이 내 아들은 죽었다가 다시 살아났으며
내가 잃었다가 다시 얻었노라 하니 그들이 즐거워하더라
- 누가복음 15장 24절(개역개정)
For this son of mine was dead and is alive again;
he was lost and is found.' So t
hey began to celebrate.
- Luke 15:24(NIV)
.... ....
Performed by
HADASH MUSIC 1기 (2010)
1. Me(2021) (Feat. 김태홍)
Composed by 이찬영, Anandelight, CarTa
Lyrics by 이찬영, Anandelight, CarTa
Arranged by 이찬영, Anandelight, CarTa
Vocal by 이찬영, Anandelight, CarTa @hadashmusic
Piano by CarTa
Bass by 김신현
Synth, brass by CarTa
Guitar by 한승호
Drum by CarTa, Anandelight
Recorded at NSP @newsoundchurchkorea
Mixed, Masterd by CarTa @hadashmusic
Albumart by Anandelight @hadashmusic