Chorus of the Royal Opera House

Chorus of the Royal Opera House    


1. Verdi : Aida - Preludio (베르디 : 아이다 - 전주곡) - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas 외 / 10. Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene II. - Possente Phtaha... Tu Che Dal Nulla Hai Tratto (베르디 : 아이다 1막 2장 - 전능하신 푸타... 이 세상 만물을 창조하신 자여) - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas 외 / 11. Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene II. - Immenso Phtha!...Mortal, Diletto Ai Numi (베르디 : 아이다 1막 2장 - 수호신들에게 기쁨을) - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum,
2. Rigoletto / Act 1 'Gualtier Maldè' - 'Caro Nome' - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli
11. Rigoletto / Act 1 'Gualtier Maldè' - 'Caro Nome' - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli
1. Artaxerxes / Act 3 The Soldier Tir'd of War's Alarms - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Harry Dilley 외 / 2. Samson Hwv 57 / Act 3 Let The Bright Seraphim - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Harry Dilley 외 / 20. La Fille Du Régiment / Act 2 Par Le Rang...salut à La France - Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House 외 / 5. Semiramide / Act 1 Bel Raggio Lusinghier -

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