1941年 진 크루파 밴드의 보컬리스트로 공식 데뷔한 후 약물 중독 등으로 인해 몇 번의 부침의 시기를 겪긴 했지만 90年代까지 레코딩과 공연 활동을 통해서 최고의 여성 가수로서의 존재감을 자랑했던 아니타 오데이. 50年代에 버브와 계약을 맺으면서 솔로로 독립하기 바로 전까지 그녀가 여러 빅 밴드의 멤버로서 시그내쳐와 런던 레이블에 남겨 놓았던 노래들을 묶어놓은 2 CD SET. 스윙 재즈 시대에 등장한 가장 빼어난 여성 보컬리스트 가운데 한 명이자, 새롭게 등장한 비밥 재즈를 가장 능동적으로 소화해 내면서 음악적으로도 자신의 영역을 확실하게 구축한 아니타 오데이! 진 크루파 오케스트라, 스탄 켄튼 오케스트라를 비롯해, 잭 플레이스, 폴 조던, 벤 호머 등이 리드하는 여러 밴드들이 그녀의 노래와 함께 한다. .... ....
He would spend it on the ponies He would spend it on the girls Buy his mother gin and roses For her poor old henna'd curls
And when his wife said "Hey now! What did you get for me?" He socked her in the choppers Such a sweet, sweet guy was he!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind
How he loved the old race horses He would bet them every day One day he caught a winner And the cabbage wasn't hay!
He indulged in fancy spending Ordered rings, cars and furs But alas, alack Like a stab in the back She found out they were not hers!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind
He got mixed up with a Maisie He got mixed up with a Flo So Flo shoved him in the river He'll not get mixed up no more!
His wife then draped herself in black That showed her figure fine Then she cussed him out The two-faced guy No insurance could she find!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind!
He would spend it on the ponies He would spend it on the girls Buy his mother gin and roses For her poor old henna'd curls
And when his wife said "Hey now! What did you get for me?" He socked her in the choppers Such a sweet, sweet guy was he!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind
How he loved the old race horses He would bet them every day One day he caught a winner And the cabbage wasn't hay!
He indulged in fancy spending Ordered rings, cars and furs But alas, alack Like a stab in the back She found out they were not hers!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind
He got mixed up with a Maisie He got mixed up with a Flo So Flo shoved him in the river He'll not get mixed up no more!
His wife then draped herself in black That showed her figure fine Then she cussed him out The two-faced guy No insurance could she find!
And her tears flowed like wine Yes, her tears flowed like wine She's a real sad tomato She's a busted Valentine Knows her mama done told her That her man is darned unkind!