Edwyn Collins

Edwyn Collins    
1990s -
1959년 08월 23일 / 스코틀랜드,Edinburgh, Scotland


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You'll Never Know (My Love) (Ashley Beedle`s We Love You Edwyn Edit)   Edwyn Collins
from Luftkastellet 6 (2011)
Do It Again   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Do It Again [single] (2010)
You're Gonna Love This One   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Do It Again [single] (2010)
All My Days   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Bored   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Come Tomorrow, Come Today   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Do It Again   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Humble   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
I Still Believe In You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
In Your Eyes   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
It Dawns On Me   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Losing Sleep   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Over The Hill   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Searching For The Truth   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
What Is My Role?   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep (2010)
Losing Sleep   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep [single] (2010)
Losing Sleep (Instrumental)   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep [single] (2010)
Losing Sleep   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Losing Sleep [single] (2010)
7th Son   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
A Heavy Sigh   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Home Again   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
It's In Your Heart   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Leviathan   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Liberteenage Rag   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
One Is A Lonely Number   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
One Track Mind   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Superstar Talking Blues   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Then I Cried   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Written In Stone   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
You'll Never Know (My Love)   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Home Again (2007)
Mr Freedom     featuring Edwyn Collins Gabin
from Gabin - Mr.Freedom (2004)
A Girl Like You   Edwyn Collins
from Charlie's Angels : Full Throttle (미녀삼총사 2) [ost] (2003)
20 Years Too Late   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Back To The Back Room   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Calling On You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
It's A Funny Thing   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Johnny Teardrop   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Mine Is At   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Never Felt Like This   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
No Idea   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Should'Ve Done That   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Splitting Up   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
The Beatles   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (2002)
Everything And More   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Graciously   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
It Might As Well Be You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Means To An End   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
My Girl Has Gone   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Now That It`s Love   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Someone Else Besides   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Take Care Of Yourself   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Time Of The Preacher/ Long Time Gone   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
What`s The Big Idea?   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
You Poor Deluded Fool   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Hellbent On Compromise (2001)
Adidas World   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Country Rock   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Downer   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
For The Rest Of My Life   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
It`S A Steal   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
I`M Not Following You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Keep On Burning   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
No One Waved Goodbye   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Running Away With Myself   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Seventies Night   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
Superficial Cat   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
The Magic Piper(Of Love)   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - I`M Not Following You (2000)
The Magic Piper (Of Love)   Edwyn Collins
from Spin 2 (1998)
The Magic Piper (Of Love)   Edwyn Collins
from Austin Powers (오스틴 파워) by George S. Clinton [ost] (1997)
A Girl Like You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
A Girl Like You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
A Girl Like You ('96 Mix)   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
A Girl Like You (Ambient Club Mix)   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Bring It On Hack   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Gorgeous George   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Hidden Track   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
If You Could Love Me   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
It's Right In Front Of You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
It´S Right In Front Of You   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
I´Ve Got It Bad   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Keep On Burning   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Low Expectations   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Make Me Feel Again   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
North Of Heaven   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Out Of This World   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Out Ot This World   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
Subsidence   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
The Campaign For Real Rock   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)
You Got It All   Edwyn Collins
from Edwyn Collins - Gorgeous George (1994)

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P121017

가슴네트워크 Review :: 2002-11-07

Subject : Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax (Setanta,2002)

스매시 히트를 기록한 <A Girl Like You> 이후 치솟았던 기대는 소니와의 계약으로 이어졌고 에드윈 콜린스(Edwyn Collins)는 유례없이 대대적인 관심 속에 97년 4번째 앨범 [I'm Not Following You]를 발표하기에 이른다. 하지만 정작 앨범이 발매되자 반응은 (더 큰 것을 바라고 있던 사람들에게 있어서) 신통치 않았다. 이 앨범에 기꺼히 손을 들어준 많은 사람들이 있었음에도 결국 그는 다시 오랜 침묵기를 가져야 했다. 언제나 '악전고투'라는 말로 설명이 가능했던 에드윈 콜린스의 드라마틱한 일대기는 그렇게 97년 또 한번의 획을 그은 듯 싶었다.<A Girl Like You>의 열기도, [I'm Not Following You]의 기억도 모두 먼 이야기처...


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