Shavo Odadjian

Shavo Odadjian    


[Disc 1]
1. Attack / 2. Dreaming / 3. Kill Rock And Roll / 4. Hypnotize / 5. Stealing Society / 6. Tentative / 7. U-Fig / 8. Holy Mountains / 9. Vicinity Of Obscenity / 10. She's Like Heroin / 11. Lonely Day / 12. Soldier Side
[Disc 2]
1. Dvd
[Disc 1]
1. Soldier Side [Intro] / 2. B.Y.O.B / 3. Revenga / 4. Cigaro / 5. Radio/Video / 6. This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'M On This Song / 7. Violent Pornography / 8. Question! / 9. Sad Statue / 10. Old School Hollywood / 11. Lost In Hollywood
[Disc 1]
1. B.y.o.b. (Explicit Album Version)
[Disc 1]
1. B.y.o.b. (Clean Album Version)
[Disc 1]
1. Chic 'N' Stu (Album Version) / 2. Innervision (Album Version) / 3. Bubbles (Album Version) / 4. Boom! (Clean Version) / 5. N?uns (Album Version) / 6. A.d.d. (American Dream Denial) (Clean Version) / 7. Mr. Jack (Clean Version) / 8. I-e-a-i-a-i-o (Clean Version) / 9. 36 (Album Version) / 10. Pictures (Album Version) / 11. Highway Song (Album Version) / 12. F**k The System [**** The System] / 13. Ego Brain (Album Version) / 14. Thetawaves (Album Version) / 15. Roulette (Album Version) / 16. Streamline (Album Version)
[Disc 1]
1. Chic 'N' Stu / 2. Innervision / 3. Bubbles / 4. Boom! / 5. Nuguns / 6. A.D.D. / 7. Mr. Jack / 8. I-E-A-I-A-I-O / 9. 36 / 10. Pictures / 11. Highway Song / 12. F**K The System / 13. Ego Brain / 14. Thetawaves / 15. Roulette / 16. Streamline
[Disc 1]
1. Prison Song / 2. Needles / 3. Deer Dance / 4. Jet Pilot / 5. X / 6. Chop Suey! / 7. Bounce / 8. Forest / 9. Atwa / 10. Science / 11. Shimmy / 12. Toxicity / 13. Psycho / 14. Aerials / 15. Arto
[Disc 1]
1. Suite-pee / 2. Know / 3. Sugar / 4. Suggestions / 5. Spiders / 6. Ddevil / 7. Soil / 8. War? / 9. Mind / 10. Peephole / 11. Cubert / 12. Darts / 13. P.l.u.c.k.
[Disc 2]
1. Sugar (Live) / 2. War? (Live) / 3. Suite-pee (Live) / 4. Know (Live)

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