AZIATIX - 2nd E.P [AWAKENING] : 글로벌 아티스트 아지아틱스, 음악으로 세계와 소통하다. 2011년 3월 아시아 출신의 글로벌 아티스트를 표방한 “아지아틱스”는 한국, 미국, 일본, 대만 등 전 세계에서 폭발적인 연쇄 반응을 불러 일으키며 혜성과 같이 등장했다. 비단 미국, 일본 등 세계 음악 시장의 중심에서 1위를 차지하며 주목할 만한 성과를 거둔 것을 차치하더라도 홍콩, 호주, 필리핀, 베트남, 태국, 싱가폴, 미얀마 등 아시아를 넘어 루마니아, 스페인, 체코 등의 유럽권 국가와 멕시코, 브라질, 칠레, 페루의 남미 국가를 비롯해 캐나다, 사우디아라비아, 터키 등 전 세계 36개국에서 자발적으로 생긴 이들의 팬페이지(Aziaddicts)는 아시아 출신의 글로벌 아티스트가 되겠다는 것이 단순한 허언이 아님을 증명해 보였다. 하지만 ‘아지아틱스’ 각 멤버들의 구성 면면을 살펴보면 이러한 폭발적 반응이 단순한 우연이라고 할 수는 없는 것이 사실이다. 90년대 400만장의 앨범 판매를 통해 한국 R&B의 신화로 남아 있는 솔리드 출신의 프로듀서 ‘정재윤’이 프로듀서로 참여한 것을 비롯해, 골든 멜로디 어워즈 최우수 남자 보컬 상을 수상한 중화권의 슈퍼 스타 ‘니키 리’, 뉴욕 언더그라운드 힙합씬에서 최고의 랩퍼로 인정 받아 온 ‘플로우식’, 한국 R&B의 명반 “Just My Way”를 통해 그 음악성을 인정 받은 싱어 송 라이터 ‘에디 신’의 조합 만으로 그 성공은 예견된 것이나 마찬가지였다. 이렇듯 전 세계에 첫 발자국을 남겼던 2011년을 뒤로 하고, 2012년을 향한 야심차고 자신 만만한 작업의 결과물인 ‘아지아틱스’의 새로운 E.P [AWAKENING] 5월 2일 마침내 그 베일을 벗었다. 2011년의 음악들이 각자의 호흡을 맞춰가는 과정이었다면, 이제는 원숙함마저 느껴지게 하는 음악적 깊이가 돋보이는 6개의 트랙은 이들이 꿈꾸는 큰 목표가 멀지 않았음을 말해주는 듯 하다. 지난 1집 정규앨범이 야행성이란 뜻의 [NOCTURNAL]이었다면 이번 2번째 E.P앨범은 [AWAKENING], 즉 ‘깨어남(자각)’이다. 언제나 음악을 통해 동 시대의 친구들이 갖고 있는 삶의 무게에 대해 공감하기를 바란다고 말해온 ‘아지아틱스’는, 이번 앨범을 통해 전세계에 처해진 어려움을 극복할 긍정적 메시지들을 노래로 전함으로서 같은 시대를 살아가는 세상 곳곳의 젊은이들과 진정한 의미의 소통을 하고자 하는 의지를 담고 있다. 특히 올바른 삶을 지향하는 의식의 ‘깨어남’과 삶의 의미에 대한 ‘자각’을 이끌어 내는 깊이가 담긴 희망찬 메시지의 6곡이 빼곡하게 채워져 있다. 첫 번째 트랙이자 4월 17일 선공개 되었던 “Speed Of Light”는 육중하고 장엄한 비트와 커다란 공간감을 느낄 수 있는 편곡으로 곡이 전하고자 하는 메시지를 묘사하고 있다. 특히 강렬한 ‘플로우식’의 랩과 ‘에디 신’, ‘니키 리’의 절절한 보컬을 통해 정신적인 고통을 겪고 있는 이들이나 불합리한 세상을 살아가는 사람들에게 ‘모든 것이 괜찮을 것이다’라는 희망을 여운처럼 남기는 곡이다. 두 번째 트랙이자 [AWAKENING]의 타이틀곡인 “Alright”는 신나는 업비트를 통해 무거웠던 전 트랙의 분위기를 급전환 시켜 준다. ‘아무리 어려운 일이 닥치더라도 결국에 다 괜찮을 것’이라는 희망적인 가사를 품고 있는 “Alright”은 업비트의 클럽 템포에 80년대 복고풍의 신스 사운드가 가미된 흥겨운 일렉트로니카 하우스 곡으로, 앨범의 타이틀인 “AWAKENING”의 영감이 된 테마인 ‘희망적인 메시지’를 강하게 전달하는 곡이다. 또한 반복적인 코러스 라인과 Rockwell의 히트곡인 “Somebody’s Watching Me” 에서 가져온 훅 멜로디의 중독성 그리고 ‘플로우식’의 멜로디컬한 랩라인과 ‘에디 신’, ‘니키 리’의 매끄럽고 깔끔한 보컬이 돋보이는 곡이다. “Alright”의 뮤직비디오는 데뷔곡 “GO”부터 “Slippin’ Away”, “Be With You” 등의 작품을 통해 ‘아지아틱스’만의 색깔을 만들어 온 MINIsTREE 오민 감독이 연출을 담당하였으며, 김의관, 이승남, 성빈 등 ‘아지아틱스’와 함께 작업해 온 드림팀 스텝들이 촬영과 후반 작업에 참여하여 완성되었다. “Alright”의 뮤직비디오는 “Speed of Light”의 뮤직비디오에서 보여준 어두운 분위기의 영상과는 극적인 반전을 이루는 눈부신 ‘빛’을 테마로 한 영상을 통해, 절망에서 희망으로 자각(Awakening)한다는 이 앨범의 테마를 함축적으로 담아내고 있다. 이어지는 세 번째 트랙 “RADIO”는 온갖 미디어들에서 흘러 넘치는 음악에 대한 비판적 메시지를 담은 힙합/랩 곡이다. “RADIO”는 세상의 고통에 대해 아랑곳하지 않고 파티, 술, 섹스 그리고 돈에 대한 이야기만 가득한 음악들이 반복적으로 흘러 나오는 현실에 대해 통렬한 비판을 가하는 ‘플로우식’의 날카로운 랩이 돋보이는 곡이다. 특히 아티스트들이 이 세상에 대해 진보적이고 적극적인 메시지를 전달함으로서 보다 책임감 있는 자세를 가져야 함을 이야기 하고 있다. 네 번째 트랙 “If I Saw You Again”은 떠나가 버린 사랑과 그에 대한 열정을 다시 되찾기 위한 마음을 노래한 댄스 트랙이다. 젊은 인생의 화두는 사랑이다. ‘아지아틱스’만의 방법으로 표현된 사랑의 감정을 두 보컬의 기막힌 하모니로 완성함으로서, “Be With You”에 이은 또 하나의 Love Song을 만들어 냈다. “If I Saw You Again”은 일렉트로니카 하우스 비트 위에 ‘에디 신’과 ‘니키 리’의 부드러운 보컬 하모니가 어우러진 중독성 강한 멜로디를 통해 당장이라도 잃어버린 사랑을 되찾을 것만 같은 희망찬 느낌을 표현하고 있다. 다섯번째 트랙 “History”는 심장을 울리는 듯한 묵직한 비트 그리고 온갖 인생의 난관에 굴하지 않고 스스로 성공하기 위한 길을 찾아온 ‘플로우식’의 실제 경험에서 우러나온 깊이 있고 열정 가득한 노랫말이 드라마틱한 감동을 주는 곡이다. 모든 사람들에게 .... ....
Rap I On the brink of madness Drowning in hell, I’m tryna' live while I'm at it Shattered matters flatters stress, she's so attracted to me When I know she's gone, she comes right back, can't catch breaks not even a slight crack Stuck in the hole then I dig myself even deeper when I try to fight back I kick in the door, and it leads to more, what's the key to life? I'm falling off, split the floor, traveling at the speed of light
Chorus When You told me everything would be alright, I believed it but you left me alone here in the dark to be defeated You've gone, so far away but I made it through, and I'm standing here today I see the sun, after the rain Yesterday is dead and gone, the speed of light my life goes on, and on
Rap II How much more must I withstand Before I can rise and fly so high to the point where I can put this world in my hand Wanna ride 'til I die, yet I can only go so far, 'till what's left of my fuel is gone Running on E, only things left is faith and passion at its purest form
Chorus When You told me everything would be alright, I believed it but you left me alone here in the dark to be defeated You've gone, so far away but I made it through, and I'm standing here today I see the sun, after the rain Yesterday is dead and gone, the speed of light my life goes on, and on
Bridge Rising sun you saved the day Narrow path to a brand new life you made the way and I'm left to say that you are, with me 'til I'm gone
Chorus II You felt, so far away But I made it through, and I'm standing here today I see the sun, after the rain Open my eyes and now I know, that you've been with me all along I'm alright, I'm OK
Rap I All stress aside, it's my time to shine I did my 9 to 5, I'm glad that I'm alive Step into the club, I roll through like I'm the man Because I am, with the master plan, haters looking at me like bam
Wanna kick dirt up on my name, crush my life and all it's dreams Yet I feel so fresh, so clean when I step into the scene Through the smiles and frowns, ups and downs, high and lows going all day and all night Perfect timing, man it's so right, my moment is here, I'll be alright
Chorus Feels like there's something trying to tell me, everything is gonna' be alright, alright, alright But I can't help but look over my shoulders, just to know it's gonna' be alright, alright, alright
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (And I have no privacy)
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (Tell me is it just a dream)
Rap II The stars are out I'ma take my place Because I have way more then what it takes And all the people behind wanna' see me break But from all my mistakes, I'm feeling great Never will I call it quits, start scratching my head and be known for the one who flakes Do the do the 2 step I got moves to make I'm alright, alright, I'm straight But I'ma have to keep it real cuz' some things will never change The same thought that be playing in my brain
Chorus Feels like there's something trying to tell me, everything is gonna' be alright, alright, alright But I can't help but look over my shoulders, just to know it's gonna' be alright, alright, alright
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (And I have no privacy)
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (Tell me is it just a dream)
Bridge Put your hands up A little higher, higher Put your hands up Put em up, put em up, way up in the sky
Chorus Feels like there's something trying to tell me, everything is gonna' be alright, alright, alright But I can't help but look over my shoulders, just to know it's gonna' be alright, alright, alright
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (And I have no privacy)
I always feel like, somebody's watching me (Tell me is it just a dream)
Rap I Radio DJ yells exclusive Guess it’s about time for some new hits Sex, money that’s that new ish? Did I just get ready for some bull shh? Wanna’ brag about your Benzo? How bright your neck glows, When the youth starves with their ends low? Must we kill for a five dollar metro? Can you give us some hope before we let go? Wanna’ see us jealous from your riches? Until you’re looking both ways all day flinching, But I don’t care how rich you are Suicide confirms it doesn’t get you far And let us know about your girl’s booty, Please don’t get moody when she’s taken by yours truly, Your sales going well, guess it pays to show We got long ways to go
Chorus I’m sick and tired of hearing all the same songs playing on the radio I want to kick you with the real ‘ish but they don’t seem to hear me though The same five songs spinning all day and all night long? C’mon man So sick of the radio, playing all the same old songs
Rap II My brother told me no more jail but needs to hustle for sales Hope all that money doesn’t go towards bail Look at the sky while we go towards hell Receiving death when this life’s going oh so well I can’t front, I want to make millions But if my soul’s not trained, I’ll be gone with Cornelius Love for my affiliates and teamwork to get doe And over blood Family Matters most, Winslow Clear skies, winds low then out the blue Comes a storm that wishes for me to lose But the sun comes to wish for the better Strength to the point where I condition the weather And til’ the fight’s finished, I’ma hunger for this game, chicken and beans, let’s put some rice in it Races unite and serve a perfect dish to the youth They need an answer with a source we’re their living proof
Chorus I’m sick and tired of hearing all the same songs playing on the radio I want to kick you with the real ‘ish but they don’t seem to hear me though The same five songs spinning all day and all night long? C’mon man So sick of the radio, playing all the same old songs
Rap III Same five songs on rotation Brainwashing away all of my patience Whitney confirmed all the greats go first I rather go first than to hear your verse Until they decide to put this on the radio We got a long ways to go I said, hundred grand it pays to show To put this on the radio we got a long ways to go
Chorus I’m sick and tired of hearing all the same songs playing on the radio I want to kick you with the real ‘ish but they don’t seem to hear me though The same five songs spinning all day and all night long? C’mon man So sick of the radio, playing all the same old songs
Chorus If I saw you again, can I call your name? Would it be the same? I feel my heart beat again would it ever be the same?
Verse Ia I was scared, so lost and lonely for nothing Too ashamed of who I was, thought you’d never understand
Verse Ib Now I see day and night, you’re the light I’ve been searching No more running from my heart, We don’t need to be apart
Rap I Face to face, can we meet girl? Take a seat cuz’ I gotta tell you something Rather than calling, convincing you and trying to sell you something Hundred page letter trying to mail you something Asking you what you want from me Count down, don’t want to wait til’ it’s lights out 4,3,2 and say you’re the one for me
Chorus If I saw you again, can I call your name? Would it be the same? I feel my heart beat again, would it ever be the same?
Verse II Hear your voice, calling out my name and I know now, You’re the savior of my soul, and I’ll never let you go
Rap II It’s you and I, do or die, if only you were mine We can light up the dark night, spotlight when we shoot through the sky You see me falling, falling Will I shatter and break into parts? You see me falling, falling Or will you let me land in your arms?
Chorus If I saw you again, can I call your name? Would it be the same? I feel my heart beat again, would it ever be the same?
Would it ever be the same? 2x
If I saw you again, can I call your name? Would it be the same? I feel my heart beat again, would it ever be the same? 2x
Intro So many things that I want, do I let them go? I work so hard for this music, and if it’s too much to ask then let me know Cuz’ I want this so bad I can’t sleep, no Keep this up how the hell am I gonna eat? No Cuz’ I’m grown as a man In the lab like 24, 7 days a week bam
Rap I See if they can all do it, why can’t I? God taking my life is the only way that I can’t try Plus I know that I’m different from all mankind And I ain’t work this hard for years to waste all that time Words of Martin Luther “Everybody has a dream” And anything is possible cuz’ faith is in between Yet I feel I want to flee to a place where I can blow with the breeze Flow with the streams
Verse I Is it wrong of me to get what I want? Cuz’ I know I’m giving all of me What’s left of me is gone So before I make my way, pack my bags and leave this place, One last song before I lay, hey
Chorus This is history in the making 4x
Rap II I got my mom on the phone and I’m stalling Destiny’s on the other line That’s my calling If I can’t walk then I’ll be crawling Cuz’ faith is my strength for this weak, impaired player, wheelchair ballin’ So I can’t stop, I’ve been through harsh winters with ripped in half socks, shorts, tank-tops Cruising through hell I know the flow’s passed hot Fiend for a loud buzz cuz’ this is my last shot
Verse II So before I make my way, Pack my bags and leave this place, One last song before I lay, hey
Chorus This is history in the making 4x
Bridge Gave everything I have for one chance to blow More than half my life and there’s nothing else for me to show
Rap III Losing is not an option And success is my thesis, I’m not swaying off the topic The man that controls the cockpit all the way I’ma take it I was never mistaken
Chorus This is history in the making 4x This is history in the making, can I take it all the way? This is history in the making 4x
So many things that I want, do I let them go? I work so hard for this music, and if it’s too much to ask then let me know
Intro On set I’m feeling right I’ma show the world tonight Ready for the lights, lights I’ma show the world tonight
Verse I Out from the darkness I found my way Driven from the passion Lights & cameras flashing It's crystal clear now I know why I'm here Ain't nothing ‘gon let it fade away
Rap I Cuz’ from the cracks, from the concrete my soul fiends to break up Rock bottom now we came up Cuz’ Mommy your son was born for this No con artist, Mom, I pray to God for this Duty calls, full spin 3,6, get my game on Fears turn to heart, sweat, tears gotta’ stay strong Opposite of bogus and notice I’m never feeling hopeless, look cuz’ all I know is uh
Chorus Can't nobody do this the way I do Day and night all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Even in the darkness I'll make it through It’s alright, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ day and night, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ it’s alright, all the lights shining over me
Rap II See the lights, give me the mic Tonight’s the night I reach higher heights A new horizon with white air nikes I jump high, so fly, shine as I take flight Man, I refuse to die for free Million dollar man I put my price on freeze On the dirt while I'm on both knees Then with the mic, make my mark in the dark, all lights on me, me cuz
Chorus Can't nobody do this the way I do Day and night, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Even in the darkness I'll make it through It's alright, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ day and night, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ it’s alright, all the lights shining over me Can't nobody do this the way I do Day and night, all the lights shining over me
Bridge Can't nobody take the crown I call the shots and it’s going down I wonder who can ever stop me? Besides God, there’s nobody, nobody
Chorus Even in the darkness I'll make it through It's alright, all the lights Shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ day and night, all the lights shining over me (See them shining over me) Oh~ it’s alright, all the lights shining over me
ASTAR INC, CJ E&M (CMCC9919, 8809309175066)
Performed by 아지아틱스 1기 (2011) - Eddie Shin : 보컬 - Flowsik : 랩 - Nicky Lee : 보컬 SPEED OF LIGHT Composed by: Jae Chong Lyrics by: Jay “Flowsik” Pak, Jae Chong Produced by Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Guitar by: Jae Chong Recorded and Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studio, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong at JFS Mastering Studio, Korea
ALRIGHT Composed by: Jae Chong, Jay “Flowsik” Pak Lyrics by: Jay “Flowsik” Pak, Eddie Shin, Nicky Lee, Jae Chong Produced by Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Recorded and Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studio, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong at JFS Mastering Studio, Korea Original Title : Somebody's Watching Me Original Writers : Kenneth Gordy (Rockwell) Original Publisher : Jobete Music Co Inc Sub-Publisher : EMI Music Publishing Korea
RADIO Composed by: Nicky Lee, Jae Chong Lyrics by: Jay “Flowsik” Pak, Jae Chong Produced by: Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Recorded and Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studio, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong at JFS Mastering Studio, Korea
IF I SAW YOU AGAIN Composed by: Eddie Shin, Jae Chong Lyrics by: Eddie Shin, Jay “Flowsik” Pak, Nicky Lee Produced by Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Guitar by: Jae Chong Recorded and Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studio, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong at JFS Mastering Studio, Korea
HISTORY Composed by: Jay “Flowsik” Pak Lyrics by: Jay “Flowsik” Pak Produced by Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Guitar by: Jae Chong Recorded and Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studio, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong at JFS Mastering Studio, Korea
LIGHTS Composed by Jae Chong Lyrics by: Jay "Flowsik" Pak, Eddie Shin, Nicky Lee, Jae Chong Produced by: Jae Chong Arranged by: Jae Chong Guitar: Jae Chong Recorded by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studios Mixed by: Jae Chong at AZIATIX Studios, Korea Mastered by: Francis Ji Hoon Seong JFS Mastering Studio, KOREA
아지아틱스 - 2nd 미니앨범 Awakening - 아지아틱스 (Aziatix) 노래/씨제이 이앤엠 (구 엠넷) EP를 왜 샀냐면, 음.... 속지의 화보가 환상적으로 나왔을 것 같아서ㅋㅋ 에디의 비쥬얼 때문에 안 살수가 없었다. 대대적인 성형을 한 것도 아닌데 대체 왜케 잘생겨진거냐ㅋㅋ 중성적인 매력은 여전한데 좀 더 남자다워 보이는 듯하다. 계속 외모 얘기만 했네ㅎㅎ 아지아틱스 음악이 좋은 건 뭐 계속 말하면 입만 아프지, 라고 말하긴 하지만 솔.....