lilies is a song i wrote to talk about how we can truly be lilies along with other lily ‘pads’ (friends in life).
rabbits near the ‘pond’(society) make us lie so we won’t be eaten, refraining ourselves from being our true selves.
however lilies fly along the river tides, so eventually we will be away from the rabbits, ending our lives as us, as lilies.
시들기 좋은 계절도, 꽃피우기 알맞은 계절도 없이
마음껏 피어보기도 하고, 수없이 지다 보면,
어떻게든 흐를 거예요
그러면 돼요 !
produced by iris
lyrics & composition by iris
guitar arrangement, played by iris
recorded, digital editing by Jack
mixed by Jack
mastered by 권남우 @ 821SOUND ....