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| 4:45 | ||||
Que tinguem sort May we have luck Si em dius adeu If you say goodbye vull que el dia sigui net i clar i want the day to be clean and clear, que cap ocell trenqui may any bird brokes l'harmonia del seu cant the harmony of it's singing que tinguis sort, may you have luck, i que trobis el que t'ha mancat en mi and find what you have missed in me Si em dius et vull If you say i want you que el sol faci el dia molt m?s llarg may the sun make the day much longer i aix?robar temps and so stealing time al temps d'un rellotge aturat at time of a stopped clock que tinguem sort may we have luck, i que trobem tot el que ens va mancar ahir and may we find all we were lack of yesterday I aix?pren And so, take I aix?pren And so, take tot el fruit que et pugui donar all the fruit that it could give you el cam?que poc a poc escrius, (the road that you slowly write) per dem..., que dem..., que dem... for tomorrow, as tomorrow, as tomorrow mancar... el fruit de cada pas we'll be lack of the fruit of each step per aix?malgrat la boira cal caminar so, even the fog, we must walk Si vens amb mi If you come with me no demanis un cam?planer don't ask for a plain road ni estels d'argent nor silver stars ni un dem... ple de promeses, nor a tomorrow full of promises sols un poc de sort just a bit of luck i que la vida ens doni un cam?m?s llarg and may life give us a long er road I aix?pren And so, take I aix?pren And so, take tot el fruit que et pugui donar all the fruit that it could give you el cam?que poc a poc escrius, (the road that you slowly write) per dem..., que dem..., que dem... for tomorrow, as tomorrow, as tomorrow mancar... el fruit de cada pas we'll be lack of the fruit of each step per aix?malgrat la boira cal caminar and so, even the fog, we must walk |
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L'avi Siset em parlava(
) Grandpa Siset spoke with me de bon mat?al portal early in the morning, in the frontdoor mentre el sol esper...vem while we were wainting for the sun i els carros veiem passar. and we saw passing the cars( ) Siset que no veus l'estaca Siset, don't you see the stake a on estem tots lligats? where we all are tied? Si no podem desfer-la If we cannot undo it mai no podrem caminar! we won't be able to walk! Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! Per?ja fa molt temps ja! But it's been a long time, now! Les mans se'm van escorxant! My hands are peeling! I quan la for?a se me'n va And when my force goes ella ?s m?s ampla i m?s gran. it's wider and bigger. Ben cert s?que est... podrida, Yes I know it's rotten, per??s que, Siset, pesa tant, but you know, Siset, it's so heavy, que a cops la for?a m'oblida. sometimes force forgets me. Torna'm a dir el treu cant: Say me again your singing: Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! L'avi Siset ja no diu res Grandpa Siset doesn't speak anymore mal vent que se'l va emportar bad wind who took him away ell qui sap cap a quin indret he, who knows where, i jo aqu?sota el portal and me, here under the door i quan passen els nous vailets and when new boys pass by estiro el coll per cantar i strech my neck to sing el darrer cant d'en Siset Siset's last singing lo darrer que em va ensenyar( ) the last thing he taught me Si estirem tots ella caur... If we all pull it, it will fall i molt de temps no pot durar, and it can't last much time, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, surely it falls, falls, falls, ben corcada deu ser ja. it must be worm-eatn by now. Si jo l'estiro fort per aqu? If i pull hard towards here, i tu l'estires fort per all..., and you pull it towards there, segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, i'm sure it falls, falls, falls, i ens podrem alliberar! and we'll be able to be free! |