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| 2:09 | ![]() |
to moonn6pence from shootingstar(papayeverte)
Tom's Diner I am sitting in the morning At the diner on the corner I am waiting at the counter For the man to pour the coffee (아침에 길모퉁이에 있는 식당에 앉아 있어 식당 주인이 커피를 따라 주기를 기다리며 카운터에 있었지.) And he fills it only halfway And before I even argue He is looking out the window At somebody coming in (그가 커피를 반 잔밖에 따르지 않아서 따지려고 했지만^^* 그는 누군가가 들어 오는 것을 보고 그 쪽을 바라봤어.) Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee "It is always nice to see you" Says the man behind the counter To the woman who has come in She is shaking her umbrella ("당신만 보면 기분이 좋아요" 방금 들어온 그 여인에게 카운터에서 그가 말했지. 그녀는 우산을 털고 있었어.) And I look the other way As they are kissing their hellos I'm pretending not to see them Instead, I pour the milk (그들이 서로에게 가벼운 키스로 인사를 나누고 있을 때 난 다른 쪽을 보고 있었어. 그 대신 우유를 부으면서 그들을 안 보고 있는 척 했어.) Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee I open up the paper There's a story of an actor Who had died while he was drinking It was no one I had heard of (신문을 폈어.술 먹다가 죽은 배우에 관한 기사가 있었지. 한 번도 못 들어본 배우였어.) And I'm turning to the horoscope And looking for the funnies When I'm feeling someone watching me And so I raise my head (오늘의 운세를 보고 나서 재미있는 게 있을까 해서 뒤적거렸어. 그 때 누군가 날 보고 있는 것 같아 고개를 들었어.) Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee There's a woman on the outside Looking inside, does she see me? No she does not really see me 'Cause she sees her own reflection (밖에서 어떤 여인이 안을 들여다 보고 있었어. 날 보고 있는 걸까? 아냐, 실제로는 날 보는 게 아니었어. 창에 비친 그녀의 모습을 보는 거였지.) And I'm trying not to notice That she's hitching up her skirt And while she's straightening her stockings Her hair is getting wet (그녀가 치마를 치켜 올리는 걸 안 보는 척 했지. 그녀가 스타킹을 반듯이 하는동안 그녀의 머리는 젖고 있었어.) Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee Oh, this rain, it will continue Through the morning as I'm listening To the bells of the cathedral I am thinking of your voice (성당의 종소리가 들리는 이 오전 내내 비가 계속 될거야. ) And of the midnight picnic Once upon a time before the rain began I finish up my coffee It's time to catch the train (난 당신 목소리를 떠올려. 그리고, 비가 내리기 전에 했었던 그 예전 한 때의 야간 피크닉을 생각해. 커피를 다 마셨어. 이제 기차를 탈 시간이군...) |
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| 5:20 | ![]() |
바그다드 카페 Out Of Rosenheim/ Bagdad Cafe (1987)
Starring : Marianne Sagebrecht, CCH Pounder Director : Percy Adlon Runtime : 91 minutes Rating : PG Genres : Comedy, Drama, Indie Country of Origin : Germany 황량한 황금빛 사막을 가로지르고 있는 길고 긴 고속도로 독일 로젠하임에서 남편과 함께 미국으로 여행을 온 문츠크테크너 야스민(Jasmin: 마리안느 제게브레이트 분)은 모하비 사막을 지나다가 남편과 다툰 후 짐가방까지 모두 꺼내들고 내려 버리고 남편은 야스민이 두고 내린 보온병마저 도로 곁에 버리고 떠난다. 뜨거운 사막을 무거운 가방을 들고 힘겹게 걷는 그녀와 몽환적으로 흐르는 'Jevetta Steele'의 "Calling you" " A Desert Road from Vagas to nowhere Some place better than where you've been A coffee machine that needs some fixing A little Cafe just around the bend.. " 황량한 사막 한 가운데 낡은 주유소와 모텔, 그리고 바그다드 카페...카페의 여주인인 브렌다(Brenda: CCH 파운더 분)는 치밀하지 못한 성격의 남편 살, 피아노 치기를 좋아하는 아들 살라모, 그의 아기, 철없는 딸 필리스, 그리고 헐리우드에서 세트를 그리다가 이 까페가 있는 외진 곳으로 흘러온 루드 콕스, 바그다드 모텔에 묵어가는 남자들에게 문신을 그려주는 데니, 그리고 커피를 만들어 주는 인디언 청년과 함께 산다. 우유부단하고 게으른 남편과 매일 매일 똑같은 일상이 지긋지긋하다. 새로 사오라던 커피머신조차 잊어버리고, 보온병을 들로 나타난 남편에게 그녀는 독설을 퍼붓고 남편은 차를 몰고 나가 버린다. 깡통을 주워 모으다가 풀썩 주저않아 눈물을 흘리는 브렌다... 그때 먼지 날리는 황금빛 벌판에서 무거운 가방을 끌고 땀을 뻘뻘 흘리며 바그다드 카페롤 걸어온다. 기묘한 구도의 첫만남. 서로 너무나도 다른 둘은 서로에게 접근한다는 것 자체가 힘들어 보이고, 특히 브렌다는 날카롭게 야스민을 경계한다. 다음 날 야스민의 방을 청소하던 브렌다는 남자 옷과 면도기가 널려 있는 것을 수상하게 생각하고 보안관에게 신고하나 신분을 확인한다. 하지만 이방인인 그녀가 여전히 달갑지 않다. 그러던 어느 날 야스민은 브렌다가 외출한 사이 카페와 사무실 구석구석을 말끔히 청소하고, 돌아온 브렌다는 미친 듯이 성을 낸다. 정이 그리웠던 야스민은 브렌다의 딸, 필리스와 친해지고, 아기를 안아보고, 살라모의 피아노 연주를 이해하고... 그러한 야스민의 얼굴에서 어떤 광채마저 감지한 루드 콕스. 이렇게 활기 없고 지저분했던 바그다드 카페에 활력이 찾아오기 시작하고... 야스민의 방에 오손도손 모여 있는 아들, 딸, 조카를 보고 묘한 위기의식에 화를 내지만, 곧 미안하다고 사과한다. 야스민은 방에서 혼자 마술을 연습하고, 브렌다와 마음을 터놓은 야스민은 바그다드 카페 일을 돕기 시작한다. 꽃을, 손님의 귓전에서 동전이, 달걀이 나오고... 쟈스민의 이 마술쇼가 알려지면서 카페는 항상 손님으로 북적대며 활기차고 명랑한 곳으로 변한다. 화만 내던 브랜다는 웃음을 되찾고 루드 콕스는 야스민을 모델로 그림을 그리는데... 모텔에 처음 들어서 낯설고 검은 흑인의 눈동자를 통해 바라본 식인종의 원무에 둘러싸인 벌거벗은 몰골이 아니라, 아름답고 당당한 한 사람의 여성으로서 그려지고 있다. Deihinger Blasmusik이 연주한 3박자의 경쾌한 월츠풍의 행진곡 "Zweifach",이 흐르고 가끔 하늘을 가르고 돌아오는 힘찬 부메랑. 이제 야스민의 바그다드 카페의 한 가족이다. Calling You A desert road from Vegas to nowhere Some place better than where you've been A coffee machine that needs some fixing In a little cafe just around the bend I am calling you Can't you hear me I am calling you A hot dry wind blows right thru me The baby's crying and I can't sleep But we both know a change is coming Coming closer sweet release I am calling you I know you hear me I am calling you Oh Jevetta Steele - Calling You |
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| 3:56 | ![]() |
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| 3:45 | ![]() |
Don't you know
So many things, they come and go Like your words that once rang true Just like the love I thought I found in you And I remember the thunder Talkin' 'bout that fire in your eyes But you walked away, when I needed you most CHORUS Now, maybe baby, maybe baby I found someone To take away the heartache To take away the loneliness I've been feelin' since you've been gone Since you've been gone Dry your eyes I never could bear to see you cry Some day your love will shine through And show you the feelings that ya never really knew But baby don't ya loose that thunder Talkin' 'bout that fire in your eyes You're lookin' at me, but you still don't believe CHORUS Too long on the border line Wondering if your love was really mine But you left me with open eyes And when I realized CHORUS |
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| 3:58 | ![]() |
You know B.W. I've heard it said
I That a woman is a man's greatest git Sure you're right And success ain‘t nothin unless you have someone to share it with Mmmmm, so true, so true I I've always felt that it's great to achieve in life I Not having someone other than yourself to share it with it is, uhh Sho' you're right Quite sad In my case, I may have found someone (mmm) I I want, all, of that someone Yeah, I know what you mean Well I'II tell you my friend i Just, communicate with her And always say what you mean and mean what you say Because, it's her that you want all of me Aoww Come here baby Come bring all of you to me When I say I want all of you I mean I want all of you from your head to your feet (mmm) I wanna taste everything from your lipstick to your toenail polish C'mere Kane brother I want you I want you I want to hold you, I want to massage you I want to comfort you, I want to sooth you (mm!) You know the way you're standin still there I just wanna lay on the floor and make love to your shadow (A-heh) Sounds silly don't it? Not really But for real, let me come on over there Run my Hngers through your hair Hold your Nair, and undo that brassiere My dear Daddy Kane Because tonight girl, all of me wants, all of you Ohhhhhhh Meeeeeeee, all of meeeeeeee Wants allllllllll of youuuuuuuuuu Let's start tonight, I know you're right Over and over and over Let's do it now, you show me how Over and over and over again Oh I can tell you're serious aren‘t you? |'m glad to see that you feelin, this way That there's somebody in this world that Make you want to give up that kind of commitment Love is such a beautiful thing when it's, equally shared Tell em Maestro When two people, End the same common ground They call it, having, so much in common Making love is one of things that people, these days Seem to End too common Communicate B.W Sho' you right So I want you to know, that I really feel That you gonna make it all the way with this young lady You got my love, my respect You're bad young man, you're bad Meeeeeeee, all of meeeeeeee Ooh baby, mmm Wants allllllllll of youuuuuuuuuu All of you Let's start tonight, I know you're right Oh, yeahhhh Over and over and over Let's do it now, you show me how Can we do this? Over and over and over again And over and over and over and over Meeeeeeee, all of meeeeeeee Yes love, all, of me Wants allllllllll of youuuuuuuuuu I want you Let's start tonight, I know you're right Mmmmm, sho' you right Over and over and over I want it now, come show me how Come show me Over and over and over again Meeeeeeee, all of meeeeeeee Wants allllllllll of youuuuuuuuuu I want you from head to toe Let's start tonight, I know you're right Over and over and over. |
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| 4:02 | ![]() |
Out of love, there's nobody around, all I hear is the sound of a broken heart Out of time, no more waitin' for you Now the hurtin's through, and a new day starts And I feel a change in my life, I sailed into dark and endless nights And made it alive Chorus: Everybody's got a reason to live, baby Everybody's got a dream and a hunger inside Everybody's got a reason to live, but it can't be your love Out of touch, with myself for so long, now a feelin' so strong comin' over me Down the line, there's a lesson I've learned You can love and get burned, if it has to be And I see a change in my life, and I'm not alone when I'm strong inside And I realize chorus And I feel a change in my life And I'm not alone when I'm strong inside and I realize chorus repeats 2x No it can't be your love, no it can't be your love No it can't be your love |
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| 4:02 | ![]() |
I'm not proud, I was wrong
and the truth is hard to take I felt sure we had enough but our love went overboard lifeboat lies lost at sea I've been trying to reach your shore waves of doubt keep drowning me All the dreams that we were building we never fulfilled them could be better, should be better for lessons in love For restless eyes egos burn and the mold is hard to break now we've waded in too deep and love is overboard heavy hearts token words all the hopes I ever had fade like footprints in the sand All the homes that we were building we never lived in could be better, should be better lessons in love if we lose the time before us the future will ignore us we should use it, we could use it, yeah Lessons in love Lost without love... Lessons in love When will you ever learn Lessons in love When there's nowhere left to turn Lessons in love Don't let your spirit burn Lessons in love I'll wait 'till you return All the dreams that we were building we never fulfilled them could be better, should be better for lessons in love All the homes that we were building we never lived in could be better, should be better lessons in love if we lose the time before us the future will ignore us we should use it, we could use it, yeah lessons in love |
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| 3:27 | ![]() |
Bright in flames
They're melting with the snow Precious wishes Heavenwards they go Secrets keep, no-one need ever know When you're in the clouds In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, in the clouds, You're just a breath away Painted words are whispered It's no prayer Whispering words Are drifting like the snow When you're in the clouds In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, in the clouds, You're just a breath away Away, away, away, away Away, away, away, away Away When you're in the clouds In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, You're just a breath away In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, in the clouds, In the clouds, You're just a breath away |
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| 3:49 | ![]() |
Children behave That's what they say when we're together And watch how you play They don't understand and so we're Runnin' just as fast as we can Holdin' on to one another's hand Tryin' to get away into the night And then you put your arms around me And we tumble to the ground And then you say I think we're alone now There doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now The beating of our hearts is the only sound Look at the way We gotta hide what we're doing 'Cause what would they say If they ever knew and so we're Runnin' just as fast as we can Holdin' on to one another's hand Tryin' to get away into the night And then you put your arms around me And we tumble to the ground And then you say I think we're alone now There doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now The beating of our hearts is the only sound I think we're alone now There doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now The beating of our hearts is the only sound Runnin' just as fast as we can Holdin' on to one another's hand Tryin' to get away into the night And then you put your arms around me And we tumble to the ground And then you say I think we're alone now There doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now The beating of our hearts is the only sound Repeat Chorus Written by: Ritchie Cordell Guitar: Chuck Yamek Drum Programming: John Duarte Synthesizers: John Duarte |
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| 4:21 | ![]() |
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| 3:53 | ![]() |
I ain't no joke, I use to let the mic smoke
Now I slam it when I'm done and make sure it's broke When i'm gone no one gets on cuz I won't let Nobody press up and mess up the seen I set I like to stand in a crowd and watch the people wonder damn But think about it then you'll understand I'm just an addict addicted to music Maybe it's a habit, I gotta use it Even if it's jazz or the quiet storm I hook a beat up convert it into hip-hop form Write a rhyme in graffitti in every show you see me in Deep concentration, cuz I'm no comedian Jokers are wild if you wanna be tamed I treat you like a child then you're gonna be named Another enemy, not even a friend of me Cuz you'll get fried in the end when you pretend to be Competin' cuz I just put your mind on pause and I complete when - you compare my rhyme wit yours I wake you up and as I stare in your face you seem stunned Remember me, the one you got your idea from But soon you start to suffer, the tune'll get rougher When you start to stutter that's when you had enuff of Biting, it'll make you choke, you can't provoke You can't cope, you should've broke because I ain't no joke I got a question, as serious as cancer Who can keep the average dancer Hyper as a heart attack nobody smiling Cuz you're expressing the rhyme that I'm styling This is what we all sit down to write You can't make it so you take it home, break it and bite Use pieces and bits of all the hip-hop hits Get the style down pat then it's time to switch Put my tape on pause and add some more to yours Then you fake it you're ready for the neighborhood chores The E-M-C-E-E don't even try to be When you come up to speak, don't even lie to me You like to exaggerate, dream and imaginate Then change the rhyme around, that can aggravate me So when you see me come up, freeze Or you'll be one of those 7 MC's They think that I'm a new jack but only if they knew that They who think wrong are they who can't do that Style that I'm doing, they might ruin Patterns and paragraphs based on you and Your offbeat DJ, if anything he play Sound familiar, I'll wait til E say Play 'em, so I'ma have to diss and bro You could get a smack for this, I ain't no joke I hold the microphone like a grudge B'll hold the record so the needle don't budge I hold a conversation cuz when I invent I nominated my DJ to president When I'm see I'll, keep a freestyle, going steadily So pucker up and whistle my melody But whatever you do, don't miss one They'll be another rough rhyme after this one Before you know it, you're following and fiending Waiting for the punchline to get the meaning Like before the middle of my story I'm telling Nobody beats the R so stop yelling Save it, put it in your pocket for later Cuz I'm moving the crowd and B'll wreck the fader No interruptions til the mic is broke When I'm gone, then you can joke Cuz everything is real on a serious tip Keep playing and I varies quick And take you for a walk through hell Freeze your dome then watch your eyeballs swell Guide you out of triple stage darkness When it get dark again then I'ma spark this Microphone cuz the heat is on, you see smoke then I finish when the beat is gone, I'm no joke |
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| 3:24 | ![]() |
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| 4:58 | ![]() |
Little Suzi - Tesla
(Diamonds, Hymas) Little Suzi's on the up, looking for a get-away Ruby tries to bring her down, she's lookin' for another way Little Suzi's on the up, headin' for the spotlights Ruby finally gets up, lookin' for some quiet night [Chorus:] And the music makes her feel so hot Ooh and she'll smile for the camera with all she's got Don't bring her down, she's a lot like you She'll be richer by far if her dreams come true Little Suzi's on the up Little Suzi's on the up, now suddenly it's not a game Ruby's got to give up, 'cos Suzi's plainly set on pain Little Suzi's on the up, cost in cost, your point is made Ruby's gonna hang around, to make sure Suzi's okay [Chorus] Don't bring her down, she's a lot like you She'll be richer by far if her dreams come true Little Suzi's on the up [Solo] [Chorus] Don't you bring her down, she's a lot like you She'll be richer by far when her dreams come true Little Suzi's on the up, oh yes she is, ow! Now she's on the up, little Suzi's on the up Heading for the spotlight, oh little Suzi Oh and the music makes her feel so hot, go little Suzi, yeah Ohh, yeah yeah, oh yeah |
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| 5:09 | ![]() |
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| 3:23 | ![]() |
You wake up late for school - man you don't wanna go
You ask you mom, "Please?" - but she still says, "No!" You missed two classes - and no homework But your teacher preaches class like you're some kind of jerk (chorus) You gotta fight for your right to party You pop caught you smoking - and he said, "No way!" That hypocrite - smokes two packs a day Man, living at home is such a drag Now your mom threw away your best porno mag (Bust it!) (repeat chorus) Don't step out of this house if that's the clothes you're gonna wear I'll kick you out of my home is you don't cut that hair Your mom busted in and said, "What's that noise?" Aw, mom you're just jealous - it's the Beastie Boys! (repeat chorus twice) |
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| 3:15 | ![]() |
When I was a young boy
they said you're only gettin' older but how was I to know then that they'd be cryin' on my shoulder put your money in a big house get yourself a pretty wife She'll collect your life insurance when she connects you with a knife Somebody get the doctor, I'm feelin' pretty poor, somebody get the stretcher before I hit the floor Somebody save me I lost my job, they kicked me out of my tree, Somebody save me save me Everybody's got opinions but nobody's got the answers and the shit you ate for breakfast well it'll only give ya cancer We're runnin' in a circle runnin' to the mornin' light and if ya ain't quite workable It's been one hell of a night Somebody get the doctor, I think I'm gonna crash Never paid the bill because I ain't got the cash Somebody save me I lost my job, they kicked me out of my tree, Somebody save me save me, look out Save me I lost my job, they kicked me out of my tree, Somebody save me Save me Somebody save me I'm goin' down for the last time, look out Save me Save me |
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| 4:30 | ![]() |
Think of it, I, hold the world in the palm of my hand
Run a comb through my hair, head on out for some new foreign land And all this could seem like a dream out the door With everyday people, face down on the floor I always said I could make it and be who I am There's a new look in sight, what a change for the new modern man With all this it seems, like I'm dying for more The streets are on fire, never seen it before It's like the sound of electric guitars CHORUS Worlds collide and hearts will be broken Over and over it's the same every day- How can I say what has never concerned me The secret of my success is I'm living 25 hours a day It's amazing to me, what a fool will believe to bet by With a change of your mind, I can live, I can fly The harder the come, the harder they fall I never say maybe and I go for it all Just like the sound of electric guitars BRIDGE CHORUS SOLO With nothing to show, just sweat form my soul My heart's on the line and I'm dying to go (dying to go) Look at us now, gonna make it somehow Hold on to me baby, can't hold me down CHORUS The secret of my success is I'm living 25 hours a day 25 hours a day |