1. hazelton - Justin Vernon / 1. Look Down That Long Lonesome Road - Justin Vernon / 2. frail sail - Justin Vernon / 2. Handwriting on the Wall - Justin Vernon / 3. Feel the Light - Justin Vernon, Phil Cook / 3. game night - Justin Vernon / 4. Breathe - Justin Vernon / 4. easy - Justin Vernon / 4. Funeral Lights - Justin Vernon / 5. liner - Justin Vernon / 6. song for a lover (of long ago) - Justin Vernon / 7. hannah my ophelia - Justin Vernon / 8. Right Down There in Your Tributary - Justin Vernon
2. Hands Up featuring Justin Vernon - Ticonderoga
2. Feel the Light - Justin Vernon, Phil Cook
1. Sleeping Without You Is a Dragg featuring Jenny Lewis,Justin Vernon - Swamp Dogg
1. Sleeping Without You Is a Dragg featuring Jenny Lewis,Justin Vernon - Swamp Dogg
1. I'll Pretend featuring Guitar Shorty,Justin Vernon - Swamp Dogg
11. Let the Spirit featuring Justin Vernon - Amy Ray / 2. Oyster and Pearl featuring Brad Cook,Justin Vernon,Phil Cook - Amy Ray / 3. The Gig That Matters featuring Brad Cook,Heather McEntire,Justin Vernon,Phil Cook - Amy Ray / 8. Broken Record featuring Brad Cook,H.C. McEntire,Justin Vernon,Phil Cook - Amy Ray