


[Disc 1]
1. Epic (A Better Place) / 2. Infinity (Beyond Remix) / 3. Retrograde (Nostalgia Remix) / 4. Dahshur (A Better Place) / 5. Spin (Digital Disco Remix) / 6. It's Worth It (Orthodox Remix) / 7. Nothing Is Certain But Time (Club Mix) / 8. Chinatown (White Party Remix) / 9. Capricorn (A Better Place) / 10. Lyra Son (Shock Me Remix) / 11. Libra (A Better Place) / 12. Aquarius (A Better Place) / 13. A Better Place (Silent Promises) / 14. A Better Place (Greenstreak Remix) / 15. Nothing Is Certain But Time (Disco Version) / 16. Nothing Is Certain But Time (Hip Hop Version) / 17. Nothing Is Certain But Time (Patience Mix)
[Disc 1]
1. Spin (Power of 8 Hybrid Remix) (Unmixed version) / 2. Infinity (Unmixed version) / 3. Lyra Son (Unmixed version) / 4. House of Horus (Unmixed version) / 5. It's Worth It 2019 (Instrumental) (Unmixed version) / 6. Drum Circle (Unmixed version) / 7. Slave Driver (Unmixed version) / 8. Retrograde (Hybrid Remix) (Unmixed version) / 9. Push (Unmixed version) / 10. Disco Dream (Unmixed version) / 11. 1.11 (After Hours Remix) (Unmixed version) / 12. Hallelujah (Unmixed version) / 13. Spin (Just the Fax Extended Remix) (Unmixed version)
[Disc 1]
1. Goftam / 2. Atashe Daroon / 3. Noor / 4. Sange Sahra / 5. Shabnam / 6. Yaar / 7. Kurdistan / 8. Maeem / 9. Do Rahi / 10. Hafto Hasht
[Disc 1]
1. Talab / 2. Janan / 3. Raaz / 4. Asb Haye Vahshi / 5. Hameh Ja / 6. Begoo / 7. Nava Jam / 8. Zendeghi / 9. Baroon Barooneh / 10. Charmezrab E Nava / 11. Golestaneh
[Disc 1]
1. Water Song (avaz E Aab / 2. Gole Bi Goldoon / 3. Ey Ghayeghran / 4. Del Asire / 5. Gole Goldoone Man / 6. Grand Bazaar / 7. Raven's Call / 8. Jameh Jam / 9. Goftam / 10. Ashur / 11. Sea of Tranquility / 12. Water Song  with English Translation

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