Arve Henriksen [트럼펫]

Arve Henriksen [트럼펫]    아르베 핸릭센
1968년 03월 22일 / 노르웨이,Stranda, Norway


[Disc 1]
1. Melancholia / 2. The Beauty of Sundays / 3. Redream / 4. The Dark Light / 5. What All This Is / 6. Mirror Images / 7. Touch of Time / 8. Winter Haze / 9. Red and Black / 10. Passing on the Past
[Disc 1]
1. Nu rinner solen opp - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 2. Langt inn på ville heii - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 3. Jammer - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 4. Jesus din søde forening at smake - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 5. Jesus gjør meg stille - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 6. Interludium 1 - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 7. Å at eg kunne min Jesus prise - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 8. Lær meg å kjenne dine veie - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 9. Villfarande barn - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 10. Adamsvise - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 11. Interludium 2 - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 12. Farvel, farvel - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen / 13. Ned i vester soli glader - Arve Henriksen, Kim Rysstad, Tord Gustavsen
[Disc 1]
1. One (Affirmation Part I) / 2. Two (Affirmation Part I) / 3. Three (Affirmation Part I) / 4. Four (Affirmation Part I) / 5. Five (Affirmation Part II) / 6. Six (Affirmation Part II) / 7. Seven (Affirmation Part II) / 8. Short Story
[Disc 1]
1. Reconstructing A Dream - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 2. To Stanko - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 3. Beautiful Day - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 4. Morning Song - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 5. Housework - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 6. Music For Black Pigeons - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 7. Sound Flower - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 8. Slaraffenland - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy / 9. Morning Song (Var.) - Arve Henriksen, Jakob Bro, Jorge Rossy
[Disc 1]
1. St Birgitta Hymn - Rosa Rorans Bonitatem / 2. O Jesu Dulcissime / 3. Om odet skulle skicka mig / 4. Morgunstjarna / 5. Ris upp, drottni dyrð / 6. St Magnus Hymn - Nobilis Humilis / 7. Lata gjalla lett og hatt / 8. Brureslatt / 9. St Sunniva Hymn - Eterna Christi Munera / 10. Krummi / 11. Anda þinn guð mer gef þu vist / 12. Sulla lulla / 13. Du ar den forsta / 14. Alma Redemptoris Mater / 15. Bium bium bambalo / 16. Jag haver ingen karare / 17. Gammelkjerringvalsen
[Disc 1]
1. Poverty And Its Opposite / 2. Before And Afterlife / 3. Migration / 4. From Birth / 5. Ouija / 6. Recording Angel / 7. Assembly / 8. Loved One / 9. The Unremarkable Child / 10. Famine'S Ghost / 11. Thermal / 12. Sorrow And Its Opposite
[Disc 1]
1. Birth Of The Universe / 2. Mourn / 3. The Big Lie / 4. Chorus I / 5. Electra Song Intro / 6. Electra Song / 7. Electra Song Outro / 8. Chorus II / 9. 7th Background / 10. One Note / 11. Whispers / 12. Divine Command / 13. Clytaemnestras Entrance / 14. Loud Sound / 15. Chorus III / 16. Opening / 17. Chorus IV / 18. Big Bang
[Disc 1]
1. She Passes The House Of Her Grandmother / 2. The Birch 1 / 3. Roya Garden / 4. Somewhere East / 5. Travelling / Far East / Slow Brook / 6. The Birch 2 / 7. Ballimaran / 8. Watering / 9. Before Church / 10. The Birch 3 / 11. Two Waltzing, One Square And Then / 12. Fooling Around / 13. The Gardener / 14. The Birch 4
[Disc 1]
1. Sanmon - Main Entrance / 2. Viewing Infinite Space / 3. Inside Tea House / 4. Peaceful - Close To Cherry Trees / 5. Procession Passing / 6. Evening Call / 7. Breathing / 8. Beauty Of Bamboos / 9. Tsukubai - Washbasin / 10. Planting Trees Creating Beauty / 11. Stones Should Never Be Placed Carelessly / 12. White Gravel / 13. Shrine / 14. Paths Around The Pond / 15. Children In My Garden

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