Asuka Ryo [Aska]

Asuka Ryo [Aska]    Aska / 본명:飛鳥涼
1970s -
1958년 02월 24일 / 일본


[Disc 1]
1. Say Yes / 2. 男と女 / 3. 終章 (Epilogue) / 4. 熱い想い / 5. 夢から夢へ / 6. Moon Light Blues / 7. 夢を見ましょうか / 8. Pride / 9. 今夜ちょっとさ / 10. No Pain No Gain / 11. 万里の河 / 12. ひとり咲き / 13. レノンのミスキャスト
[Disc 2]
1. You Are Free / 2. はじまりはいつも雨 / 3. NとLの野球帽 / 4. 指環が泣いた / 5. 天気予報の恋人 / 6. Tomorrow / 7. めぐり逢い / 8. 伝わりますか / 9. 君が愛を語れ / 10. Midnight 2 Call / 11. Girl / 12.
[Disc 3]
1. No No Darlin / 2. Guys / 3. 僕はこの瞳で嘘をつく / 4. Walk / 5. River / 6. On Your Mark / 7. Love Song / 8. 太陽と埃の中で / 9. Yah Yah Yah / 10. Heart / 11. Sons and Daughters ~それより僕が伝えたいのは / 12. 恋人はワイン色
[Disc 4]
1. 晴天を誉めるなら夕暮れを待て / 2. 同じ時代を / 3. トウキョータワー / 4. Mr. Liverpool / 5. Give & Take / 6. [7] / 7. Some Day / 8. Windy Road / 9. 勇気の言葉
[Disc 1]
1. パパラッチはどっち [파파라치는 누구] / 2. Wasting Time / 3. 地球生まれの宇宙人 [지구에서 태어난 외계인] / 4. ボクラのカケラ [우리들의 파편] / 5. Here And There / 6. 36度線 -1995夏- [Album Ver. / 36도선 -1995년 여름-] / 7. 僕はMusic [나는 Music] / 8. 光の羅針盤 [Album Ver. / 빛의 나침반] / 9. Crossroad ~いまを生きる僕を~ [Album Ver. / Crossroad ~지금을 소중히 여기는 나를~] / 10. Man And Woman
[Disc 1]
1. Yah Yah Yah - Chage and Aska / 2. Say Yes - Chage and Aska / 3. River - Chage and Aska / 4. Epilogue - Chage and Aska / 5. Kurumiwo Waretahi - Chage and Aska / 6. Hotel - Chage and Aska / 7. Walk - Chage and Aska / 8. Sonnamondarou - Chage and Aska / 9. Minatoni Shizunda Sensuitei - Chage and Aska / 10. You Are Free - Chage and Aska / 11. Sunadokeino Kubireta Basho - Chage and Aska / 12. Kyouwa Konnani Genkidesu - Chage and Aska / 13. Taiyouto Hokorinonakade - Chage and Aska
[Disc 1]
1. Birth / 2. Good Time (Album Ver.) / 3. Aionkei / 4. Walking Around The Xmas / 5. Kokoroni Hanano Sakuhoue (Album Ver.) / 6. Kimiga Sukidattautaeno Prologue / 7. Senakadekikoeruyumoresuku / 8. Loop ("Birth" Reconstructive Mix) / 9. Dakiaishi Koibito
[Disc 1]
1. As You Walked Away / 2. Raspberry / 3. Red Hill / 4. Cancion De Amor Para Olividarte / 5. The River / 6. Love`s A Cradle / 7. Pride / 8. Dream / 9. Castles In The Air / 10. Lies / 11. Walk

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