Carla Bley

Carla Bley    칼라 블레이 / 본명:Carla Borg
1950s -
1938년 05월 11일 / 미국,Oakland, CA


[Disc 1]
1. Life Goes On: Life Goes On - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 2. Life Goes On: On - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 3. Life Goes On: And On - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 4. Life Goes On: And Then One Day - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 5. Beautiful Telephones (Pt. 1) - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 6. Beautiful Telephones (Pt. 2) - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 7. Beautiful Telephones (Pt. 3) - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 8. Copycat: After You - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 9. Copycat: Follow The Leader - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 10. Copycat: Copycat - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow
[Disc 1]
1. Baseball / 2. Major (Live) - Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 3. End Of Vienna / 4. Chicken (Live) - Andy Sheppard, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow / 5. On The Stage In Cages - Carla Bley, Alex Balanescu, Gary Valente, Lew Soloff, Andy Sheppard, Wolfgang Puschnig / 6. Fleur Carnivore (Live) / 7. More Brahms / 8. Walking Batteriewoman - The Carla Bley Band / 9. Silence - Carla Bley, Charlie Haden, Dewey Redman, Don Cherry 외 / 10. Why - Carla Bley, The Jazz Composer's Orchestra / 11. Ictus - Jimmy Giuffre, Paul Bley, Steve Swallow
[Disc 1]
1. Greasy Gravy / 2. Awful Coffee / 3. Appearing Nightly At The Black Orchid / 4. Someone To Watch / 5. I Hadn't Anyone Till You
[Disc 1]
1. One Banana / 2. Two Banana / 3. Three Banana / 4. Four / 5. Five Banana / 6. One Banana More / 7. Liver Of Life / 8. Death Of Superman/Dream Sequence#1 / 9. Ad Infinitum
[Disc 1]
1. 3 Blind Mice / 2. Wink Leak/ Traps / Leonard Feather / 3. The Maze/ Blind Mice Redux / 4. Hip Hop / 5. Tropical Depression / 6. Red / 7. Lost Chords I / 8. Lost Chords Ii / 9. Lost Chords Iii
[Disc 1]
1. Baseball / 2. Major / 3. End Of Vienna / 4. Chicken / 5. On The Stage In Cages - Alex Balanescu, Carla Bley / 6. Fleur Carnivore / 7. More Brahms / 8. Walking Batteriewoman / 9. Silence / 10. Why / 11. Ictus
[Disc 1]
1. My Cat Arnold Is Dead - Karen Mantler / 2. A New Pet - Karen Mantler / 3. Wild Or Tame - Karen Mantler / 4. Turtles - Karen Mantler / 5. Life Is Sheep - Karen Mantler / 6. Go Fish - Karen Mantler / 7. Why Not A Bear - Karen Mantler / 8. Love Birds - Karen Mantler / 9. Shedding - Karen Mantler / 10. Aardvark To Zebra - Karen Mantler
[Disc 1]
1. What Will Be Lft Between Us / 2. And The Moon Tonight? / 3. In India / 4. Enormous Tots / 5. Caucasian Bird Riffles / 6. Funnybird Song / 7. Indonesian Dock Sucking Supreme / 8. Song Of The Jungle Stream / 9. Nothing
[Disc 1]
1. Fleur Carnivore / 2. Song Of The Eternal Waiting Of Canute / 3. Ups And Downs / 4. The Girl Who Cried Champagne (Parts 1/2/3) / 5. Healing Power
[Disc 1]
[Disc 1]
1. Sing Me Softly Of The Blues / 2. Dreams So Real / 3. Ad Infinitum / 4. Dining Alone / 5. Song Sung Long / 6. Ida Lupino / 7. Funnybird Song / 8. A New Hymn
[Disc 1]
1. Blues In 12 Bars / Blues In 12 Other Bars / 2. Sidewinders In Paradise / 3. Les Trois Lagons [D'Apres Henri Matisse) : Plate Xvii, Plat Xviii, Plate Xi] / 4. Baseball / 5. Utviklingssang
[Disc 1]
1. Reactionary Tango / 2. Copyright Royalties / 3. Utviklingssang / 4. Valse Sinistre / 5. Floater / 6. Walking Batterriewoman
[Disc 1]
1. Blunt Object / 2. The Lord Is Listernin` To Ya.Hallejujah! / 3. Time And Us / 4. Still In The Room / 5. Real Life Hits / 6. Song Sung Long
[Disc 1]
1. United States / 2. Strange Arrangement / 3. All Fall Down / 4. Who Will Rescue You? / 5. Lo Ultimo
[Disc 1]
1. United States / 2. Strange Arrangement / 3. All Fall Down / 4. Who Will Rescue You? / 5. Lo Ultimo
[Disc 1]
1. More Brahms / 2. Houses And People / 3. The Girl Who Cride Champagne / 4. Brooklyn Bridge / 5. Lawns / 6. Healing Power
[Disc 1]
1. Pretend You're In Love / 2. Night-Glo / 3. Rut / 4. Crazy With You / 5. Wildlife : Horns / Paws Without Claws / Sex With Birds

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