Mason Jennings [작곡]

Mason Jennings [작곡]    
2000s -
1975년 / 미국,Honolulu, HI
1997년 / Mason Jennings

얼터너티브 락
컨템포러리 포크
포크 락


[Disc 1]
1. Tomorrow / 2. Real Heart / 3. Second Life / 4. On the Brink / 5. The Demon / 6. I Feel Loved / 7. The Game / 8. The Wonder / 9. Faded / 10. How Many Days
[Disc 1]
1. Death Grips / 2. Future King / 3. Heaven  featuring Sarah Chris / 4. When It's Real / 5. Everglades / 6. Arma / 7. Two Dollar Man / 8. Painted Answers / 9. Old Daze / 10. How I Feel About You / 11. On the Starry Banks
[Disc 1]
1. Dakota / 2. In The Field / 3. The Flood / 4. January / 5. Between The Lines / 6. The Magician / 7. The Villain / 8. So Many Ways To Die / 9. The Likes Of Me / 10. A.M. Rock And Roll / 11. When The Boats Come In / 12. Michael's Song / 13. Better Than That / 14. Two Things You Should Know / 15. Method To My Madness
[Disc 1]
1. City Of Ghosts (Live) / 2. Pittsburgh (Live) / 3. The Field (Live) / 4. Crown (Live) / 5. The Light Part II (Live) / 6. Ballad For My One True Love (Live) / 7. Born (Live) / 8. Tourist (Live) / 9. Grow Old With Me (Live) / 10. Lonely Computer Screen (Live) / 11. Be Here Now (Live) / 12. Lonely Road (Live) / 13. Ain't No Friend Of Mine (Live) / 14. Sing Out (Live) / 15. Black Wind Blowing (Live) / 16. Blood Of Man (Live) / 17. Rebecca DeVille (Live) / 18. Godless (Live)
[Disc 1]
1. Lonely Street / 2. Patti and Robert / 3. Dreaming / 4. Instrument / 5. Number of the Sun / 6. So Good  featuring Christian Wilckens & Jurgen Kumlehn / 7. Wilderness / 8. Brand New Old Friend / 9. Witness / 10. Rainboots / 11. Just Try
[Disc 1]
1. Bitter Heart / 2. Raindrops on the Kitchen Floor / 3. Hearts Stop Beating / 4. Clutch / 5. Witches Dream / 6. Rudy / 7. Wake Up / 8. Well of Love / 9. No Relief
[Disc 1]
1. City Of Ghosts / 2. Pittsburgh / 3. The Field / 4. Tourist / 5. Black Wind Blowing / 6. Ain’t No Friend Of Mine / 7. Sing Out / 8. Sunlight / 9. Lonely Road / 10. Blood Of Man
[Disc 1]
1. Sunlight
[Disc 1]
1. Never Knew Your Name / 2. Something About Your Love / 3. I Love You And Buddha Too / 4. Fighter Girl / 5. Your New Man / 6. Memphis, Tennessee / 7. Going Back To New Orleans / 8. How Deep Is That River / 9. Soldier Boy / 10. My Perfect Lover / 11. In Your City
[Disc 1]
1. Crown / 2. The Light (Part Ii) / 3. Empire Builder / 4. Fourteen Pictures / 5. Lemon Grove Avenue / 6. Keepin It Real / 7. The Ballad Of Paul And Sheila / 8. Southern Cross / 9. Drinking As Religion / 10. Ulysses
[Disc 1]
1. Nothing / 2. Butterfly / 3. California / 4. Godless / 5. Big Sur / 6. California (Part Ii) / 7. 1997 / 8. Darkness Between The Fireflies
[Disc 1]
1. Confidant / 2. United States Global Empire / 3. Ballad For My One True Love / 4. Black Panther / 5. Dr. King / 6. Star Shine Quietly / 7. Birds Flying Away / 8. The Moutain / 9. Duluth / 10. Train Leaving Gray / 11. The Light
[Disc 1]
1. Living In The Moment / 2. Sorry Signs On Cash Machines / 3. New York City / 4. Dewey Dell / 5. Forgiveness / 6. Century Spring / 7. Bullet / 8. Killer's Creek / 9. East Of Eden / 10. Adrian

Trackback ::

가슴네트워크 Review :: 2002-06-20

Subject : MASON JENNINGS - Century Spring (Barnone,2002)

올 해 27살의 메이슨 제닝스(Mason Jennings)는 슬픔이나 우울을 자극하지 않은 상태로도 섬세하게 여러 감정들을 다스리고 노래할 줄 아는 능력을 가지고 있다. 그에 대한 참조목록으로 이야기되는 밥 딜런, 루 리드, 닉 드레이크와 같은 싱어 송 라이터와 그가 합일되는 지점은 슬픔이 아닌 사랑, 평등, 믿음과 같은 기본적인 것들에 대한 이상(理想)에 있다. 사람들이 현재 인디 씬에서 어쿠스틱 사운드로 노래하는 싱어 송 라이터 중에 그를 주목하고 있는 것은 이런 우울 없는(no depression)가사가 주는 진솔함과 훈훈함에 있다.이미 십대 이전에 부모의 밴드에서 연주를 시작했고 13살 때부턴 자기 곡을 쓰기 시작한 메이슨 제닝스는 그로부터 십 년 후에야 자신의 첫 음반을 갖게 된다. 자신의 목소리와...


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