MIKE SANDISON과 MARCUS ES로 구성된 스코트랜드 출신의 IDM(INTELLIGENCE DANCE MUSIC),앰비언트 테크노 듀오의 명작. 미드템포 힙합 비트와 일렉트로-신디사이저 음향과 스크래치를 절묘하게 결합시킨 사운드 스펙트럼은 WARP레이블 메이트인 APHEX TWIN과 AUTECHRE를 능가하는 음악적 완성도를 자랑한다. 저패니메이션의 사운드트랙 앨범을 떠올리게도 하는 놀랍고도 혁명적인 작품!!<BR><B>ALL MUSIC GUIDE-5, (주)ALES MUSIC</B> .... ....
"Holts are nearly always close to the sea, Fallen boulders, old ruins, and cliffs, All at the top of a sand crevice, High above the sea: A safe place for cubs. We wait... tense. We're disappointed. She leaves her sprint loaded by others of us The holts are evenly spent, about 500 meters apart, (some warped speech) who passes by, or they advertise."
Now that the show is over, and we have jointly exercised our constitutional rights, we would like to leave you with one very important thought. Sometime in the future, you may have the opportunity to serve as a juror in a censorship case, or a so-called obscenity case. It would be wise to remember that the same people who would stop you from listening to Boards of Canada may be back next year to complain about a book, or even a TV program. If you can be told what you can see or read, then it follows that you can be told what to say or think. Defend your constitutionally protected rights. No one else will do it for you. Thank you.