Quartet De Clarinets De Barcelona, George Gershwin - I Got Rhythm Etc/ Quartet De Clarinets De Barcelona (2005) by Quartet De Clarinets De Barcelona (보컬), George Gershwin (작곡) on maniadb.com
재즈의 이디엄의 출발은 여전히 논란의 대상이 되고 있긴하지만 쿠르트 바일이나, 조지 거쉬인의 뮤지컬의 그것으로부터 디딤돌을 삼았음은 불문가지의 일이다. 조지 거쉬인의 탄생 100주년을 기념해 발매된 본작은 그의 음악적 영향력을 모두 표현 할 수는 없었겠지만 재즈의 표현력과 클라리넷 4부로 표현해낸 정교한 하모니와 리듬감은 재즈와 클래식 팬 모두를 만족시킬만한 놀라운 것이다. 원곡과 달리 색다르게 표현된 Summertime의 우울한 서정은 본작의 백미라고 할 수 있다. .... ....
When the mellow moon begins to beam, Ev'ry night I dream a little dream, And of course Prince Charming is the theme, The he for me. Although I realize as well as you It is seldom that a dream comes true, For/To me it's clear That he'll appear.
Some day he'll come along, The man I love And he'll be big and strong, The man I love And when he comes my way I'll do my best to make him stay.
He'll look at me and smile I'll understand ; And in a little while, He'll take my hand ; And though it seems absurd, I know we both won't say a word
Maybe I shall meet him Sunday Maybe Monday, maybe not ; Still I'm sure to meet him one day Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day
He'll build a little home Just meant for two, From which I'll never roam, Who would - would you ? And so all else above I'm waiting for the man I love.
When this world began It was Heaven's plan There should be a girl for ev'ry single man. To my great regret Someone has upset Heaven's pretty progamme for we've never met. I'm clutching at straws, just because I may meet him/her yet.
Somebody loves me, I wonder who, I wonder who he/she can be. Somebody loves me, I wish I knew, Who can he/she be worries me. For ev'ry boy/girl who passes me I shout, " Hey, maybe You were meant to be my loving baby. " Somebody loves me, I wonder who, Maybe it's you.