피아니스트 김세영 5집
Se Young Kim 5th album
[The Poetry of Praise : 시와 찬미]
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; [Ephesians 5:19]
시와 찬미와 신령한 노래로 서로 화답하며.
[Track list]
All Music Composed by Se Young Kim 김세영
1. The Creation 천지창조
2. Rest 안식
3. Twelve Tribes of Israel 12지파
4. a Wilderness 광야
5. The Land of Promise 약속의 땅
6. Grace 은혜
7. Joy 기쁨
8. King of Kings 만왕의 왕
9. Holy is Our GOD 거룩하신 주님
10. The Second Coming 재림
E.Piano & Synthesizer_Se Young Kim 김세영
Drums_Chang Hoon Lee 이창훈
Bass_Sam Yeol Kim 김삼열
Guitar_Oh Hyeon Kwon 권오현 (Track 5)
Saxophone_Alexander Davis Skinner (Track 3,4,6,8)
Voice_Mi So Lee 이미소 (Track 9)
Voice_Chang Hoon Lee 이창훈 (Track 10) .... ....