Disc 1 | ||||||
1. |
| 4:13 | ||||
아나타니 아이니 이쿠다케데 콘나 하샤이데루 당신을 만나러 가는것만으로 이렇게 들떠있어 胸の空き具合にチェック入れる自分に?付く 무네노 아키 구아이니 체크이레루 지분니 키즈쿠 가슴열린정도를 체크하는 나자신을 깨닫지 前にかがんでる場合じゃなくて 마에니 카간데루바아이쟈나쿠테 웅크리고 있을때가 아니라 まだ言われてない大事なひとこと 마다 이와레테 나이 다이지나 히토코토 아직 듣지못한 중요한 한마디 ?になってるうずまいてる相?高まってる 키니 낫테루 우즈마이테루 소-토-타카맛테루 신경이 쓰여 소용돌이 치고 있어 꽤나 고조되고있어 ふっと出した手が すっとよりそって ばっとつながった 훗도다시타테가 슷도요리솟테 밧토츠나갓타 문득내민 손이 훌쩍이라기보다 살짝 확하고이어졌어 くっと近づいて ちょっと背伸びして おでこがぶつかった 굿토 치가즈이테 ?토 세노비시테 오데코가 부츠캇타 한층다가서서 조금 뒷꿈치를 둘었더니 이마가 부딪쳤어 頭の中JET!!噴き出してるJET!! 아타마노 나카 JET!! 후키다시테루 JET!! 머리속은 JET!! 내뿜고 내고 있는 JET!! すきがすごい勢いで音が聞こえるくらい 스키가 스고이 이키오이데 오토가 키코에루 구라이 좋아하는 마음이 굉장한 기세로 소리가 들릴 정도로 同じこと今 あなたも感じてますように 오나지 코토이마 아나타모 칸지테마스요우니 같은 일을 당신도 느낄수 있도록 落ち着いて オッケ?こっちから言ったって良いじゃない? 오치츠이데 오케 콧치카라 잇탓테 이이쟈나이 진정하고 오케 내가 먼저 말해도 좋지 않아? チョコレ?ト持って 甘いキスしたりなんかして! 쵸코레토 못테 아마이 키스시타리 난카 시테 쵸콜렛 들고 달콤한 키스같은거라도 뭔가 해줘 だから今日はそういうんじゃなくて 다카라 쿄-와 소우이운쟈 나쿠테 그러니까 오늘은그게 아니라 でも笑ってる顔アップで見たら 데모 와랏테루 카오 압푸데 미타라 하지만 웃고 있는 얼굴 클로즈업해서 보면 現?感涌いてかたまる チャリに鳴らされるし 겐지쯔칸와이테카타마루 챠리니나라사레루시 현실감 절실히 느껴 자전거 소리들리고 ばっと肩抱いて ぎゅっと引きよせて わたしをかばった 밧토가타다이테 ?토히키요세테 와타시오 카밧타 확하고 어깨를 안고 꽉하고 잡아당겨서 나를 감쌌어 ちょっとできすぎで ぼっと赤くなって おでこか熱かった ?토 데키스키데 봇토 아카쿠 낫테 오데코가 아츠캇타 일이 너무 잘 풀려서 멍하니 얼굴 빨래지고 이마가 뜨거웠어 心の中JET!! 噴き出してるJET!! 코코로노 나카 JET!! 후키 다시테루 JET!! 마음속은 JET!! 내뿜어내고있는 JET!! すきも熱すぎてポッケのチョコがとけちゃうくらい 스키모 아츠스기테 포케노쵸코가토케챠우구라이 너무 좋아해서 주머니속의 쵸콜렛이 녹아 버릴정도로 かなりきてます バクテンとかできそうです 카나리키데마스 박구텐토카 데키소우데스 꽤빠져들었어요 백턴같은것 할수 있을것 같아요 頭の中JET!! 心の中JET!! すきが噴き出す 아타마노나카 JET!! 코코로노나카 JET!! 스키가 후키 다스 머리속은 JET!! 마음속은 JET!! 좋아하는 마음이 뿜어져 나와 流れ?んでJET! 湧きあがってJET! すきが?ちる 나가레 콘데 JET! 와키아갓테 JET! 스키가 미치루 흘러내려서 JET! 솟아올라서 JET! 좋아하는 마음이 가득차 もっとくっついてJET!! もっと鳴らされてJET!! 못토쿳츠이테 JET!! 못토 나라사레테 JET!! 좀더 붙어 JET! !좀더 울려 JET!! いいかげんチャリの人も笑い出しちゃうくらい 이이카겐 챠리노 히토모 와라이 다시 챠우 구라이 상당히 하는 자전거의 사람도 웃어버릴정도로 ついに?たかも!自分新狙えそう 츠이니 키타카모! 지분신네라소우 결국 온걸지도! 하느님도 노릴수 있을 것 같아요 ム?ンウォ?クさえできそう 문워크사에 데키소우 문워크조차 할수 있을것 같아 今日わたし決めそうです 쿄- 와타시 키메소우데스 오늘 나 결정해버릴 것 같아요 |
2. |
| 3:39 | ||||
Disc 2 | ||||||
1. |
| 5:53 | ||||
The dusk is gaining ground,
Lights flicker all around, and as I walk along the streets the snow is falling ever faster Looking to the sky, I wonder where you are the way you came into my life filling everyday with laughter Almost blinded by the snowflakes on my face, Despite the chill, I feel the warmth of your embrace Intoxicated now, I stutter like a fool I feel the chill, I could fall away I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to hold your arms around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had was you This sparkling crystal wall, this magic winterland If I could share it all with you and make-believe forever after Like a blanket over everything in sight, In the hush, I hear the silence of the night The snow has covered all the streets we walked along I hope you still remember me tonight, I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to feel you all around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had... Can you remember feeling this way before? Do you know? do you understand what's going through my heart? Oh, the way I love you, I just hope you feel it too. Tonight, wherever you are I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to hold your arms around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had was you. The greatest gift I ever had was you. (It was you) This is my song for you... This is my song for you... |
2. |
| 6:00 | ||||
The dusk is gaining ground,
Lights flicker all around, and as I walk along the streets the snow is falling ever faster Looking to the sky, I wonder where you are the way you came into my life filling everyday with laughter Almost blinded by the snowflakes on my face, Despite the chill, I feel the warmth of your embrace Intoxicated now, I stutter like a fool I feel the chill, I could fall away I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to hold your arms around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had was you This sparkling crystal wall, this magic winterland If I could share it all with you and make-believe forever after Like a blanket over everything in sight, In the hush, I hear the silence of the night The snow has covered all the streets we walked along I hope you still remember me tonight, I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to feel you all around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had... Can you remember feeling this way before? Do you know? do you understand what's going through my heart? Oh, the way I love you, I just hope you feel it too. Tonight, wherever you are I want to show you everything I've seen, the way I'm feeling, I need to be with you tonight to hold your arms around me My love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter The greatest gift I ever had was you. The greatest gift I ever had was you. (It was you) This is my song for you... This is my song for you... |