프렌치 시크의 멋진 귀환 3년 만에 발표한 세 번째 정규 앨범 샤를로트 갱스부르의 [IRM] 그녀의 필모그래피만큼이나 독특한 미학을 표출하는 뛰어난 앨범 프로듀서로서의 벡(Beck)과의 협력! 음울함으로 가득한 잿빛의 정서는 전작에서 한 걸음 더 나아간 강렬한 개성 표출 ‘자기공명영상’소위 MRI의 프랑스어 표현인 IRM(Imageriepar Resonance Magnetique)란 독특한 앨범 타이틀은 그녀의 경험에서 비롯되었다. 미국에서 수상스키를 즐기던 도중 가벼운 사고로 인해 경미한 뇌출혈로 몇 달 뒤인 2007년 가을, 여러 매체를 통해 샤를로트 갱스부르가 파리의 한 병원에서 뇌수술을 받았다는 기사가 보도되었다. 검진을 위해 여러 차례 MRI 검사를 받을 때마다 그녀가 들어야 했던 불쾌한 기계음은 샤를로트 갱스부르에게 마치 ‘구상음악(musique concrete)’과 같은 미적 감성, 또는 사이키델릭의 환각적 효과를 전해주었고, 이 경험은 앨범과 타이틀곡의 탄생에 큰 영감을 주었다.
중독성강한, 곳곳에서 반복과 단순함의 변형에 의한 최면적인 마력이 돋보이는 작품집은, 세월의 흐름과 함께 여러 면에서 성장을 이룬 샤를로트 갱스부르가 음악인으로서도 무시할 수 없는 ‘아티스트’의 반열에 자리잡게 되었다는 사실을 드러내준다. 벡 특유의 일렉트로니카 사운드는 아프로 비트의 리듬과 복잡한 멜로디의 배치와 더불어 각각의 곡들에서 주된 스타일을 이룬다. 거기에 더해진 여전한 팝적 감수성과 21세기 프렌치 팝의 전형적인 향취가 이루어내는 분위기야말로 여느 팝 앨범과 차별을 이루는 요소라 할 수 있다. 2009년 스핀(Spin)이 선정한 최고의 뮤직비디오로도 꼽힌 ‘Heaven Can Wait’의 드라마틱한 전개 혹은 중독성 강한 리듬에 나직이 읊조리다 클라이맥스로 치닫는 ‘IRM’ 등 수록! .... ....
Hold my head up, right foot back Take my hands down, shake my back Pull my strings and cut my rope Rattle my frame and shatter my ghost And if I can't get back in line They're gonna break me down Till the broad daylight comes through
Breathe out, come alive Give me a reason to feel
Take my eyes and paint my bones Drill my brain all full of holes And patch it up before it leaks These memories come two by three And if I catch these master's hands Could I spend my days on a discount revelry
Quand on est mort c뭙st qu뭥n est mort Quand on ne rit plus c뭙st qu뭥n ne vit plus Quand j뭓urai coup?la ficelle Mettez-moi dans une poubelle Laissez-moi faisander un mois Et de l?jetez-moi au chat Qu뭝l refuse ma rate et mon foie Mais choissez l뭜eure pour qu뭝l me mange le c쐕r Et je reste encore avec vous Sur vos ?aules et vos genoux Que je sois puiqu뭝l faut qu뭥n existe Le chat du caf?des artistes
Et si le pain vient ?manquer Je serai l?et n뭜?itez pas Brisez-moi les pattes et le cou Et puis mangez-moi ?m?e le chat
Ce ne sera pas la premi?e fois Qu뭥n aura mang?un artiste
Quand on est mort c뭙st qu뭥n est mort Quand on ne rit plus, c뭙st qu뭥n ne vit plus Quand il a coup?la ficelle On l뭓 mis dans une poubelle
Et puis ils m뭥nt oubli?l? L?l?l?l?l?l?l?l? Comme ils ont oubli?le chat Comme ils oublieront ma t?e et mes chansons
Ce ne sera pas la derni?e fois Que l뭥n oubliera un artiste
Quand on est mort c뭙st qu뭥n est mort Quand on ne rit plus, c뭙st qu뭥n ne vit plus Quand il a coup?la ficelle On l뭓 mis dans une poubelle
Help me to see What it's all coming to Crums on the table And mud on these shoes Treading so long I can't see where we've been Tracks on the trail and nails digging in
Who's to say it's all for the best in the end
Some hands will rob you and some hands will beg some say they'll stay Till the last dying day But if actions can't speak and words cannot do what then thousands armies can't even fight through
Who's to say it's all for the best in the end who's to say it's all the best in the end
She's sliding, she's sliding down to the depth of the world She's fighting, she's fighting the urge to make a .... Heaven can wait and hell's too far ago Somewhere between what you need and what you know And they're trying to drive that escalator into the ground She's hiding, she's hiding on a battleship of baggage and bones There's thunder, there's lightening in an avalanche of faces you know Heaven can wait and hell's too far ago Somewhere between what you need and what you know And they're trying to drive that escalator into the ground You left your credentials in a greyhound station with a first aid kit and a flashlight Going to a ..... unknown Heaven can wait and hell's too far ago Somewhere between what you need and what you know And they're trying to drive that escalator into the ground
I walk in a line I see where I'm going I turn inside out The days that I've known I face to myself And give up the ghost I turn in my mind What time already knows
In the Time Of The Assassins They say hallelujah It doesn't take a miracle to raise a Heart from the dead
I sift through the ash I look for a sign I open the wound That keeps me in line The shoulder that turns The flame that goes out The chapter I close There's no point to it now
In the Time Of The Assassins They say hallelujah it doesn't take a miracle to raise a Heart from the dead
And can something change But still feel the same The beginning's the end I start all over again
In the Time Of The Assassins They say hallelujah it doesn't take a miracle to raise a Heart from the dead
Train, train Come and gone My rum coco My cold empty Shake, shake Sugaree Shoo, shoo fly Don't come back again
X X the eyes C. C. Rider riding On the morning tide To the fall horizon Sic, sic the wolves And hope it don't get ugly A trick pony He don't know me He don't know me at all
Knock, knock Go away Pull the trigger And see your shadow laughing Transatlantic There's no one there It's no cold comfort With your conscience calling
X X the eyes C. C. Rider riding On the morning tide To the fall horizon Sic, sic the wolves And hope it don't get ugly A trick pony He don't know me He don't know me at all
Red River, keep on rolling down It's been a long time since I let my hair hang down I'll take my time before I go under the ground Oh dandelion, tell me what you're thinking now
Shape I'm in, I better get back home soon I got one eye on the road and one eye on the big black moon Dandelion, won't you tell me what to do
Ironsides rusting in the railroad rain Now I found out what the Captain of the Morning was saying Dandelion, better hope your mother's praying
Dumb luck is the only luck I ever knew I'd make a wish but I don't think it'd ever come true Dandelion, I guess I'll leave it up to you
Belle Starr, she doesn't have any shoes She walks crooked and paints her eyelids blue Dandelion, I wanna go there too
Voyage au bout de la nuit Voyage au bout de la nuit Voyage au bout de la nuit
Plumes sauvages Le mirage Kerozene Au gris gris Rattlesnake Cadillac Race humaine Espace vie
Voyage au bout de la nuit
We could go au bout du monde Till the end of the night We could go au bout du monde Till the end of the night Voyage au bout de la nuit We could go, oh Journey till the end of the world
We could go au bout du monde Till the end of the night We could go au bout du monde Till the end of the night Voyage au bout de la nuit We could go, oh Journey till the end of the world
I collect many things And keep them all close to me To the ceiling from the floor I'm tripping on them constantly
Pixelated faces play On the blown out TV screen Footage from a camera, These days I'm fast-forwarding
I see a pattern start to form Over time it's surfacing Like a face I recognize It never says anything
I add up all these moments In a long narrow ledger Decimals of pain Integers of pleasure
The sum of all these parts I don't know how to measure They keep on adding up They just keep on adding up
The collector, la collectioneuse The collector, la collectioneuse The collector, la collectioneuse The collector, la collectioneuse
J'ai cueilli ce brin de bruyere L'automne est morte souviens-t'en Nous ne nous verrons plus sur terre Odeur du temps brin de bruyere Et souviens-toi que je t'attends
J'ai eu le courage de regarder en arriere Les cadavres de mes jours
Que lentement passent les heures Comme passe un enterrement Tu pleureras l'heure ou tu pleures Qui passera trop vitement Comme passe toutes les heures.
Et toi mon coeur pourquoi bats-tu? Comme un guetteur melancolique J'observe la nuit et la mort
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure Les jours s'en vont je demeure