Hayashi Yuuki

Hayashi Yuuki    하야시 유키 / 본명:林ゆうき
uploaded by matia
uploaded by matia
2010s -


[Disc 1]
1. 緊急取調室 - Hayashi Yuuki / 2. Retrospective - Hayashi Yuuki / 3. Step forward - Hayashi Yuuki / 4. Hesitation - Hayashi Yuuki / 5. Tension - Hayashi Yuuki / 6. kintori - Hayashi Yuuki / 7. oji-san - Hayashi Yuuki / 8. motu-nabe - Hayashi Yuuki / 9. Monologue - Hayashi Yuuki / 10. Resonance - Hayashi Yuuki / 11. Relief - Hayashi Yuuki / 12. Serenity - Hayashi Yuuki / 13. Disappointment - Hayashi Yuuki / 14. Dawn - Hayashi Yuuki / 15. Interrogations - Hayashi Yuuki / 16. Psychology - Hayashi Yuuki / 17. Feud - Hayashi Yuuki / 18. Investigation - Hayashi Yuuki / 19. Cadence - Hayashi Yuuki / 20. Heterogeneou - Hayashi Yuuki / 21. tightrope - Hayashi Yuuki / 22. evil - Hayashi Yuuki / 23. Turbulent - Hayashi Yuuki
[Disc 1]
1. Late Night / 2. Up / 3. Next Innovation / 4. Freezeenjoy / 5. Elastic / 6. Pinch / 7. Daily Life / 8. Trauma / 9. Waver / 10. Rich-man / 11. Program / 12. Rock4you / 13. T-d-w-p / 14. Poor-woman / 15. Business / 16. Bamboo Grove / 17. Momoiro! / 18. Poor-woman-pfmix / 19. Accident / 20. Workaholic / 21. Poor-woman-flowmix / 22. ヒカリヘ Acoustic Guitar Version (빛으로 acoustic guitar version) / 23. ヒカリヘ Piano Version (빛으로 piano version)
[Disc 1]
1. Legal-high / 2. 古美cal-01 / 3. 「昔~をやっていたもので」 / 4. Interrogation / 5. Case / 6. Legal-high Gtmix / 7. すったかたった~ / 8. 古美cal-02 / 9. Justice Pfmix / 10. 潜伏 / 11. 古美cal-16bitboss / 12. 草の者))) / 13. After This / 14. Rex-gc2 / 15. Monitor-42 / 16. Ineffective / 17. Rex-gc / 18. Case2 / 19. Legal-high Quartetmix / 20. Lawsuit / 21. Eloquence / 22. Lost Case / 23. Plead / 24. Truth / 25. Show Time !!!! / 26. Justice / 27. Legal-high Pfmix / 28. Legal-high Rg-mix
[Disc 1]
1. ストロベリーナイト / 2. 祷リ踊レ / 3. ナニワ刑事 / 4. 朝日射ス / 5. 鉄ト肉 / 6. 捜査会議 / 7. 儚キ力 / 8. 嬲レ穢セ / 9. ナミダノ痕 / 10. オ菓子好キ好キ監察医 / 11. ストロベリーナイト (4strgtmix) / 12. 朧月夜 / 13. 赤ク滲ンダ月 / 14. 貴方ノ温モリ / 15. 傷跡ヲナゾル指 / 16. 折リ重ネタ刻 / 17. 揺ガヌ確信 / 18. ストロベリーナイト (Ethnochoirmix) / 19. ソウルケイジ / 20. ストロベリーナイト (Pfmix) / 21. Sleeping Beauty
[Disc 1]
1. The Chariot / 2. Phantom / 3. Move On / 4. Interim Report / 5. Turtle / 6. -273℃-2 (PF-Mix,remix) / 7. Decoy / 8. A Shadow / 9. Stinger / 10. Sidewinder / 11. Absolute (Zero-2 Ht-Mix) / 12. The Chariot (AI-Mix,remix) / 13. Profiling / 14. Sneaking / 15. Darkness / 16. Escape / 17. Absolute (Zero-2 Strike Eagle-Mix,remix) / 18. -273℃-2 (Patriot-Mix,remix)
[Disc 1]
1. Prelude [Prelude] / 2. 大切なことはすべて君が教えてくれた / 3. Pr&cp / 4. Gohan Project / 5. ひとり / 6. Cocoro / 7. Ambersky / 8. Flow / 9. Gg-pizz / 10. Again and Again / 11. Ga-rock / 12. Doubt / 13. N-p-m / 14. ふたり / 15. Gg-ethno / 16. Illusions / 17. N-p-d / 18. Rex2-pizz / 19. Subconscious / 20. Tdwp / 21. Rex2-rock / 22. Call My Name / 23. Iisth / 24. Never Said / 25. Rex2-guitar / 26. Consideration / 27. March / 28. Tears / 29. Sakura
[Disc 1]
1. Blue Brave / 2. Orange Orbit / 3. Black Backbone / 4. Scarlet Searchlight / 5. Ivory Idealist / 6. White Wanderer / 7. Yellow Yell / 8. Fuchsia Fiddle / 9. Blue Brave / 10. Apricot Adventure / 11. Resonance of Red / 12. Broadcaster=blue / 13. Violet Venom / 14. Blond Breeze / 15. Mauve Mirage / 16. Parasite Purple / 17. Sepia Skyline / 18. Pink Paradox / 19. Grey Gloom / 20. Greedy Green / 21. Casually Cyan / 22. Silver Salvation / 23. Blue Brave
[Disc 1]
1. Absolute Zero (Maintheme) / 2. -273℃ / 3. Shadow Behind (Gt.Ver) / 4. Mad Chaser / 5. Remembrance / 6. File / 7. Anpanとgyuu-nyuu / 8. Absolute Zero (Ilishmix,remix) / 9. Suspect / 10. Ne Guse Atama / 11. Action / 12. Brutal / 13. Secretのmemo / 14. Squad Room / 15. Absolute Zero (Gt&Strmix,remix) / 16. The Past / 17. Murder / 18. Dry Town / 19. Salute / 20. Shadow Behind (Pf.Ver) / 21. Absolute Zero (Pfsolomix,remix) / 22. Chronus Awakening

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P379103

Trackback from :: Crevasse 같은 삶 :: 2016-02-16 20:38:55

Subject : [드라마][긴급취조실 緊急取調室]-취조실 안에서

2014, 일본, 아사히TV, 총 9부작 감 독 : 츠네히로 죠타(常廣丈太),모토하시 케이타(本橋圭太) 각 본 : 이노우에 유미코(井上由美子) 출 연 아마미 유키(天海祐希), 다나카 테츠지(田中哲司 ) 하야미 모코미치(速水もこみち), 스즈키 코스케(鈴木浩介) 사사이 에이스케(篠井英介), 쿠사카리 마사오(草刈正雄) 덴덴(でんでん), 오오스키 렌(大杉漣) 코히나타 후미요(小日向文世) 음악 하야시…...


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