이 음반을 기념비적이다란 상투구로 치장하기 위해선 몇가지 덤이 필요하다. 범박하게 열거해서 첫째 싱어송라이터의 전통의 새로운 변화를 완성해낸 음반이란것, 둘째 미국 백인음의 뿌리인 컨트리에 낙천성과 낙관성에 대한 안티테제, 셋째 미국 인디락의 정서의 마지노선까지 밀고 나간 점등을 들 수 있겠다. 월 오드햄 곧 보니 프린스 빌리란 얼터에고로 그는 그가 말할 수 있는 조롱과 체념과 회한과 무정부상태의 언어의 공간에 루츠뮤직의 여러 요소를 믹스했다. 그리고 내적 트라우마를 음성의 트라우마로 들려지게 하는 능력, 결국 본작을 듣게 되는 리스너들이 할 일이라곤 보니가 본 어둠을 참담한 심정으로 목도해야 한다는 것뿐이다. .... ....
Well you're my friend (It's what you told me anyway) And can you see (What's inside of me anyway) Many times we've been out drinking And many times we've shared our thoughts But did you ever, ever notice The kind of thoughts I got Well you know I have a love A love for everyone I know And you know I have a drive To live I won't let go But can you see it's opposition Comes rising up sometimes That it's dreadful and position Comes blacking in my mind
And that I see a darkness And that I see a darkness And that I see a darkness And that I see a darkness And did you know how much I love you Is a hope that somehow you Can save me from this darkness
Well I hope that someday, buddy We have peace in our lives Together or apart Alone or with our wives That we can stop our whoring And pull the smiles inside And light it up forever And never go to sleep My best unbeaten brother This isn't all I see
Oh no I see a darkness Oh no I see a darkness Oh no I see a darkness Oh no I see a darkness Did you know how much I love you Is a hope that somehow you you Can save me from this darkness
I like to have a good time any of my friends will tell you but when you confront me with stupidity I'm doubly angry at you
and I say: nip! nap! it's all a trap bo! bis! and so was this whoa! whoa! to haiti go, and watch it all come down ding! dong! a silly song sure do say something's wrong smile awhile, forget the bile and watch it all come down
so I become more lively to bury all of the ugly whole persons sometimes must be them bodies buried
and I say: nip! nap! it's all a trap bo! bis! and so was this whoa! whoa! to haiti go, and watch it all come down ding! dong! a silly song sure do say something's wrong smile awhile, forget the bile and watch it all come down
and I toe the water and an urchin poke me an' I must be godfather to anyone who'll have me
today was another day full of dread but I never said I was afraid dread and fear should not be confused by dread I'm inspired, by fear I'm amused
and I say: nip! nap! it's all a trap bo! bis! and so was this whoa! whoa! to haiti go, and watch it all come down ding! dong! a silly song sure do say something's wrong smile awhile, forget the bile and watch it all come down
I am here Right here Where god puts None asunder And you In black dress and black shoe You do Invite me under Go on Go there You can See me aging Stars turn Balls burn Coming kids Are raging
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
La la la ...
Every terrible thing Is a relief Even months on end Buried in grief Are easy light times Which have to end With the coming Of your death friend
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
La la la ...
So strap me on And raise me high Cause buddy I'm not Afraid to die But life is long And it's tremendous And we're glad That you're here with us And since we know An end will come It makes our living Fun
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
Death to me And death to you Tell me what else can we Do die do Death to all And death to each Our own god-bottle S'within reach
Death to everyone Is gonna come And it makes hosing Much more fun
Tonight my eyes were hurting much As I had strained them all day long I don't remember waking up My memory is not that strong The day was spent walking about And asking questions blindly And silently and not without A sense of lapsing dignity
Today I was an evil one Who suffered dumbly having fun Tomorrow god will make me good If I allow her to, she would
I was found again in need And mostly unprotected As I had spent good time with greed And giving was rejected
Today I was an evil one Who suffered dumbly having fun Tomorrow god will make me good If I allow her to, she would
The skin of all my fingers split Painfully receding My hands were dry and itched and hurt And also they were bleeding I can fix it by withdrawing Claim from false completeness And by humboly allowing God to grant me sweetness
Black, you are my enemy And I cannot get close to thee Our life is ruled by enmity And I can't weaken that The only way that I can see Is to hold you close to me To love you for it's meant to be I weaken your attack
Everything was lucked and downy What was good was up from under Until black, that awful tender Came and popped my sense of wonder All at once all eyes turned at him Leaving me an unwatched body And it sagged, my body's rib cage Out from under ogler's study Black was decomposing quickly This was found offensive to me His disrespect for life's proprieties Made me scared he would destroy me
Black, you are my enemy And I cannot get close to thee Our life is ruled by enmity And I can't weaken that The only way that I can see Is to hold you close to me To love you for it's meant to be I weaken your attack
So I thought I'd try to cut him Try to force him 'neath my level The only way to equal to him Would be hit him with a shovel But to really rise above him That would be the final evil So instead I asked the sucker If he'd care to see my rooms And as a friend and as a comrade And all the things that these implied I made him leave what it was that he had Used to keep us unallied
Black, you are my enemy And I cannot get close to thee Our life is ruled by enmity And I can't weaken that The only way that I can see Is to hold you close to me To love you for it's meant to be I weaken your attack
Now black and I we are together Fairly just inseparable And in the terriblest of weather Our bonds are incorruptible
Black, you are my enemy And I cannot get close to thee Our life is ruled by enmity And I can't weaken that The only way that I can see Is to hold you close to me To love you for it's meant to be I weaken your attack