Mr. Big “Back To Budokan” Rock 음악을 향유함에 있어 Live 앨범이 주는 의미는 매우 크다. 흥분/열광 등 얼핏 들으면 자극적인 단어로 표현되는 Rock 음악의 매력을 가장 화끈하게 느낄 수 있는 것은 아무래도 공연장의 생생함을 담아낸 라이브 앨범을 통해서일 것이다. 물론 라이브 앨범에도 퀄리티는 있게 마련이고, 무대 위의 연주와 그에 반응하는 객석의 느낌을 동시에 그것도 적절하게 잘 담아 냈는가에 따라 감동의 깊이는 달라진다. QUEEN의 Wembley 공연 실황 앨범이 그랬고, Iron Maiden의 Live After Death가 그랬다. 지금의 라이브 앨범 레코딩 기술은 이 두 앨범의 시대보다 훨씬 더 발전했지만, 비교적 근래에 발매되는 라이브 앨범들은 어찌된 일인지 본질을 잃어버린 듯해 아쉬움이 남는다. 즉, 라이브 앨범이라고는 하지만 마스터링 작업에서 기계의 힘을 빌어 인위적으로 현장감을 주입시키는 어색한 앨범들이 꽤나 등장하게 되면서, 우리가 진정으로 원하는 Live한 Live 앨범을 만나기란 좀처럼 쉽지 않다. 이러한 이유에서인지 모르겠지만, 전 세계 락 팬들 중에는 유독 Bootleg 라이브 음반 수집에 열을 올리는 이가 많다. Bootleg의 희소성에도 수집의 목적이 있겠지만, 그보다 더 근본적으로는 마스터링이라는 작업 자체가 없는 날 것의 사운드가 주는 매력 때문인 듯하다. 80년대말과 90년대초에 전성기를 누렸던 Mr. Big은 유독 라이브 앨범을 자주 내 놓는 밴드로 유명하다. 그러나 이들의 잦은 라이브 앨범 발매는 상업적 의도를 약간은 넘어선 것으로 보인다. 바로 전 세계에서 Mr. Big을 가장 사랑하는 나라, 일본의 팬들과 음반사들의 독자적인 기획에 의한 라이브 앨범들이 많았기 때문이다. 최 전성기 시절 일본에서만 발매되었던 Raw Like Sushi 시리즈를 비롯하여, 지금 소개하려고 하는 Back To Budokan에 이르기까지, Mr. Big은 유독 일본에서만 라이브 앨범을 많이 발매한 밴드이다. 2001년 Actual Size 앨범과 뒤 이은 라이브 앨범 In Japan 이후 사실상 해체한 것으로 알려져 많은 팬들을 안타깝게 했던 Mr. Big은 2009년 원년 멤버들의 재결합을 발표하고 곧 투어를 시작했다. 이 중에는 반갑게도 한국도 포함되어 있었고, 당시 서울 공연이 열린 올림픽공원 체조 경기장에는 예상을 훌쩍 뛰어넘는 많은 팬들이 객석을 채워, 적어도 한국에서의 이들의 입지는 아직도 확고함을 확인하였다. Back To Budokan은 Mr. Big 통산 8번째의 라이브 앨범이자, 일본 라이브 앨범으로서는 5번째이며, 자신들의 Budokan 라이브 앨범으로서도 두 번째 앨범이다. 모두가 잘 알다시피 일본 부도칸 (武道館)은 공연장의 규모로 보나 그 상징적 의미로 보나 대형 아티스트가 아니면 감히 설 수 없는 무대로 유명하다. 누가 뭐라 해도, Mr. Big이 일본 팬들에게 받고 있는 사랑은 대단한 것이고, 이는 부도칸에서의 라이브 앨범만 두번째 발매라는 사실이 입증해 주고 있는 것이다. 물론 본 라이브 앨범도 일본 제작사의 독자적 기획으로 발매된 앨범이다. 트랙리스트를 보니 이들의 여느 라이브 앨범에서 보아 왔던 곡들이 가득하다. 그만큼 이들에겐 히트곡이 많다는 증거가 아닐까 싶다. 그러나 약 10년 만의 라이브 앨범인 만큼 반가운 신곡이 보인다. 바로 Next Time Around이다. 이 곡은 2009년 발매된 이들의 4번째 베스트 앨범에 수록된 신곡이었는데, 인트로부터 Billy Sheehan과 Paul Gilbert의 현란한 태핑이 작렬하는 멋진 곡이다. 또한 Cilla Black과 Gustav Holst 의 곡을 커버한 It's For You ~ Mars도 오랜만에 보는 트랙이고, 특히 락팬들의 영원한 애창곡인 Deep Purple의 Smoke On the Water도 반갑다. Talas의 Shyboy나 The Who의 Baba O'Riley 커버는 이들의 거의 모든 라이브 앨범에서 만날 수 있는 곡들이다. 한국 팬들에게는 절대 어필할 수 없는 I Love You Japan이라는 트랙도 보이는데, 일본 자체 제작 라이브 앨범이니 어쩔 수 없이 이해해 줄 수 밖에 없다. 2CD 버전으로 국내에 발매된 본 앨범에는 DVD버전에는 없는 3곡의 스튜디오 트랙이 수록되어 있다. 이 가운데는 너무나 멋진 신곡 Next Time Around도 포함되어 있어 만족스럽다. 어느 밴드나 앨범을 발표하면 투어에 오른다. 그렇다고 해도 라이브 앨범의 수가 스튜디오 앨범의 수보다 많은 밴드는 그리 많지 않다. 참 잘하는 밴드도 많이 봤지만, 라이브 앨범은 그리 손쉽게 내 놓을 수 있는 성질의 것이 아니다. 매번 비슷한 레퍼토리로 발매되는 라이브 앨범이라 할 지라도, 발매될 때마다 일본 오리콘 차트에 이름을 올리는 이들의 저력은 아마도 충실한 기본기를 바탕으로 연출되는 여유롭고 즐거운 연주인의 모습 때문일 것이다. 디지털 음원이 세상을 지배하고 있는 요즘, 아직도 라이브 앨범을 CD에 담아 발매하고 있는 이들의 모습은 보다 현장감 있는 Mr. Big의 실황을 보다 좋은 음질로 느끼고자 하는 팬들에 대한 배려일 것이다. 이런 표현이 어울릴 지 모르겠지만, Mr. Big은 진정한 라이브의 능력자가 아닐까 싶다.
If you're a red hot fire cracker I will light your fuse If you cry like a little girl I'll dry your baby blues When you need a man of action I'm ready to make my move Like a shotgun shot Johnny on the spot There's nothing I can't do Everything you're looking for You can find in me I'll be anything you want Anyone you need I'll be your daddy your brother your lover and your little boy
When your body needs salvation l'll be your tender touch I'll take all the love you give me And give you twice as much When we get undercover And do the horizontal mile I'm in the mood to answer to your call of the will Everything you're looking for You can find in me I'll be anything you want Anyone you need I'll be your daddy your brother your lover and your little boy
Everything you're looking for You can find in me I'll be anything you want Anyone you need Everything you're looking for anything that you want and more your daddy your brother your lover and your little boy
your daddy your brother your lover and your little boy
She just woke up but she's still tired Is that the telephone ringing The curtains can't hold back the light That's reaching into her dreams Down in her heart If it had fingers it'd be tearing it apart You be lookin groovy In a sixties movie Maybe tell the press you died Little legend baby Try your very best to hide A green tinted sixties mind
She keeps some memories locked away But they are always escaping neclgect won't make them fade away They're reaching into her dreams Down in her heart Don't need fingers to be tearing it apart Gotta face the day There is no other way To clear the fog inside your mind Fill it up with dreams But all that you can seem to find A green tinted sixties mind
Hangin out with Janis Movin to Atlantis Could've made it if you tried What's the point of force It's easy as a horse to ride A green tinted sixties mind In a sixties movie Maybe tell the press you died Little legend baby Try your very best to hide A green tinted sixties mind
Black top blazin', hometown fadin' Out of sight in the rear view mirror Stevie Ray blasting on the radio As I slam it into higher gear
My baby's by my side, tears in her eyes Writing a goodbye letter Sayin' Johny and me are running' wild and runnin' free Just like you did momma
Don't know where we're goin' But when we get there we'll know We're gonna follow the code of the road
Jump into the fire Keep our love alive and kickin' Down the dorr, it's what we're livin' for Rockin' side by side Keep your love alive and kickin'
We got everything we own in the trunk and on the roof And she's got baby sitting money in her pocket We're drivin' fast, ain't no looking back We're flyin' through the desert like a rocket
White line widin' up interstate five The road goes on forever And it does't matter where it's gonna take us As long as we're together
We're talkin' our chances Gonna do it our way Pedal to the metal shooting down the highway
Jump into the fire Keep our love alive and kickin' Down the walls, that's when Freedom calls Rockin' side by side Keep your love alive and kickin'
And if it's bad Don't let it get you down You can take it And if it hurts Don't let them see you cry You can make it
*Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head high Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head high
**And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes On you moving And if they shout Don't let it change a thing That you're doing
Hold your head up(Repeat with following)
And if it gets you mad, oh You gotta, you gotta You gotta hold your head up. oh Don't let it get you down
It's late at night and neither one of us is sleeping I can't imagine live my life after your're gone Wondering why so many questions have no answers I keep on searching for the reason why we went wrong Where is our yesterday you and I could use it right now But if this is goobye Just take my heart when you go I don't have the need for it anymore I'll always love you but you're too hard to hold Just take my heart when you go
Here we are about to take the final step now I just can't fool myself I know there's no turning back Face to face it's been and endless conversation but when the love is gone you're left with nothing but talk I'd give my everything if only I could turn you around But if this is goobye Just take my heart when you go I don't have the need for it anymore I'll always love you but you're too hard to hold Just take my heart when you go
Just take my heart Just take my heart when you go I don't have the need for it anymore I'll always love you but you're too hard to hold Just take my heart Just take my heart when you go take my heart Just take my heart
["Blues and headbanging come together at last thanks to Billy. Stretch your neck, then listen."] I could take what I want, but I take what I need I get possession, the [top] of the truth How can I help myself if I need everything I change my direction and the bill comes due, yeah When I turn around, the men are standin' at the door It's the price, the price you gotta pay, it's comin' down today Chorus: After a time it seems so easy, like any game you play There's a price for sayin' maybe, the price you gotta pay I got here with nothing, I'll leave with a lot Come on and take a chance now baby, gimme what you've got, yeah A piece of the action, a slice of the pie I hope you won't remember when it's time to classify I turn around to look at you, you're lookin' back my way Hit me! (chorus) (Solo) Ow! Yeah yeah, now this is how it all adds up Hey baby! You're deep into the hole Ooh, rent is due and so are you, I'm here to repossess your soul It's the price, the price you gotta pay, it's comin' down today It started off so easy, like a little game There's a price for sayin' maybe, the price you gotta pay - ow! Yeah, the price you gotta pay There's a price for sayin' maybe, the price you gotta pay - ow! After a time it seems so easy, like any game you play
It's shame That our paths should have crossed so young Who's to blame For the tears and the damage done All i know Is i can't forget the time we had And i'm sorry if it turned out bad Even though i want you Even though i need you Even though my heart is screaming Still believing We could fall in love Even though i want to Even though i need to Even we won't find better We can't stay together Tell me why There were secrets you never told oh no It's a crime The cliche of a love gone old All i know Is i've given all i can to you And there's nothing more than i can do Even though i want you Even though i need you Even though my heart is screaming Still believing We could fall in love Even though i want to Even though i need to Even we won't find better We can't stay together It's all right Happiness only comes to few But in time you may find it in someone new
Even though i want you Even though i need you Even though my heart is screaming Still believing We could fall in love Even though i want to Even though i need to Even we won't find better We can't stay together Stay together Stay together OW
La la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la Now that I've lost everything to you You say you want to start something new And it's breaking my heart you're leaving Baby I'm grieving And if you wanna leave take good care Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear A lot of nice things turn bad out there Oh baby baby it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile oh baby baby it's a wild world I'll always remember you like a child girl You know I've seen a lot of What the world can do And it's breaking my heart in two Coz I never want to see you sad girl Don't be a bad girl But if you wanna leave take good care Hope you make a lot of nice freinds out there Just remember there's A lot of bad and beware Oh baby baby it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile oh baby baby it's a wild world I'll always remember you like a child girl
La la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la baby I love you And if you wanna leave take good care Hope you make a lot of nice freinds out there Just remember there's A lot of bad and beware Oh baby baby it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile oh baby baby it's a wild world I'll always remember you like a child girl Oh baby baby it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile oh baby baby it's a wild world And I'll always remember you like a child girl
Someone said life is for the taking Here I am with my hand out waiting for a ride I've been living for my great expectations What good is it when I'm stranded here And the world just passes by
Where are the signs to help me get out of this place
If I should stumble on my moment in time, how will I know If the story's written on my face, does it show Am I strong enough to walk on water Smart enough to come in out of the rain Or am I a fool going where the wind blows.
Here I sit halfway to somewhere Thinking about what's in front of me and what I left behind On my own, supposed to be so easy Is this what I've been after Or have I lost my mind
Maybe this is my big chance coming to take me away
If I should stumble on my moment in time, how will I know If the story's written on my face, does it show Am I strong enough to walk on water Smart enough to come in out of the rain Or am I a fool going where the wind blows.
Here I'm walking naked through the world Taking up space, society's child Make room for me, make room for me, make room for me
Am I strong enough to walk on water Smart enough to come in out of the rain Or am I fool
Going where the wind blows. Going where the wind blows. Going where the wind blows. Going where the wind blows.
Equal Opportunity knocked Twice too late to stay on top of it all All for one, one for all. Push me, pull me, way too far One way or another someone's gotta take The fall, you better look at yourself When you put your foot down baby You stomped down on me You made your last point baby It's all I can take Take a walk - Take a long and lonely walk You better think about it Come back to a whole new start Cause-I wash my hands Of you and your plans to take over Take a walk
A lover's crime and punishment Is do this, do that and put your eyes Back in your head Let's play house instead You complain about everything You're not happy 'til the chain's Wrapped 'round my leg It's about time for a change When you put your foot down baby You stomped down on me Too much is enough now, baby Take a walk - It's all I can take, so! Take a long and lonely walk You better think about it Come back to a whole new start Cause-I wash my hands Of you and your plans to take over Take a walk
Take a walk - Take a long and lonely walk You better think about it Come back to a whole new start
Take a long and lonely walk You better think about it Take a walk -
your secret is safe I'll keep it on the inside cover your play makin' up a white lie
I can't complain she's finally off of my back I shoulda known better she came in from the wrong side of the tracks
I'll keep my mouth shut nothin' else I can do at the rate that you're going baby, pretty soon the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know what you done to me the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know all about it baby
I used to be as foolish as the last guy I made up my mind there'll never be a next time, no
now that your done with all your fake affection so many like me you know they're getting wise to your deception
I'll keep my mouth shut nothin' else I can do at the rate that you're going baby, pretty soon the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know what you done to me the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know all about it baby
nothing I can do
I'll keep my mouth shut nothin' else I can do at the rate that you're going the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know what you done to me the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know all about it baby
the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know what you done to me the whole world is gonna know the whole world is gonna know all about it baby
Hey, yeah yeah You don`t know what you`ve got Till the love is almost gone This time, yeah she`s given up Still in a state of shock I should`ve seen it coming on It`s too late for waking up Her mind`s made up I know the dream is over But my heart just can`t let go She`s too good to be forgotten Too good to be true Before my world is torn apart I`ll promise her the moon I`ll promise her the moon instrumental break I was too blind to notice her Wrapped up in myself Workin` hard overtime, night and day I thought we were so secure Can`t imagine someone else Could come between us And take her away Her mind`s made up I know the dream is over But my heart just can`t let go oh no~ She`s too good to be forgotten Too good to be true Before my world is torn apart I`ll promise her the moon I`ll promise her the moon And all the time she stood by me I never said I love you Yeah, I kept it deep down in my soul And all the while I`ve been a fool yeah, yeah yeah She`s too good to be forgotten Too good to be true Before my world is torn apart I`ll promise her the moon I`ll promise her the moon hey yeah, yeah yeah I`ll promise her the moon
When the honeymoon's over Where do we go from here What do we do when we get there Who's at the other end
Yeah one minute anfter midnight When it's all been said and done Is that the way it is in real life Time amrches on After the shock
We rock & roll over, over & then Show your true colors Put on a new face Love is like a faucet Turnin' off an on Rock & roll over Will the real you stand up
Same time next year Life is full of chances It's the lady or the tiger There's never any answers
Love and hate is a fine, fine line But if you're the cure, I'll make the time
When I was a young boy My momma said to me Once a woman gets your soul You'll never shake her free These are words of wisdom Tt turns out she was right Gotta find a lover- 'Cause I need a fix tonight Once I thought her lovin' Was a habit I could break But when I go without it My body starts to ache Whoooooo (etc.) ooooo Watch it touch me deep inside Whoooooo Somethin' snaps inside my mind When I feel it comin' ain't no sense in runnin' I'm addicted to that rush Every time we touch Never get enough 'Cause I'm addicted to that rush - Yeow! Look around I stop and stare Got to get a taste Pretty women everywhere We ain't got time to waste Lookin' for a little thang To fit into my plans On the town I'll hurt you down I'm walkin' like a man (Chorus)
Hold on little girl Show me what he's done to you Stand up little girl A broken heart can't be that bad When it's through, it's through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence So you can be on top for once wake up who cares about Little boys that talk too much I've seen it all go down Your game of love was all rained out So come on baby, come on over Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby You can make my life worthwhile And I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you
I LOVE YOU JAPAN (Song For Makita & Japanese Fans) (Paul Gilbert)
I know I've seen your face before It wasn't just a dream I know you think your hearts secure But I can make it scream
Oh oh do it again Oh oh we're comin' in Ohhhhh I love you Japan!
I'm talking from experience I've been all 'round the world I wouldn't even trade you for The California girls
Oh oh do it again Oh oh we're comin' in Ohhhhh I love you Japan!
Domo arigato, chotto matte kudasai There's sushi on my table And wasabi in my eye You could look forever But you won't find me until You listen for the scream Of the big Makita drill, year!
I know I've seen your face before It wasn't just a dream We always will come back for more 'Cause you can make us scream
Oh oh do it again Oh oh we're comin' in Ohhhhh I love you Japan! Ohhhhh I love you Japan! Ohhhhh I love you Japan!
And if it's bad Don't let it get you down You can take it And if it hurts Don't let them see you cry You can make it
*Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head high Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head up, oh Hold your head high
**And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes On you moving And if they shout Don't let it change a thing That you're doing
Hold your head up(Repeat with following)
And if it gets you mad, oh You gotta, you gotta You gotta hold your head up. oh Don't let it get you down