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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008)
Vailet, et diuen que a les guerres Boy, they say in wars tan sols hi ha tristeses, there is only sadness, no s'hi guanya mai. no one ever win. Damunt d'aquesta terra encesa Over this lighted land tot all?que ?s feble everything weak vol ignorar els mals wants to ignore all diseases I en Maurici va escoltar And Maurici heard per?segueix a terra sense fer-ne cas, but stays in land taking no notice, perqu?uns altres li han dit tant because others said so much to him que la seva vida ?s patir sota el fang that his life is suffer under mud Recorda les raons que un dia Remember the reasons that one day varen canviar els signes changed the signs d'aquell temps passat. of that past time. Ell ha marcat la teva vida He marked your life amb una ferida with a wound que tu has decorat you have embellished I en Maurici va escoltant And Maurici keeps hearing i pensa que ja sap and thinks he knows el perqu?dels mals. the cause to all diseases. Per?se'n torna, i est... dubtant, But he comes back, and is doubting i altres veus and other voices ressonen tamb?al seu voltant. echo too around him. Vailet, no siguis anarquista Boy, don't be anarchist i ves a la conquista( ) and go to conquest de l'honor m?s alt, of highest honor, que al teu costat tindr...s la for?a cause you'll have the force by your side que ens porta a l'ordre that takes us to order i ens permet la pau. and allows peace. I en Maurici sap molt b? And Maurici knows very well que si nom?s dubta poca cosa t? that if he just doubts he has little En Maurici sap qu?fer, Maurici knows what do to, trobar... els companys he'll meet his fellows i sortir... al carrer. and will go out the street. |
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008)
L'avi Siset em parlava(
) Grandpa Siset spoke with me de bon mat?al portal early in the morning, in the frontdoor mentre el sol esper...vem while we were wainting for the sun i els carros veiem passar. and we saw passing the cars( ) Siset que no veus l'estaca Siset, don't you see the stake a on estem tots lligats? where we all are tied? Si no podem desfer-la If we cannot undo it mai no podrem caminar! we won't be able to walk! Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! Per?ja fa molt temps ja! But it's been a long time, now! Les mans se'm van escorxant! My hands are peeling! I quan la for?a se me'n va And when my force goes ella ?s m?s ampla i m?s gran. it's wider and bigger. Ben cert s?que est... podrida, Yes I know it's rotten, per??s que, Siset, pesa tant, but you know, Siset, it's so heavy, que a cops la for?a m'oblida. sometimes force forgets me. Torna'm a dir el treu cant: Say me again your singing: Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! L'avi Siset ja no diu res Grandpa Siset doesn't speak anymore mal vent que se'l va emportar bad wind who took him away ell qui sap cap a quin indret he, who knows where, i jo aqu?sota el portal and me, here under the door i quan passen els nous vailets and when new boys pass by estiro el coll per cantar i strech my neck to sing el darrer cant d'en Siset Siset's last singing lo darrer que em va ensenyar( ) the last thing he taught me Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! |
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - A L`olympia (2008) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Somniem (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - I Amb El Somriure/ La Revolta (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - I Amb El Somriure/ La Revolta (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - I Amb El Somriure/ La Revolta (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - I Amb El Somriure/ La Revolta (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - I Amb El Somriure/ La Revolta (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Astres (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Astres (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Astres (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Astres (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Astres (2003) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Torna Aviat (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - T`estimo (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Geografia (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Verges 50 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Verges 50 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Verges 50 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Verges 50 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002)
L'avi Siset em parlava(
) Grandpa Siset spoke with me de bon mat?al portal early in the morning, in the frontdoor mentre el sol esper...vem while we were wainting for the sun i els carros veiem passar. and we saw passing the cars( ) Siset que no veus l'estaca Siset, don't you see the stake a on estem tots lligats? where we all are tied? Si no podem desfer-la If we cannot undo it mai no podrem caminar! we won't be able to walk! Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! Per?ja fa molt temps ja! But it's been a long time, now! Les mans se'm van escorxant! My hands are peeling! I quan la for?a se me'n va And when my force goes ella ?s m?s ampla i m?s gran. it's wider and bigger. Ben cert s?que est... podrida, Yes I know it's rotten, per??s que, Siset, pesa tant, but you know, Siset, it's so heavy, que a cops la for?a m'oblida. sometimes force forgets me. Torna'm a dir el treu cant: Say me again your singing: Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! L'avi Siset ja no diu res Grandpa Siset doesn't speak anymore mal vent que se'l va emportar bad wind who took him away ell qui sap cap a quin indret he, who knows where, i jo aqu?sota el portal and me, here under the door i quan passen els nous vailets and when new boys pass by estiro el coll per cantar i strech my neck to sing el darrer cant d'en Siset Siset's last singing lo darrer que em va ensenyar( ) the last thing he taught me Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! |
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Ara/ 25 Anys En Directe (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Abril 98 (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - El Meu Amic El Mar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Rar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Rar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Rar (2002) | |||||
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from Lluis Llach - Rar (2002) |