the moon the lake is on fire The water is calm, reflects a desire. Crush on the surface breaks the line Between the clear and undefined. Longing for something we can't find In a lie Step on the gas, erase the past, We can do it if we try. Jump off the latch, let's make it fast, Yeah, together we can fly Tonight it's how we escape and never stop running Over the world we run till the morning Chasing the dream, turned out to be Just a lie. Longing for something we can't find In a lie. We can't fly on paper planes On paper planes On paper planes On paper planes |
3:00 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
You drove me away, out of your life again,
Into the darkest minor cold and empty place. Ran out of luck, you'd never throw your hand Took all the fuel, broke every rule To win this race Well, if I could only save This game. Before you get us all insane And this could be a great escape Reload and play all over again Driving too fast, Now you were miles ahead Into the night my wait other lives Make no mistake Try to explain, but you wouldn't understand. It's getting you killed the walls I've built will never break Well, if I could only save This game. Before you get us all insane And this could be a great escape Reload and play all over again For every game a greater loss For every win a higher price to pay, Loosing control again Fatal exception on the screen Fatal injection blows the hights away Too late again I really should have saved This game. We could have made a hall Of fame. This could have been The greatest game, Reload and play, Start over again. You drove me away out of your life again |
3:32 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
How does it feel when you turn off your mind?
Doctors and preaches, they're all of a kind. Someday they'll get you, they'll tear you apart. Someway they'll break you, no matter How fucked up you are Go with the flow, with the buzz in your head. Know what you know that it's driving you mad. Sometimes you feel like just letting it go. Sometimes there's something inside you that's Telling you no How does it feel to be out there alone? Nowhere to run to and nothing to calm you down. How does it feel when you turn out the light? Can you make it alone? What good advice is you're wasting your time. Jokers and fakers are walking in line. Sometimes you feel like it tears you apart Sometimes there's something reminding you, breaking your heart How does it feel to be out there alone? Nowhere to run to and nothing to calm you down. How does it feel when you turn out the light? Can you make it alone through the night? How do you sleep at night? I promise I'll come back tomorrow, No need to follow me, Till I'm found, I'll be around some time But how does it feel to be out there alone? Nowhere to run to and nothing to calm you down. How does it feel when you turn out the light? Can you make it alone through the night? How does it feel to be out there alone? Nowhere to run to and nothing to calm you down. How does it feel when you turn out the light? Can you make it alone through the night? |
3:04 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Come here as a stranger
Come here to complain Bring your faintest memory I'll make it clear again And I will confess it's much harder than I ever thought Talk about the wheather Tell me, how's your mam? Talk about just anything I'll listen to it all Now we'll be there You decide to come around It's wishful thinking Why don't you come back and tear me apart? Why won't you blame me for me for breaking your heart? One of us cracking apart, take it that would be me, obviously It's not that I adore you In fact I don't even know you It's just that I want something back for what I've been through And I'll still be there when you decide to try me out What are you thinking? Why don't you come back and tear me apart? Why won't you blame me for me for breaking your heart? One of us laughing, and I'm pretty sure it's not me, obviously If this is what you want If this is how you want to play Run away, ignoring me, don't want to see me cry Don't wake me, make me Track you down, all over town, till I drop I wouldn't give up, till you Till you make me feel alive Alright, now you really got me Why don't you come back and tear me apart? Why won't you blame me for me for breaking your heart? What if I gave you back everything you've left behind? Would you stop wasting my time? |
3:47 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Just think about
All of these things 'cause what you see is what you get, Now can you live with that? Oh deny, this way You won't feel the embarrassment. She said she wanted to Throw it away, and leave me all alone, she said. Do you mind if I don't get All this crazy shit? You call it love, call it what you want No matter how, I can't explain, She always knew, but couldn't say, So much for all the efforts made To make it understood It's been a while. And nothing has changed, It's still the same old silly doubts I can do without. Oh, I try To fall in love, Try to calm me off No matter what I do or say, She's always worried in a way, Too much of everything it gives to me To understand Time and time again, I want to hide myself Far away from you. Tell me what to do. And tell me how to find my way To work it out, by myself, Stay away from you, But can't you see me through? So you gotta go. I got to know, I got to feel The way you feel, the way you think I need to know, every little thing About you and me I want to know How much you mean to me and Time and time again, I want to hide myself Far away from you. Tell me what to do. Tell me how to find a way To work it out, all by myself, And stay away from you Time and time again, I want to hide myself Far away from you. Tell me how to find a way To work it out, all by myself, And stay away from you |
4:04 | ||||
from Johan - Pergola (2005)
Here the sky becomes your wildest dream
Breathe the air, print the colours in your eyes Here the rain is like an endless dream Paint it red, 'till the clouds will disappear Here the storm is like a symphony Turn it on, hear the beauty in it's rage Here the dawn reveals your memory Write a song and play it on an on till it's stuck inside your mind. Here the sun is shining every night Feel the heat, use the painting of it's grace Here the flowers bloom in black and white Shoot a film and play it on and on till it's carved inside your mind. Here the storm is like a symphony Turn it on, hear the beauty in it's rage Here the dawn reveals your memory Write a song and play it on and on till I'm the only man, and enable to perform it in your mind |
3:24 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
Everybody knows
Today is gonna be the day, it's in the air I suppose, no-one's really got a clue why you are here Just a face in the crowd Can you play that game, tonight Tomorrow will be different, it's a simple fact When you're named, there is no-one around the world who goes and stopping you And you know that, cause you're faster than a bullet from a loaded gun It's in your hand, come and get it on Everybody knows this is your finest hour A shooting star, that's what you are, this is your time It's the final dance Now this could be the moment you were waiting for Take your chance, don't let it slip away now You're almost there, you step into the light Steady gun in your hand, come and get it done Everybody knows this is your finest hour A shooting star, that's what you are, this is your time The party has ended with a shock Now look at you, what have you done Everybody knows this is your finest hour A shooting star, that's what you are, this is your time When I all comes down Everybody knows this is your final hour A shooting star, that's what you are, this is your time |
2:38 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005) | |||||
2:19 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
Wish I had your dresses
Wish I had your cool friends, so I could talk to you I'm 25 but you're 16 I could be cool, another scene Used to cross the streets See people I didn't want to meet Now I thought you had me What I was, it's so absolute My punk-rockfriends, I rolled and week I wish I was back in school, just as cool as you Back in school, just as cool as you Your heart is not too smart just going round, breaking hearts But your not to plain I grow up if only I could burn my head just one more time And I should be back in school, just as cool as you Back in school, just as cool as you Back in school, just as cool as you |
3:16 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
Well the car broke down somewhere near Memphis
About another fourty miles to go Here we were stranded in the middle of nowhere We were freezing in the falling snow And if we only had a map or compass Cause I haven't got the faintest idea, which way to go Now should we walk and then in what direction Or do we stay inside this wrecked machine Or should we try to find a petrol station And make a fire with the gasoline And if we only had some food or water Cause I haven't got the faintest idea, which way to go After a week we were getting real hungry Sick and tired of playing guitar A truck drove by, this unlucky guy We prepared him for dinner and took his car So we hit the road and headed for the city When we got there, no-one said a word Here we were sitting looking at each other With a questionmark above our heads And if we only had a reason to be here Cause I haven't got the faintest idea, what I'm doing in here |
4:36 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005) | |||||
3:09 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005) | |||||
3:14 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
You will dry when I wash, shout it out when I talk
You begin when I'm done, always right when I'm wrong It's the same everyday, things are going your way In the heat of the night, everything comes to fight So baby, don't suffer, cause baby I'm trying I could hide when you seek, going strong when you're weak I stay cool when you're hot, always there when you're not It's your thoughts in my head, they're driving me mad It's tearing me up, you don't know when to stop So baby, don't cry more, cause baby I'm trying Anything I'll ever do, it's nothing compared to the things you do Can't you see, you are killing me I will swim, when you drown, keep it up when you're down I will laugh when you weep, stay away when you sleep All the sad words you row, all the bad things you know Not a burn in my heart, now I know where to start And baby, you'll find out, that baby you're mine now Anything I'll ever do, it's nothing compared to the things you do Can't you see, you are killing me And anything, no matter what I do YOu always come up with something new that's worse and the curse Are you through like I am with you All the things you do, can't see you are killing me |
3:10 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
His soul is inside another space, a million miles away from home
Only God knows where I roam Got no contact with the ground, communications broken down And I hope I'll find my way cause there is life on Mars, they say Won't you come outside in the sky so bright Feel the air is clean of things you've never seen Won't you come down? Cause there is nothing left to stay for anyway Here out floating all alone, only truth to be alone Cruising across the universe, there's no way back, no reverse Counting every single moon, I reach my destination soon Hope my ship knows where to go, cause there is life on Mars, you know Won't you come outside in the sky so bright Feel the air is free of things you've never seen Won't you come down? Cause there is nothing left to stay for anyway Hundred thousand matches in a year I got myself up down to here |
3:03 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
The promise you made me, was nothing but another lie
The flowers you gave me, as artificial as your smile I thought the world of you and more, without you I would fall apart And I would give it all to you, I lost it from the very start You came in December, in the wintry cold you brought me spring I'll always remember how you changed my life and everything would never be the same again The letter you send me, I never read a single word The answers you owe me, could never take away the hurt The world collapsed and you'll survive, I was the last thing on your mind You kept me dangling like a fool, you had your fun and I was blind You left in December, you were just another passerby The dream has been shattered You were gone and I still wonder why, I never call your name again You won't see me, no more You don't need me, no more No more I always thought that people like us, we could spend our lives together I always thought that we were special, this affair could last forever But it's all-right yeah it's ok, you only took my pride away I'm sure I'm fine, oh never mind, I only wanted you to stay Whenever December comes, she's in my heart and in my soul I'll never forget her, I can't shake it off, I lost control And always in December, she is there but I get no reply The answers, the cancer, you left behind inside my head |
3:50 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
Said goodbye this morning when the dawn began to crack
You whispered you were sorry then you stabbed me in the back I'm breathing in, I'm breathing out, I'm waking up But you're already gone, something is gone wrong I hate the feel you left behind, a ghost inside my head I hate the tears I cried for you cause I just can't forget It's over now, feel older now My head is where my feet should be, on the ground And I'm still around You think I'm blind that I don't mind, you try to fool me once again And with that knife, you took my life, I've come to take it back again You should have known you never get away so easily You should have known it takes a lot more to get rid of me I'm so amused, you're so confused I'm in your thoughts, I'm in your heart, in your soul Left her in the cold You think I'm blind that I don't mind, you try to fool me once again And with that knife, you took my life, I've come to take it back again I've been your man, it's against you It's just I want you to be true Someday we will gather and I will find you and you will find me too And then we walk across the line Someday, we're together and I will find you You and me, we were the same person So you and me, we can never part |
4:06 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
I remember everything, you were sitting on a swing
Push you up, I pull you down, breaking up, make it up Everything else fades in mist This is all a lie, got it all in my mind If it's not real life, this could be a perfect lie Followed to the other side, take off clothes and in we dive Swimming till the moon shines, right, right Everything else fades in mist This is all a lie, got it all in my mind If it's not real life, this could be a perfect lie See you're dress underneath the sunset Suits you well, you're the sunset, suits you well If it's all fool, a big lie, you wouldn't tell me this part If it's just a silly play, you wouldn't let me get this far Everything else fades in mist This is all a lie, got it all in my mind If it's not real life, this could be a perfect lie See you're dress underneath the sunset Suits you well, you're the sunset, suits you well This is all a lie, got it all in my mind This is not real life, this could be a perfect lie |
3:42 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
Well it's was kind of windy, suddenly appeared, this guy he was the very spin of me
Got it all, it's all I ever wanted to be Now don't you worry sick, I'm on a hurry just do some things for me and I would Cause after all it was all I ever wanted to be And you can be like me if you just do what I tell you And I will set you free, that's what he told me, right before he left off It's getting out of hand, I thought he was a friend He's gone and they all mistake me for him And you were wrong, another man you're searching for Now I was wanted for crimes he had committed Before I knew it, they got me locked up Another one, another million searching for And you can count on me when you think you have to run And you can lean on me that's what he told me Now he's gone, there's something wrong He was gone, just way out of sight We will know tonight And you can count on me when you think you've had too much And you can lean on me, that's what he told me Now he's gone, he is gone, there's something wrong He is just way out of sight, we will know tonight He is gone, something's wrong, he was just way out of sight He was taken a ride He was gone, he was way out of sight He was gone, he was gone, he was gone |
7:27 | ||||
from Johan - Johan (2005)
She's walking down the road, she wears her summercoat
The kind of girl that I always dreamed of She's got a certain style and a pretty smile on her face Well I think I'm real low now When she looks my way, I don't know what to say Or what to do, I'm a fool and I can't think of anything better to do She's always passing me by and when I try to catch her eyes I'm looking at her mother How could she possibly be related to this so good for me Cause they don't look like one and other at all Someday I come running tell her what to do with her life She's just playing with me, not with you Until that day I'm gonna find me a way to get through to you, to you Could take her out for a ride and have her by my side for a while, we get to know each other We drive up to a mall but I won't have her all for myself Cause she will bring her mother along Someday I come running tell her what to do with her life She's just playing with me, not with you Until that day I'm gonna find me a way to get through, get through to you And you'll be mine, she'll be mine Not been asleep and you'll be dreaming come with me now And she won't wake up so you can walk along with me Out of this place Walk with me, I know this place, oh yeah |
4:03 | ||||
from Lemonade - Neptune [single] (2012) | |||||
9:02 | ||||
from Lemonade - Neptune [single] (2012) | |||||
3:10 | ||||
from Lemonade - Neptune [single] (2012) | |||||
5:27 | ||||
from Lemonade - Neptune [single] (2012) | |||||
5:06 | ||||
from Lemonade - Neptune [single] (2012) |