Mozart: Don Giovanni (2018) by Various Artists (보컬) on

Various Artists
Mozart: Don Giovanni
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RELEASE DATE: 2018-01-02
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio


Disc 1
Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Luben Vichegonov, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Disc 2
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Disc 3
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Luben Vichegonov, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Tutti
Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Tutti


DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2018-01-02 :: OperaPrima, M&P International
[Disc 1]
1. Don Giovanni, K. 527: `Ouverture` (Orchestra) - Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 2. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 2: `Notte e giorno faticar` (Leporello) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 3. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 3: `Non sperar, se non m`uccidi` (Donna Anna, Don Giovanni, Leporello) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 4. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 4: `Ah soccorso!` (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello) - Luben Vichegonov, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 5. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 5: `Ah! Del padre in periglio` (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 6. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 6: `Fuggi, crudele, fuggi!` (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 7. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 7: `Orsu, spicciati presto` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 8. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 8: `Ah chi mi dice mai` (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni , Leporello) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 9. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 9: `Stelle! Che vedo!` (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 10. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 10: `Madamina, il catalogo e questo` (Leporello, Donna Elvira) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 11. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 11: `Giovinette che fate all`amore` (Zerlina, Masetto) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 12. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 12: `Manco male e partita` (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 13. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 13: `Ho capito, signor si` (Masetto) - Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 14. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 14: `Alfin siamo liberati` (Don Giovanni, Zerlina) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 15. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 15: `La ci darem la mano` (Don Giovanni, Zerlina) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 16. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 16: `Fermati scellerato` (Donna Elvira, Zerlina, Don Giovanni) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 17. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 17: `Ah fugi il traditor` (Donna Elvira) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 18. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 18: `Mi par ch`oggi il demonio` (Don Giovanni, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 19. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 19: `Non ti fidar, o misera` (Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 20. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 20: `Povera sventurata!` (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 21. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 21: `Don Ottavio, son morta!` (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 22. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 22: `Or sai chi l`onore` (Donna Anna) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 23. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 23: `Come mai creder deggio` (Don Ottavio, Don Giovanni) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 24. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 24: `Dalla sua pace` (Don Ottavio, Leporello, Don Giovanni) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 25. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 25: `Lo deggio ad ogni patto` (Leporello) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 26. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 26: `Fin ch`han dal vino` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
[Disc 2]
1. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 27: `Masetto, senti un po`!` (Zerlina, Masetto) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 2. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 28: `Batti, batti, o bel Masetto` (Zerlina) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 3. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 29: `Guarda un po` corne seppe` (Masetto, Don Giovanni , Zerlina) - Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 4. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 30: `Presto presto pria ch`ei venga` (Masetto, Zerlina) - Lorenzo Alvary, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 5. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 31: `Tra quest`arbori celata` (Zerlina, Masetto, Don Giovanni) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 6. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 32: `Bisogna aver coraggio` (Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Leporello) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 7. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 33: `Protegga il giusto cielo` (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvira) - Eugene Conley, Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 8. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 34: `Riposate, verzzose ragazze` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 9. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 35: `Ecco il birbo che t`ha offesa` (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 10. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 1: `Ehi via, buffone, non mi seccar` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 11. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 2: `Leporello!` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 12. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 3: `Ah taci, ingiusto core!` (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Giovanni) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 13. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 4: `Amico, che ti par?` (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 14. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 5: `Deh vieni alla finestra` (Don Giovanni) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 15. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 6: `V`e gente alla finestra` (Don Giovanni, Masetto) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 16. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 7: `Meta di vol qua vadano` (Don Giovanni, Masetto) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 17. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 8: `Lascia ch`io senta` (Don Giovanni, Masetto, Zerlina) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 18. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 9: `Vedrai, carino` (Zerlina) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 19. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 10: `Di molte faci il lume` (Leporello, Donna Elvira) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 20. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 11: `Sola sola, in buio loco` (Elvira, Leporello) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 21. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 12: `Tergi il ciglio` (Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 22. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 13: `Mille torbidi pensieri` (Leporello) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 23. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 14: `Dunque, quello sei tu` (Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio) - Max Rudolf, Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 24. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 15: `Ah pieta, signori miei` (Leporello) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 25. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 16: `Ferma, perfido, ferma!` (Donna Elvira, Masetto, Zerlina, Don Ottavio) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 26. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 17: `Il mio tesoro intanto` (Don Ottavio, Leporello) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 27. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 18: `In quali eccessi, o Nuni` (Donna Elvira) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 28. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 19: `Mi tradi quell alma ingrata` (Donna Elvira) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
[Disc 3]
1. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 20: `Ah ah ah questa e buona` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 2. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 21: `O statua gentilissima` (Leporello, Don Giovanni) - Fernando Corena, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 3. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 22: `Calmatevi, idol moi` (Ottavio, Donna Anna) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 4. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 23: `Troppo mi spiace` (Donna Anna) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 5. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 24: `Non mi dir, bell`idol mio` (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio) - Margaret Harshaw, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 6. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 25: `Gia la mensa e preparata` (Don Giovanni, Leporello) - George London, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 7. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 26: `L`ultima prova dell`amor mio` (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello) - ELEANOR STEBER, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 8. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 27: `Don Giovanni, a cenar teco` (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello) - Luben Vichegonov, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 9. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 28: `Ah dove e il perfido` (Tutti) - Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Tutti / 10. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 29: `Or che tutti, o mio tesoro` (Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Masetto, Leporello) - Eugene Conley, Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House / 11. Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 30: `Questo e il fin di chi fa mal!` (Tutti) - Max Rudolf, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Tutti

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