Te Vaka

Te Vaka    


[Disc 1]
1. Tokelau / 2. Te Namo(the Lagoon) / 3. Pate Mo Tou Vae(log Drum For Your Feet) / 4. Papa E(a Song For My Father) / 5. Ki Te La(shine The Sun) / 6. Toku Matua(land Of My Mother) / 7. Tautai E(the Master Fisherman) / 8. Vaka Gaoi(slave Ship) / 9. Tagi Sina(sina Si Crying) / 10. Te Vaka(the Canoe) / 11. E Keli(the Digging) / 12. Ika Ika(fish) / 13. Siva Mai(let`s Dance)

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P184807


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