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I'm in the mood for dancing, romancin'
Ooh, I'm givin' it all tonight, I'm in the mood for chancin' I feel like dancin' Ooh so come on and hold me tight. Dancin', I'm in the mood Babe, So let the music play, Ooh, I'm dancin', I'm in the groove babe, So get up and let your body sway. I'm in the mood for dancin', romancin' You know I shan't ever stop tonight, I'm in the mood for chancin' I feel like dancin' Ooh from head to my toe, Take me again, And heaven who knows, Just where it will end, So dance,yeah lets dance,, come on and dance, Dance,yeah lets dance,come on and dance *(repeat) Dancin' just feel the beat babe, That's all you've gotta do, I can't stop dancin', So move your feet babe, 'cause Honey when I get up close to you I'm in the mood for dancin', romancin', You know I shan't ever stop tonight, I'm in the mood, I'm in the mood, I'm in the mood to dance, Yeah lets dance, come on and dance, I'm in the mood so baby dance, Yeah lets dance, come on and dance, I'm in the mood to take a chance, Yeah lets dance, come on and dance, Get on your feet now baby dance, Yeah lets dance, come on and dance, can't you hear the music baby dance, Yeah lets dance, come on and dance... |
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Don't push me too hard
Don't push me too far, Don't try and make me, If you want to take me, Then Don't play on my heart Don't love me too hard, You're moving to fast, I know that you want to please me, But don't think it's easy, So let's make the right start I know your move, When you come up close to me, But I Ain't in that groove, I need warming up Oh can't you see Tonight go slow, We might make out, Who knows but Honey Don't push me too hard Don't push me too far, Don't try and make me, If you want to take me, Then Don't play on my heart Don't think I'm cold, And your love ain't tempting me, Have you no control, What's your hurry Boy, it's time we need, Tonight go slow, We might make out, Who knows but Honey Don't push me too hard Don't push me too far, Don't try and make me, If you want to take me, Then Don't play on my heart ------------- Lyrics Powered by LyricFind Written By FINDON, BEN/MYERS, MIKE/PUZEY, BOB <i>Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing</i> |
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Now that I know,
why did I doubt you, I let you go, Now I'm without you, Thought I was cool, Imagination, I was the fool, Fell to temptation But you won't see me cry, 'Cause its no good, Since you said goodbye. And now honey I gotta stop, Gotta start pickin' up, Gotta pull myself together, Honey, I'm breakin' up, Now that we ain't makin' up, Just gotta pull myself together. I was so sure, it wouldn't upset me, so I closed the door, why did you let me, I lost control, Out for sensation, I'm in the cold, sad situation, I try hard not to say, I t hurt so bad, since you went away. ------------- Lyrics Powered by LyricFind Written By FINDON, BEN/MYERS, MIKE/PUZEY, BOB <i>Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing</i> |
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Well I head on out
at the local disco hall where the kids get down to the funky disco wall well the music hit me high it hit me low oh babe, I was getting it all (Chorus:) Through the smoky funky scene man, you should have been they have those disco lights flashing through the night Sexy music on the wall sexy music I was getting it all sexy sexy music on the wall sexy music I was getting it all Oh reflections in the night sexy actions in the light how those shadows turn me on one look and I was gone When I checked the time I should be heading home I'm shaking to that rhythm in my soul those shadows flickered high they flickered low oh babe, nearly lost control Repeat Chorus Oh sexy music.. Through the smoky funky scene man you should have been we raised our body heat as we danced on to the beat Oh reflections in the night sexy actions in the light how those shadows turn me on one look and I was gone Sexy music on the wall sexy music I was getting it all sexy sexy music on the wall sexy music I was getting it all |
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God Knows(히라노 아야)
乾いた 心で驅け拔ける 카와이타 코코로데 카케누케루 메마른 마음으로 달려나갔어 ごめんね, 何もできなくて 고메은네, 나니모 데키나쿠테 미안해. 아무것도 못 해줘서 痛みを 分かち合う ことさえ 이타미오 와타치아우 코토사에 아픔을 서로 나누는 것 조차도 あなたは 許してくれない 아나타와 유루시테쿠레나이 너는 용납하지 않아 無垢に生きるため 振り向かず 무쿠니 이키루타메 후리무카즈 가식없이 살기위해 뒤돌아보지 않고 背中向けて 去ってしまう God Lonely Day。 세나카무케테 삿테시마우 God Lonely Day。 등을 돌려 떠나가 버리는 God Lonely Day。 私, ついて行くよ 와타시 츠이테이쿠요 하지만 난, 널 따라갈거야 どんな辛い 世界の 闇の中でさえ 돈나츠라이 세카이노 야미노나카데사에 아무리 험난한 세상의 어둠속이라 해도 きっと, あなたは 輝いて 킷토 아나타와 카가야이테 넌 반드시 빛나고 있을테니 越える 未來の果て, 弱さゆえに 코에루 미라이노하테 요와사유에니 뛰어넘은 미래의 끝에, 나약함으로 인해 魂, 壞されるように 타마시이 코와사레루 요오니 영혼이 부숴지지 않도록 My Way 重なるよ今 My Way 카사나루요 이마 My Way 지금 하나가 되는거야 二人に God Bless。 후타리니 God Bless。 우리들에게 God Bless。 遠向けて 熱くなる 思いは 토오무케테 아츠쿠나루 오모이와 먼 곳을 바라보며 뜨거워지는 이 마음은 現實 溶かして さまよう 게은지츠 토카시테 사마요우 현실을 녹여버리며 헤매이네 合いたい 氣持ちに 理由わない 아이타이 키모치니 리유우와 나이 서로 만나고 싶다는 마음에 이유는 없어 あなたへ あふれ出す Loving you。 아나타에 아후레다스 Loving you。 널 향해 넘쳐흐르는 Loving you。 せめて, 美しい 夢だけを 세메테 우츠쿠시이 유메다케오 하다못해, 아름다운 꿈만을 描きながら 追いかけよう For Your Lonely Heart。 에가키나가라 오이카케요오 For Your Lonely Heart。 그려내며 쫓아가야지 For Your Lonely Heart。 やめて, うそは あなたらしくないよ 야메테 우소와 아나타라시쿠 나이요 그만 둬, 그런 거짓말은 너답지 않아 目お見て これからのことを 話そう 메오미테 코레카라노 코토오 하나소오 서로 눈을 마주보고 앞으로의 대해 이야기하자 私, 覺悟してる 와타시 가쿠고 시테루 나, 각오하고 있어 暗い 未來だって, 强くなって 쿠라이 미라이닷테 츠요쿠낫테 암흑같은 미래조차, 강해지게 된다면 運命, 變えられるかもね 운메이 카에라레루 카모네 운명을 바꿀 수 있을지도 모르잖아 My Wish かなえたいのに My Wish 카나에타이노니 My Wish 이루고 싶은 것에 すべては God Knows。 스베테와 God Knows。 모든 것은 God Knows。 あなたがいて, 私がいて 아나타가이테 와타시가이테 네가 여기 있고, 내가 여기 있는데 外の人は 消えてしまった 호카노히토와 키에테시맛타 다른 사람들은 모두 사라져버렸어 淡い 夢の 美しさを 描きながら 아와이 유메노 우츠쿠시사오 에가키나가라 덧없는 꿈의 아름다움을 그려나가며 傷痕, 撫ざる 키즈아토 나자루 상처자국을 어루만졌어 だから 私, ついて行くよ 다카라 와타시 츠이테이쿠요 그러니까 나, 널 따라갈거야 どんな辛い 世界の 闇の中でさえ 돈나츠라이 세카이노 야미노나카데사에 아무리 험난한 세상의 어둠속이라 해도 きっと あなたは 輝いて 킷토 아나타와 카가야이테 넌 반드시 빛나고 있을테니 越える 未來の果て, 弱さゆえに 코에루 미라이노하테 요와사유에니 뛰어넘은 미래의 끝에, 나약함으로 인해 魂, 壞されるように 타마시이 코와사레루 요오니 영혼이 부숴지지 않도록 My Way 重なるよ今 My Way 카사나루요 이마 My Way 지금 하나가 되는거야 二人に God Bless。 후타리니 God Bless。 우리들에게 God Bless。 |
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Ooh tonight, I'll be holdin' you tight,
Makin' out that every thing is fine, To the crowd we'll be laughing out loud, But they won't know the heartache on my mind. *I'll wear a smile and keep on dancin' honey, when the night is over, I'll be askin', Darlin', **Who's gonna rock, gonna rock you now, who's gonna put out your fire, Who's gonna rock, gonna rock you now, who's gonna fill your desire (well), All around, movin' up, getting down, party people freakin' in their groove, They can't see what is happenin' to me, Thinkin' 'bout the love I'm gonna lose (*repeat) (**repeat) can you tell me who, who (*repeat) darlin' (**repeat and fade) ------------- Lyrics Powered by LyricFind Written By GOLD, KEN/OCEAN, BILLY <i>Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing</i> |
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