팬텀싱어 시즌 3, 준우승팀
RabidAnce (고영열, 김바울, 존노, 황건하)
1년만에 돌아온 두번째 미니앨범
4⁴ - The fourth power of four
가장 “한국적인” 크로스오버의 소리를 들려주는
‘그들’이 다시 뭉쳤다
국악, 네오 소울, K-클래식에 이르기까지,
멤버 4명의 개성을 네 장르의 음악으로 담아낸
Produced by RabidAnce의 출사표
1. 입궁
Composition 고영열
Arranged by 고영열
북(KOREAN Drum) 고영열
Percussion by 최승환
Recorded by 이정빈 @doobdoob studio / 이숲 @Studio7
Digital Editing by 이정빈 @doobdoob studio / 이숲 @Studio7
Mixed by 이숲 @ Studio7
Masterring by 강승희 @Sonic Korea Seoul Forest Studio
2. 궁자노래 (밤이 깊어가 이리 와)
(판소리 ‘춘향가’ 중 )
Composition 고영열, B-right
Arranged by 고영열, B-right
Keyboard by B-right
MIDI Programing by B-right
Guitar by Link
Bass by 김형우
Recorded by 이정빈 @doobdoob studio
Mixed by Stay Tuned @Stay Tuned Studio
Mastering by 강승희 @Sonic Korea Seoul Forest Studio
3. 한강수타령
Arranged by 고영열, 김지혜
Piano by 김지혜
Acoustic Guitar by 최영훈
Contrabass by 이신우
Harmonica by 권병호
Accordion by 권병호
Digital Editing by 권해훈
Recorded by 권해훈, 김시민 @NUPLAY Studio
Mixed by 최형 @NUPLAY Studio
Masterring by 강승희 @Sonic Korea Seoul Forest Studio
4. 고백할게
Write 고영열, 김바울, 존노(노종윤), 황건하
Composition 고영열
Arranged by 까사(Casa)
Vocal Directed by 까사(Casa)
Piano by 까사(Casa)
Guitar by YOUNG @YOUNG Studio
Bass by 이신우
String Arranged & Conducted by 까사(Casa)
String Performed by 융스트링
MIDI Programing by 까사(Casa)
Recorded by 오병권 @NUPLAY Studio, 오성근 (assistant. 주예찬) @Studio-T
Mixed by 최형 @NUPLAY Studio
Masterring by 강승희 @Sonic Korea Seoul Forest Studio
5. 우리가
Write 오병희
Composition 오병희
Arranged by 오병희
Vocal Directed by 오병희
Orchestrated by 오병희
Piano by 김민환
Flute, piccolo by 장형지
Horn by 소진선
Percussion by 최승환
String Performed by 융스트링
Mixed by 이숲 @Studio7
Mastering by 강승희 @Sonic Korea Seoul Forest Studio ....