High Tide

High Tide    


[Disc 1]
1. Wasting Time / 2. The Midas Touch / 3. Liars / 4. Another Try / 5. Wanted You to Know / 6. An Interlude / 7. Blind / 8. There for You / 9. The Fall / 10. Leaving Home / 11. Holding On / 12. Stories
[Disc 1]
1. Blood Lagoon / 2. Quest / 3. Inflight / 4. Ice Age / 5. Movie Madness / 6. Exploration / 7. Rock Me On Your Wave
[Disc 1]
1. Babylon (Nothing In This World Is Right) / 2. Creation / 3. Headlights / 4. Jc of Nazareth / 5. Nature of Man / 6. Low Blows / 7. 21st Century Dream / 8. Harmony
[Disc 1]
1. Futilist'S Lament / 2. Death Warmed Up / 3. Pushed, But Not Forgotten / 4. Walking Down Their Outlook / 5. Missing Out / 6. Nowhere / 7. The Great Universal Protection Racket / 8. Dilemma / 9. Death Warmed Up / 10. Pushed, But Not Forgotten / 11. Time Gauges
[Disc 1]
1. Blankman Cries Again / 2. The Joke / 3. Saneonymous / 4. The Great Universal Protection Racket / 5. The Joke / 6. Blankman Cries Again / 7. Ice Age
[Disc 1]
1. Futilist's Lament / 2. Death Warmed Up / 3. Pushed, But Not Forgotten / 4. Walking Down Their Outlook / 5. Missing Out / 6. Nowhere / 7. Blankman Cries Again / 8. The Joke / 9. Saneonimous
[Disc 1]
1. Nightmare / 2. The Nexialist / 3. Survival / 4. Ice Age / 5. Dream Beam / 6. Movie Madness / 7. The Reason Why / 8. Strike A Light / 9. Rock Me On Your Wave / 10. Heartstream
[Disc 1]
1. Open Season / 2. Unearthed / 3. Static In The Attic / 4. The Ballad Of Norris Mill / 5. The Great Universal Confidence Trick / 6. Icarus Phoenix / 7. Unhinged / 8. All Of One Race / 9. Resonance / 10. Turn Yourself Down / 11. Light Your Torch / 12. Steady In E / 13. Garage Gods / 14. Spindle

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P166069


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