Vera Beths

Vera Beths    베라 베스
2000s -
1946년 06월 01일 / 네덜란드


[Disc 1]
1. Forellenquintett A-dur D667 - Franz Peter Schubert / 2. Forellenquintett A-dur D667 - Franz Peter Schubert / 3. Forellenquintett A-dur D667 - Franz Peter Schubert / 4. Forellenquintett A-dur D667 - Franz Peter Schubert / 5. Forellenquintett A-dur D667 - Franz Peter Schubert / 6. Vier Impromptus D935 Nr.2 As-dur - Franz Peter Schubert / 7. Arpeggione Sonate A-moll - Franz Peter Schubert / 8. Arpeggione Sonate A-moll - Franz Peter Schubert / 9. Arpeggione Sonate A-moll - Franz Peter Schubert
[Disc 1]
1. Trio In Einem Satze Fur Klavier, Violine Und Cello: Allegretto - L.V. Beethoven / 2. 4 Scottish Songs Opus Nrs.7,8,17 And 5: Bonnie Laddie, Highland Laddie - L.V. Beethoven / 3. 4 Scottish Songs Opus Nrs.7,8,17 And 5: The Lovely Lass Of Inverness - L.V. Beethoven / 4. 4 Scottish Songs Opus Nrs.7,8,17 And 5: Oh, Mary At Thy Window Be - L.V. Beethoven / 5. 4 Scottish Songs Opus Nrs.7,8,17 And 5: The Sweetest Lad Was Jamie - L.V. Beethoven / 6. Funf Variationen Uber Das Englische Volkslied `Rule Britannia` - L.V. Beethoven / 7. 4 Scottish Songs Opus 108 Nrs.2,24,20 And 3: Sunset - L.V. Beethoven / 8. 4 Scottish Songs Opus 108 Nrs.2,24,20 And 3: Again My Lyre - L.V. Beethoven / 9. 4 Scottish Songs Opus 108 Nrs.2,24,20 And 3: Faithfu` Johnie - L.V. Beethoven / 10. 4 Scottish Songs Opus 108 Nrs.2,24,20 And 3: Oh, Sweet Were The Hours - L.V. Beethoven / 11. Landlerische Tanze Fur Zwei Violinen Und Bass Woo15: - L.V. Beethoven / 12. 4 Irish Songs Woo152 Nrs.1,5,8 And 11: The Return To Ulster - L.V. Beethoven / 13. 4 Irish Songs Woo152 Nrs.1,5,8 And 11: On The Massacre Of Glencoe - L.V. Beethoven / 14. 4 Irish Songs Woo152 Nrs.1,5,8 And 11: Thou Emblem Of Faith - L.V. Beethoven / 15. 4 Irish Songs Woo152 Nrs.1,5,8 And 11: Come Draw We Round A Cheerful Ring - L.V. Beethoven

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