Jonny Greenwood

Jonny Greenwood    죠니 그린우드
2000s -
1971년 11월 05일 / 영국,Oxford

실험 음악


[Disc 1]
1. Airbag (Remastered) / 2. Paranoid Android (Remastered) / 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien (Remastered) / 4. Exit Music (For a Film) (Remastered) / 5. Let Down (Remastered) / 6. Karma Police (Remastered) / 7. Fitter Happier (Remastered) / 8. Electioneering (Remastered) / 9. Climbing Up the Walls (Remastered) / 10. No Surprises (Remastered) / 11. Lucky (Remastered) / 12. The Tourist (Remastered)
[Disc 2]
1. I Promise / 2. Man of War / 3. Lift / 4. Lull (Remastered) / 5. Meeting in the Aisle (Remastered) / 6. Melatonin (Remastered) / 7. A Reminder (Remastered) / 8. Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2) (Remastered) / 9. Pearly* (Remastered) / 10. Palo Alto (Remastered) / 11. How I Made My Millions (Remastered)
[Disc 1]
1. Burn The Witch / 2. Daydreaming / 3. Decks Dark / 4. Desert Island Disk / 5. Ful Stop / 6. Glass Eyes / 7. Identikit / 8. The Numbers / 9. Present Tense / 10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief / 11. True Love Waits
[Disc 1]
1. Overtones - Jonny Greenwood / 2. Time Hole - Jonny Greenwood / 3. Back Beyond - Jonny Greenwood / 4. Get Thee Behind Me Satan (as used in the film The Master) - Jonny Greenwood / 5. Alethia - Jonny Greenwood / 6. Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else but Me) (as used in the film The Master) - Jonny Greenwood / 7. Atomic Healer - Jonny Greenwood / 8. Able-Bodied Seamen - Jonny Greenwood / 9. The Split Saber - Jonny Greenwood / 10. Baton Sparks - Jonny Greenwood / 11. No Other Love (as used in the film The Master) - Jonny Greenwood / 12. His Master's Voice - Jonny Greenwood / 13. Application 45 Version I - Jonny Greenwood / 14. Changing Partners (as used in the film The Master) - Jonny Greenwood / 15. Sweetness of Freddie - Jonny Greenwood
[Disc 1]
1. Little By Little (Caribou RMX) / 2. Lotus Flower (Jacques Greene RMX) / 3. Morning Mr Magpie (Nathan Fake RMX) / 4. Bloom (Harmonic 313 RMX) / 5. Bloom (Mark Pritchard RMX) / 6. Feral (Lone RMX) / 7. Morning Mr Magpie (Pearson Sound Scavenger RMX) / 8. Separator (Four Tet RMX)
[Disc 2]
1. Give Up The Ghost (Thriller Houseghost RMX) / 2. Codex (Illum Sphere RMX) / 3. Little By Little (Shed RMX) / 4. Give Up The Ghost (Brokenchord RMX) / 5. TKOL (Altrice RMX) / 6. Bloom (Blawan RMX) / 7. Good Evening Mrs Magpie (Modeselektor RMX) / 8. Bloom (Objekt RMX) / 9. Bloom (Jamie xx Rework) / 10. Separator (Anstam RMX) / 11. Lotus Flower (SBTRKT RMX)
[Disc 1]
1. Bloom / 2. Morning Mr. Magpie / 3. Little By Little / 4. Feral / 5. Lotus Flower / 6. Codex / 7. Give Up The Ghost / 8. Separator
[Disc 1]
1. 15 Step / 2. Bodysnatchers / 3. Nude / 4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi / 5. All I Need / 6. Faust Arp / 7. Reckoner / 8. House Of Cards / 9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place / 10. Videotape
[Disc 1]
1. Open Spaces / 2. Future Markets / 3. Prospectors Arrive / 4. Eat Him By His Own Light / 5. Henry Plainview / 6. There Will Be Blood / 7. Oil / 8. Proven Lands / 9. Hope Of New Fields / 10. Stranded The Line / 11. Prospectors Quartet
[Disc 1]
1. Moon Trills / 2. Moon Mall / 3. Trench / 4. Iron Swallow / 5. Clockwork Tin Soldiers / 6. Convergence / 7. Nudnik Headache / 8. Peartree / 9. Splitter / 10. Bode Radio/Glass Light/Broken Hearts / 11. 24 Hour Charleston / 12. Milky Drops From Heaven / 13. Tehellet
[Disc 1]
1. 2+2=5 / 2. Sit Down. Stand Up / 3. Sail To The Moon / 4. Backdrifts / 5. Go To Sleep / 6. Where I End And You Begin / 7. We Suck Young Blood / 8. The Gloaming / 9. There There / 10. I Will / 11. A Punchup At A Wedding / 12. Myxomatosis / 13. Scatterbrain / 14. A Wolf At The Door
[Disc 1]
1. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box / 2. Pyramid Song / 3. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors / 4. You And Whose Army? / 5. I Might Be Wrong / 6. Knives Out / 7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac / 8. Dollars & Cents / 9. Hunting Bears / 10. Like Spinning Plates / 11. Life In A Glasshouse
[Disc 1]
1. Everything In Its Right Place / 2. Kid A / 3. The National Anthem / 4. How To Disappear Completely / 5. Treefingers / 6. Optimistic / 7. In Limbo / 8. Idioteque / 9. Morning Bell / 10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
[Disc 1]
1. Airbag / 2. Paranoid Android / 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien / 4. Exit Music (For A Film) / 5. Let Down / 6. Karma Police / 7. Fitter Happier / 8. Electioneering / 9. Climbing Up The Walls / 10. No Surprises / 11. Lucky / 12. The Tourist
[Disc 1]
1. Killer Cars / 2. Wonderwall / 3. Blow Out / 4. Street Spirit / 5. Lucky / 6. High And Dry / 7. Motion Picture Soundtrack / 8. Fake Plastic Trees / 9. Black Star / 10. Street Spirit / 11. Subteranean Homesick Alien / 12. Thinking About You / 13. Creep / 14. Just / 15. Lozenge Of Love / 16. Bulletproof / 17. Killer Cars / 18. Banana Co. / 19. Yes I Am / 20. Airbag / 21. Fake Plastic Trees
[Disc 1]
1. Planet Telex / 2. The Bends / 3. High And Dry / 4. Fake Plastic Trees / 5. Bones / 6. Nice Dream / 7. Just / 8. My Iron Lung / 9. Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was / 10. Black Star / 11. Sulk / 12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
[Disc 1]
1. You / 2. Creep / 3. How Do You? / 4. Stop Whispering / 5. Thinking About You / 6. Anyone Can Play Guitar / 7. Ripcord / 8. Vegetable / 9. Prove Yourself / 10. I Can't / 11. Lurge / 12. Blow Out / 13. Bonus Track 1 (Radio Edit)

Trackback ::

Trackback from :: 자기만의 방 :: 2008-04-04 17:38:17

Subject : 폴 토마스 앤더슨 감독, 다니엘 데이 루이스 폴 다노 <데어 윌 비 블러드>(There will be blood)

장장 158분짜리 영화. 근 3시간 짜리지만 지루하지는 않았다. 하도 괴물같은 연기라고 칭찬이 자자해서 꼭 봐야지 싶었는데 다니엘 데이 루이스 보다는 폴 토마스 앤더슨 감독에 대한 신뢰가 더 컸다. 매그놀리아는 그냥 괜찮다, 정도였지만(OST야 최고 최고!) 부기나이트는 대박이었고 펀치 드렁크 러브보면서 울었기 때문이다. 아. 부기 나이트 보면...


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