직선적이고도 날것 같은 기타 리프로 무장한, 1990년대 초반 뉴욕 클럽 씬 최고의 명성을 지녔던 CHAVEZ의 두 번째 앨범. 극히 제한된 악기 사용과 단순 간결한 리듬에도 그들의 음악은 다채롭고도 지적인 모습을 지녔다. 그 무엇과도 타협하지 않을 확고한 신념 속에 내재된 깊고도 강한 울림을 체험할 수 있다.<BR><B>(주)ALES MUSIC</B> .... ....
Now for how long, Could you be top pocket man? Now for how long, Could you keep the glass shield tight around you? Try and fill your lungs with the shards you walk through
I won, I won Wash out your lungs Light up your gongs Right all your wrongs I won, I won Tickets back to where you came from I won
All the tears you tried to keep Now for how long, Could you kill to fall asleep Now for how long, Can you... ? With the first clue Went with the next cue Always finding
May light fall upon you Lead you to your home May I not look on you Take you for my own
Fair light fell upon you All our (?) cannot have First light in a new room If the first site that I went to Doesn't feel right right Doesn't feel new Feels just like today And on that day What can I go by? When I can't take To make this go back I waited so long to see it go bad
He erased the phase, you're halfway through. Stacked up debts, cash for regrets And the good times you had, well they just weren't yours We saw who dropped you off a block from the store His drilling will stick, now we can predict The excuses you'll make, and whose words they'll all take
Up against the odds Tight around the jaws
Say goodbye to the team, said the separator (I'm not sure on this line) You'll learn to sell out what you bought into You'll come to second-guess the smile she just gave you I'm here to tell you, you're playing with dolls And making explosion sounds, everyone heard
I can't see how we're worth getting over Overall, we will be lower
Thank the separator The best parts are in coming later
Got so thin from one decision Saw what goes down hasn't risen After all this something good has got to happen
Something good's got to happen Sleep with the lions
I stand respectfully in horror and wait Got so thin from one decision I wait attentively and load up my (play?) I stand respectfully in horror and wait To hear Who's next
Hung out on the gates Look up through the grates Memorize this face
Better days will haunt you They will say he wants to own you Find the other ways To slip the light through Better days will haunt you Let your model home surround you Find the other ways To push the air through
Break the seal My touch won't feel Time wounds all heals If I saw the light I'd be the last to know
Pulled out alive Picking out the ones I didn't want to care for No more collections of salted confections
This is where it stops They're on leash again Burning through your afternoon The new joys await you Holding up the high sign Shouting out the punchline Burning through your afternoon The cold joys await you
Now that I need more Picked out all the ones I didn't want to care for Spilled out on this floor And this is a move that I am not prepared for
What did I stare for? I did not think I'd be here Beating out the dust from A coat I manufactured Where did I learn to make it?
What's up is he alright? Smiling wide Ever up and ever overpsyched On every single count he won Scott tried to let him know On the phone I (rung?) out to take the overflow It didn't matter he won
Said I learned From my sunburn No misunderstanding
? It's over now Until you wore the (pride?) you won