해외 프레스에서 떠들어댄것 처럼 그들은 뉴트럴 밀크 호텔과 엘리엇 스미스의 만남같아 보이기도 한다. 물론 뉴트럴 밀크 호텔의 걸죽함을 조금 덜어내고 멜리엇의 소년취향을 덜하면 이들이지 않을까 싶다. 뉴트럴처럼 퍼지한 공간을 만들어내기도 하지만 이들의 유니크함은 그들의 외형이나 가사들에서 드러나는 괴팍한 유머가 사운드의 질주에 영향을 기친다는 것이다. 그 괴팍을 여러 악기들의 잼과 같은 혼돈과 곡들의 서정성과 기묘하게 만난게 하는 이들만의 매력은 더욱 다른 밴드들과의 독자성으로 발현된다. 본작은 그들의 20036년 최신 결과물로 COLIN MELOY의 메마르고 성간 목소리 위로 여러 악기들의 잼이 흥미로운 결과물을 창출해내고 있다. .... ....
Billy Liar's got his hands in his pockets Staring over at the neighbor's, knickers down. He's got his knickers down.
So the summer is eternity for you? Sleeping in until your father's shaking you down He's shaking you down.
And the mailroom shift gets a real short shrift As you dole out the packages, no-one seems to want you around All skulking around.
Let you legs loss on the lino 'Til your sinews spoil Will you stay here for a while, dear, 'Til the radio plays something familiar? Plays something familiar.
All a-drifting, he's a no-good boyo Sent a-fishing for a whalebone corset frame (His only catch all day)
So he sits and lets the current take him A gentle breeze will leave his pants in disarray And at his ankles laid.
As he drifts to sleep with a moan and a weep He is decked by a Japanese geisha with a garland of pearls How she twists and twirls!
Let you legs loss on the lino 'Til your sinews spoil Will you stay here for a while, dear, 'Til the radio plays something familiar? Plays something familiar.
This is the story of your red right ankle And how it came to meet your leg And how the muscle bone and sinews tangled And how the skin was softly shed And how it whispered, "Oh, adhere to me for we are bound by symmetry And whatever differences our lives have been We together make a limb" This is the story of your red right ankle
This is the story of your gypsy uncle You never knew cause he was dead And how his face was carved an ripped with wrinkles In the picture in your head And remember how you found the key To his hide-out in the Pyrenees, But you wanted to keep his secret safe, So you threw the key away? This is the story of your gypsy uncle
This is the story of the boys who loved you Who love you now and loved you then And some were sweet and some were cold and snuffed you And some just layed around in bed And some, they crumbled you straight to your knees Did it cruel, did it tenderly Some they crawled their way into your heart To rend your ventricles apart This is the story of the boys who loved you This is the story of your red right ankle
I was meant for the stage, I was meant for the curtain. I was meant to tread these boards, Of this much i am certain.
I was meant for the crowd, I was meant for the shouting. I was meant to raise these hands With quiet all about me. oh, oh.
Mother, please, be proud. Father, be forgiven. Even though you told me 'Son, you'll never make a living.' oh, oh.
From the floorboards to the fly, Here I was fated to reside. And as I take my final bow, Was there ever any doubt? And as the spotlights fade away, And you're escorted through the foyer, You will resume your callow ways, But I was meant for the stage.
The heavens at my birth Intended me for stardom, Rays of light shone down on me And all my sins were pardoned.
I was meant for applause. I was meant for derision. Nothing short of fate itself Has affected my decision. oh, oh.
From the floorboards to the fly, here i was fated to reside. And as I take my final bow, Was there ever any doubt? And as the spotlights fade away, And you're escorted through the foyer, You will resume your callow ways, But I was meant for the stage. to moonn6pence from shootingstar