백예린 2집 - tellusboutyourself (2020) by 백예린 (보컬) on maniadb.com

백예린 2집 - tellusboutyourself
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RELEASE DATE: 2020-12-10
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio, 2집
INDEX: 124


“우리에게 너의 이야기를 들려줘”

백예린 [tellusboutyourself]

14곡이다. 2019년의 [Every letter I sent you.]에 비해 숫자는 줄었지만 앨범 제작이 꺼려지는 풍토를 고려하면 여전히 상당한 볼륨이다. 아무래도 이것은 나에겐 아직 보여주고, 들려줄 것이 많이 남아 있음을 증명하고픈 욕망의 소산일 것이다. 수 ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2020-12-10 블루바이닐, Dreamus
CD 2021-01-08 Dreamus (8809633189500)


1. Lovegame
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Keyboard 구름
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 구름
Percussion 한민영
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름

2. You’re so lonely now, so you need me back by your side again
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Elec guitar jonny
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

3. I am not your ocean anymore
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Saxophone 박기훈
Percussion 한민영
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

4. Hall&Oates
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Tenor Saxophone 박기훈
Alto Saxophone 박기훈
Clarinet 박기훈
Horn Arrange 박기훈
MIDI programming 구름, 방민혁

5. Ms. Delicate
Composed by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Elec guitar jonny
Percussion 한민영
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

6. Interlude
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 구름
MIDI programming 구름, 방민혁

7. Loner
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
MIDI programming 구름, 방민혁

Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
MIDI programming 구름, 방민혁

9. Loveless
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Keyboard 백예린, 구름
Bass guitar 구름
Tenor Saxophone 박기훈
Alto Saxophone 박기훈
Horn Arrange 박기훈
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름

10. Hate you
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 백예린, 구름
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 구름
Acoustic guitar jonny
Turntable Scratch noah1luv
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

11. 0415
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Keyboard 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

12. I’ll be your family!
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름

13. I’m in love
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름

14. Bubbles&Mushrooms
Composed by 백예린, 구름, 방민혁
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름, 방민혁
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Keyboard 구름, 방민혁
Percussion 한민영
MIDI programming 백예린, 구름, 방민혁

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/A830614


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