3:36 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
Have you noticed by the way, so sad and alone It wasn't really just your day, so sad and alone
그런데 말이에요.당신이 매우 슬프고 외롭다는걸 아나요? 당신에겐 좋지 않은 날이었나봐요. 매우 슬프고 외롭네요
Will you tell me why you're blue, so sad and alone Didn't you want to see the truth, no no no
왜 우울하고 매우 슬프고 고독한지 내게 말해주겠어요? 진실을 바로 알고 싶지 않나요? 아니요
Don't you tell me we're in danger Don't you treat me like a stranger Don't tell me what life is all about
우리가 위험에 빠졌다고 내게 말하지 마세요 날 모르는 사람처럼 대하지 말아주세요. 인생이 어떤건지도 내게 말하지도 마세요
And when something's going wrong Try to use your voice so strong And take a walk on your wildest side
무엇인가가 잘못되어 갈 때 딩신의 뜻을 강하게 말하려 노력해요 당신의 가장 거친 측면을 천천히 둘러보세요
You live your life from day to day, so sad and alone There is no girl who wants to stay, so sad and alone
당신은 매일 매일을 무척 슬프고 외롭게 인생을 살고 있어요. 슬프고 외롭게도 곁에 머물고자 하는 소녀가 아무도 없네요
Don't have to tell me why you're blue, so sad and alone I hope one day you'll see the truth, I hope so
당신이 왜 우울하고 그렇게 슬프고 고독한지 내게 말할 필요없어요. 난 언젠가 당신이 진실을 깨닫게 될 날이 오길 바라거든요
네, 그래요..
Don't you tell me we're in danger Don't you treat me like a stranger Don't tell me what life is all about
우리가 위험에 빠졌다고 내게 말하지마세요 날 모르는 사람처럼 대하지 말아주세요 인생이 어떤건지도 내게 말하지도 마세요
And when something's going wrong Try to use your voice so strong And take a walk on your wildest side
무엇인가가 잘못되어 갈 때 딩신의 뜻을 강하게 말하려 노력해요 당신의 가장 거친 측면을천천히 둘러보세요
so sad and alone no no no so sad and alone
많이 슬프고 외로워요
무척 슬프고 외로워요
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
3:39 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
4:19 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
4:39 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
3:55 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
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from Citizen Jane - Citizen Jane The Best (2002)
2:54 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
3:27 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
4:15 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
4:02 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
2:40 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)
3:16 |
from Citizen Jane - The Best (2000)