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He draws his horses
Pretend your anger And draws his horses Being chosen also Please get up Fall, please get up Fall, please get up Don't ruin yourself So see and hear Sultitan itan So see and hear Plain tiger iger In my heart Set you right up In my heart I sing this song Back you up How messed I am Back you up I consider So he got up I must see him I must see him And all got up Sore got he Apalled got up Apalled got up I'm in this song So see and hear Sultitan itan So see and hear Plain tiger iger Other sources say that the lyrics are a pseudo Latin as follows: Endrosis - osis Lotella - ella Endrosis - osis Vivigeossa - ossa Meliteae phoebus hyala phoebus hyala cloeyessa Meliteae phoebus hyala phoebus hyala nossinussa Sesia - ia Sultitan - itan Sesia - ia Totella - ella Hymeae saturnia hymeae nossinussa Vacua venessula vacua nekitella Tuphia vanessa venessa enovalla Sacyare oponalla oponalla hyniassa Hofamanofilla Hofamanofilla Hofamanofilla Donosialla Donosialla Donosialla Hofamanofilla Donosialla |
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Coenonympha specilla meta bella-bella
perrittia laklerie koryao-ao Macrothylacia phriofosica salaciella Nepticulla-ulla-lla stipella amicolla Sultiapollanella-nella cossus cossus Abillatoeya stroemella Okernalla mulla lania hyalophora bragilla Sumho brokeella vetenofo vatopecella Ollodocyerisa piphovstilolla pisella Lanconia ollanialla tikie-tikie Nallepacella lampronia Coenonympha specilla meta bella Eurybia-beba phionella Ebapheronia nella viefiolla befasonabra Tiekeria-epepia tella phylonistesotna Dioryctria phispikera hyllolycaena bella Phyllonorycter tella hyllo phytlla-phytlla Pachytelia tigilla stasueshella pachliopta Kanollecosahelue hammoniella |
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Papilionidae Hyblaeoidae Epiplemidae Notodontidae Nemeobiidae Eupterotidae Callidulidae Dioptidae Lymantriidae Noctuidae Endromidae Oxytenidae Lycaenidae Argyresthiidae Ctenuchidae Nepticulidae Hieroxestidae Symmocidae Blastobasidae Heliozelidae Limacodidae Agonoxenidae Compsoctenidae Neopseustidae Incurvariidae Oecophoridae Stenomidae Thyrididae Heliodinidae Glyphipterigidae Dudgeoneidae |
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