Andrea Lauren Brown

Andrea Lauren Brown    안드레아 로렌 브라운
2000s -
1973년 / 미국,델라웨어 윌밍턴

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Mayr : Ave Regina Coelorum In E Flat Major (C. 1830)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Concerto De Bassus, Daniel Ochoa, Franz Hauk
from Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani - Johann Simon Mayr : Motets Vol.II (마이어의 모테트) (2019)
Mayr : Litaniae Lauretanae In A Major (C. 1825)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Concerto De Bassus, Daniel Ochoa, Franz Hauk
from Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani - Johann Simon Mayr : Motets Vol.II (마이어의 모테트) (2019)
Mayr : Salve Regina In F Major (C. 1810) (Bergamo Angelo Mai Library Collection 307-2)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani
from Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani - Johann Simon Mayr : Motets Vol.II (마이어의 모테트) (2019)
Mayr : Salve Regina In F Major (C. 1810) (Bergamo Angelo Mai Library Collection 307-5)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani
from Franz Hauk, I Virtuosi Italiani - Johann Simon Mayr : Motets Vol.II (마이어의 모테트) (2019)
Mendelssohn : Der 95 Psalm Op.46 - II. Kommet Herzu   Andrea Lauren Brown, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Frieder Bernius, Kammerchor Stuttgart
from Kammerchor Stuttgart, Frieder Bernius - Mendelssohn : Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt. Geistliche Chormusik (2018)
Aria: A reo languor oppressus   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Aurae placidae spirate   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Concentu harmonico late exultando   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Grato murmure spirando   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Laetabunda exsultabis   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Quo fugisti desolata   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Redi, spes amata   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
In dulci jubilo   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Recitativo: Exsurge, anima   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Recitativo: Heu, qualis horror   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Recitativo: O Deus, quot me circumdant   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Regina coeli in G Major   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Salve Regina in C Major   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Salve Regina in F Major   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Qual colpa eterno Dio in C Minor   Markus Schäfer
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Salve Regina in B-Flat Major   Markus Schäfer
from Andrea Lauren Brown - MAYR, J.S.: Venetian Solo Motets (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Mischok, I Virtuosi Italiani, Hauk) (2018)
Aria: Auf Gottes Leitungswegen ist Freude Trost und Segen   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Aria: Der Herr kann alles Leiden wenden   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Aria: Herr, ich leide, hilf mir Schwachen   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Aria: Mein Herz lasse Jesum walten   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Bereit aus die Flugel beide   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Denk' nicht in deiner Drangsalshitze   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Du unbegreiflich hochstes Gut   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Recitative: Ach, wie so gern, wie willig leitet Gott die Sunder   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Recitative: Gott meint es allzeit gut   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Recitative: Wer jesum hier zu Gaste hat   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Recitative: Wir durfen in der Not gar wohl um Hulffe schreien   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Sing', bet' und geh' auf Gottes Wegen   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Kirchheimer BachConsort - GRAUPNER, C.: Gott, der Herr, ist Sonne und Schild / Erwacht, ihr Heyden (Epiphany Cantatas) (A.B. Brown, K. Wessel, Poplutz, Worner, Kaakinen-Pilch) (2018)
Mayr : Ave Maris Stella In G Major   Andrea Lauren Brown, Chor Der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Franz Hauk, Markus Schäfer
from Franz Hauk, Concerto De Bassus - Johann Simon Mayr : Stabat Mater In F Minor (2017)
Litaniae lauretanae de Beata Virgine Maria in G Minor (c. 1800)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Miserere in G Minor / Litaniae lauretanae de Beata Virgine Maria in G Minor (Simon Mayr Choir, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 10: Recitativo accompagnato: A che dunque si tarda? - Scene 11: Scellerati, che fate? (Calipso, Telemaco, Mentore)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 11: Recitativo accompagnato: La, tosto l'audace stringete (Calipso, Telemaco, Mentore)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 2: Aria: No; lasciatemi; tacete (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 2: Recitativo accompagnato: Ah, voi, numi possenti (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 2: Recitativo accompagnato: Disprezzata, schernita, vilipesa (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 2: Recitativo secco: Eucari, mia fedel… sei tu? (Calipso, Eucari)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 8: Aria: Pensa, che ancor sospesa (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I Scene 8: Recitativo accompagnato: Ad espiar del padre (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 17: Finale: Duetto: Dal primo orrendo istante (Calipso, Telemaco)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 17: Recitativo accompagnato: Ah, tutto puoi sperar… (Calipso, Telemaco)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 4: Recitativo accompagnato: Ola, che dici? Menzognero, audace! (Calipso, Mentore)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 5: Cavatina: Amore e un Nume (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 5: Recitativo accompagnato: Mentore, a che ti stai muto (Calipso, Mentore)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 5: Recitativo accompagnato: Popoli, amici, alfine torna Calipso (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 5: Sestetto e Coro: Su risuoni d'intorno la selva (Calipso, Eucari, Telemaco, Mentore, Sacerdote di Bacco, Sacerdote di Venere, Chorus)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 9: Aria: A languir tra pianti, e lai (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 9: Coro e Recitativo: Tace! Sospira!… freme!… (Chorus, Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act II Scene 9: Recitativo accompagnato: Fermati, traditor: t'arresta, audace (Calipso, Telemaco, Eucari, Sacerdote di Venere, Sacerdote di Bacco, Due del Coro)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act III Scene 7: Finale: Aria: Furie spietate, orribili (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act III Scene 7: Recitativo accompagnato: Ah inique stelle! Ah, Numi impotenti (Calipso)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Siri Karoline Thornhill - MAYR, J.S.: Telemaco (Opera) (S.K. Thornhill, A.L. Brown, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2017)
Act I: Aria: L'onda del mar, che al vento (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act I: Coro e Recitativo: Ecco la Pizia (Coro, Saffo, Alceo, Faone)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act I: Recitativo: Ah dicesti abbastanza (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act I: Recitativo: Ah, s'egli fosse giunto (Saffo, Alceo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act I: Recitativo: Alfine premere m'e concesso (Saffo, Amfizione)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act I: Recitativo: O mie compagne udiste (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Aria: Pallida morte, vieni: guidami (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Aria: Soave, dolce, cara e la morte (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Coro: Palpitante… agitata… tremante (Coro, Saffo, Faone, Alceo, Amfizione)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Coro: Vivi leggiadra e bella (Coro, Saffo, Alceo, Faone)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Recitativo: Cosi piacesse al Nume (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Recitativo: E quel pianto, quel duolo (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Recitativo: Piacesse a te svelar quando (Saffo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Recitativo: Saffo, e che ti spaventa? (Saffo, Alceo, Amfizione, Laodamia, Faone)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Act II: Recitativo: T'arresti ancor! (Saffo, Faone)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Saffo (Opera) (A.L. Brown, M. Schafer, Jaewon Yun, Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir, Concerto de Bassus, Hauk) (2016)
Aria: Ah, prata adite (Lia)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Aria: Placida spiret aura (Lia)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Finale: Terzetto con Coro: Qualis amica dies (Jacob, Lia, Rachel, Chorus)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Recitativo accompagnato: Amici, neque labor (Jacob, Lia, Rachel)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Recitativo accompagnato: Sed grandis ac tener (Rachel, Lia, Jacob)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Recitativo accompagnato: Siste quaeso (Rachel, Lia, Jacob)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Recitativo secco: Lacrymae finis (Jacob, Lia, Rachel)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Recitativo secco: Nil morae sit (Jacob, Lia, Rachel)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Terzetto con Coro: Pedem moveo (Chorus, Jacob, Rachel, Lia)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Terzetto: Qualis horrida funesta (Lia, Rachel, Jacob)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from Simon Mayr Choir - MAYR, J.S.: Iacob a Labano fugiens (Oratorio) (Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2015)
Aria con Coro: E fia ver gia? (Partenope, Coro Generale)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Duetto: Che avvenne (Partenope, Mercurio)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Quartetto con coro: All'ombra placida (Partenope, Minerva, Mercurio, Apollo, Coro delle Muse e de Geni)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Recitativo: Ah! Lo confesso, o Numi (Partenope, Minerva, Mercurio)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Recitativo: Ah! Qual nuova luce (Partenope, Minerva, Mercurio, Apollo, Urania, Coro delle Muse e Coro de' Genj delle Arti)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Recitativo: Deh per pieta (Partenope)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Recitativo: Vieni all'Olimpo (Partenope, Minerva, Mercurio, Apollo)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Munich State Opera Chorus - MAYR, J.S.: Sogno di Partenope (Il) (Cantata Opera) (Munich State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Choir and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Finale: Fra cosi cari oggetti (Cloe, Chorus, Comone, Filinto, Licisco)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - DONIZETTI, G.: Aristea (Cantata) (A.L. Brown, Hershkowitz, C. Adler, Members of Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Quartetto: Misero cor, non sai (Cloe, Filinto, Licisco, Comone)   Andrea Lauren Brown
from members Bavarian State Opera Chorus - DONIZETTI, G.: Aristea (Cantata) (A.L. Brown, Hershkowitz, C. Adler, Members of Bavarian State Opera Chorus, Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Hauk) (2014)
Rossini : Petite Messe Solennelle / Credo - IIIb. Crucifixus (로시니 : 작은 장엄 미사 - 3b번. 십자가에 못 박히시고)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Andreas Grasle, Simon Bucher, Tonu Kaljuste
from Tonu Kaljuste, Kirchheimer Vokal-Consort - Rossini : Petite Messe solennelle (2013)
Rossini : Petite Messe Solennelle / Gloria - IIe. Qui Tollis (로시니 : 작은 장엄 미사 - 2e번. 세상의 죄를 없애시는 주님)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Andreas Grasle, Simon Bucher, Tonu Kaljuste
from Tonu Kaljuste, Kirchheimer Vokal-Consort - Rossini : Petite Messe solennelle (2013)
Bach: Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben, Bwv 147 - Aria: Bereite Dir, Jesu, Noch Itzo Die Bahn (Soprano)   Andrea Lauren Brown, Hansjorg Albrecht, Munich Bach Choir, Munich Bach Orchestra
from Bach, J.S.: Cantata, Bwv 147 / Magnificat, Bwv 243 (60 Years Of The Munich Bach Choir) (Munich Bach Choir, H. Albrecht) (2013)
Bach: Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben, Bwv 147 - Chorale: Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude   Andrea Lauren Brown, Hansjorg Albrecht, Julian Pregardien, Munich Bach Choir
from Bach, J.S.: Cantata, Bwv 147 / Magnificat, Bwv 243 (60 Years Of The Munich Bach Choir) (Munich Bach Choir, H. Albrecht) (2013)
Bach: Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben, Bwv 147 - Chorale: Wohl Mir, Dass Ich Jesum Habe   Andrea Lauren Brown, Hansjorg Albrecht, Julian Pregardien, Munich Bach Choir
from Bach, J.S.: Cantata, Bwv 147 / Magnificat, Bwv 243 (60 Years Of The Munich Bach Choir) (Munich Bach Choir, H. Albrecht) (2013)

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