[Disc 1]
Hymn: Sing, My Tongue, The Glorious Battle (Chorus) (Charles Wood) -
Charles Wood / 2.
First Gospel: And The First Day Of Unleavened Bread (Evangelist, Jesus, Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 3.
Hymn: The Heavenly Word Proceeding Forth (Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 4.
Second Gospel: And They Came To A Place Which Was Named Gethsemane (Evangelist, Jesus, Chorus, Judas -
Charles Wood / 5.
Hymn: Lord, When We Bow Before Thy Throne (Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 6.
Third Gospel: And They Led Jesus Away To The High Priests (Evangelist, High Priest, Jesus, Chorus, F -
Charles Wood / 7.
Hymn: My God, I Love Thee (Soprano, Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 8.
Fourth Gospel: And Straightway In The Morning (Evangelist, Pilate, Jesus, Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 9.
Hymn: Faithful Cross! Above All Other (Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 10.
Fifth Gospel: And They Bring Him Into The Place Golgotha (Evangelist, Chorus, Jesus, Bystander) -
Charles Wood / 11.
Hymn: Bend Thy Boughs, O Tree Of Glory! (Chorus) -
Charles Wood / 12.
Toccata And Prelude On Pange Lingua (Edward Bairstow) -
Charles Wood