<B>고란 브레고비치/노래모음</B><BR>영화 음악을 통해 발칸 월드 뮤직을 세계에 알린 고란 브레고비치의 걸작선. 이 음반에서는 고란 브레고비치의 작품에 가사를 붙여 기요르고스 달라라스,세젠 악수,이기 팝,세자리아 에보라,스코트 워커 등이 참여했다. 물론 "여왕마고"수록곡인 오프라 하자의 "엘로 하이"와 고란 브레고비치가 직접 부른 "칼라시니코프"역시 수록되어 있는 베스트 오브 베스트.<BR><B>수입:프랑스 - (주)ALES2 MUSIC</B> .... ....
Είναι μια λέξη που με έχει σακατέψει είναι μια λέξη που παντού μ' ακολουθεί και μου ζητάει λογαριασμό βράδυ πρωί ""γιατί"", δεν τη θέλω άλλο πια την έχω βαρεθεί Κάλαντα και τρίγωνα κάθε Χριστούγεννα θυμάμαι ένα παιδί μες το θυμό βουτηγμένο σ' ένα πελώριο γιατί ψίθυρος και κραυγή πληγή που αιμορραγεί κάθε στιγμή στη ζωή μου ένα μεγάλο γιατί Δυο τρία όνειρα που είχαν απομείνει μπήκαν ενέχυρο και μείναμε ταπί ο τοκογλύφος θα μας στείλει φυλακή Ελένη όλους μας στην πλάτη σου μας έχει φορτωθεί Κάλαντα και τρίγωνα κάθε Χριστούγεννα θυμάμαι ένα παιδί μες το θυμό βουτηγμένο σ' ένα πελώριο γιατί ψίθυρος και κραυγή πληγή που αιμορραγεί κάθε στιγμή στη ζωή μου ένα μεγάλο γιατί
Hey lucky people, North and South This is your leader, I'm called the mouth We're gonna play a game that's funny Get the, get the, get the money
Money, money, money, money, money Money, money
Walking on the beach, all disenchanted Blackness in my heart Anything they want now, they can't stop me,energy goes dead. Riviera buildings, high, depressing Look like cookie boxes In my heart a huricane is blowing In my head a clock ticks. Tic-tack
Get the money, Mr. Potato Get the money, pay the Eskimo
Money, money, money, money, money
ABC Schoolboys, schoolgirls, don't make funny Take a deep breath, get the money
Money, money, money, money, money
A lot of neigbourhood, oncrete and windows Uphere on the mountain I wonder if somebody sees me walking I could hide in that fountain. Pretty little girl, I like to know her, coming this way Back in school, I can't believe that I could not obey
Get the money, Mr. Potato Get the money, pay the Eskimo
Money, money, money, money, money
Crawl on your belly, bust your skull There's the money, real as hell
William Tell
Money, money, money, money, money Money, money
I met an actor, river speed boat He made crabby movies Robin Maxwell had a yacht But it didn't die so groovy
Me, I confess, I like to swim and watch the telly,my news I've been hanging 'round the beach But the money pays my kwanos
Get the money, Mr. Potato Get the money, pay the Eskimo
Money, money, money, money, money,
It's kind of like a fortress, it's kind of like a tomb Sitting with your money in a near dark room
Feels like a discharge, feels like a death Feels like a taste of dying breath
Feels like a toed, feels like a frog Feels like a serpent, all night long
Surgun verirdim senin yureðinde Korpe bir guldum elinde Kopardyn cok zamansyz Evcil deðildim ben Soldum ergenken Veren Allah alyr Gulun hatyry kalyr Artyk erkeðim deðilsin Baþka kadynyn var Ayak seslerini syk nefeslerini Akþam ayyp heveslerini Bazen aðzymda bulurum Dudak izlerini Oysa artyk benim hakkym deðilsin Baþymda gocebe kuþlar Yalandy aslynda suclar Sana gore deðildim, cok kysa sevindim Dilsiz bu taþlar Yalandy aslynda butun suclar
Find a beautiful old street Not rushing through this time In a bar where a fat lady reigns supreme Come in and drink with a false name In circus clothes forget their pain They are the zombie bodies Caught in the glow of the TV screen Just forget it?
Forget it all The TV screen TV screen makes you feel small No life at all
Now that you have turned it off It's harder than you thought No one wants to give a damn Or even hear a thought They rush from one fad to the next You talk and it has no effect You are the target for stars And the planets on the TV screen Just forget it?
Forget it all The TV screen TV screen makes you feel small No life at all
Same amala oro kelena Oro kelena dive kerena Sa o Roma (Amaro dive Amaro dive, Ederlezi Ej... ah... ) Sa o Roma, babo, babo Sa o Roma, o daje Sa o Roma, babo, babo Ej, Ederlezi Sa o Roma, daje
Sa o Roma babo, E bakren cinen. A me coro, dural besava. A a daje, amaro dive. Amaro dive erdelezi. Ediwado babo, amenge bakro. Sa o Roma, babo. E bakren cinen. Eeee...j, Sa o Roma, babo babo, Sa o Roma daje. Sa o Roma, babo babo, Erdelezi. Erdelezi, Sa o Roma Daje. Eeee... Sa o Roma, babo babo, Sa o Roma daje. Sa o Roma, babo babo, Eeee... Erdelezi, Erdelezi. Sa o Roma Daje
Nema vise sunca Nema vise meseca Nema tebe, nema mene Niceg vise, nema joj. Pokriva nas ratna tama Pokriva nas tama joj. A ja se pitam moja draga Sta ce biti sa nama? Mesecina, mesecina, joj, joj, joj, joj Sunce sija ponoc bije, joj, joj, joj, joj Sa nebesa, zaproklija Niko ne zna, niko ne zna Niko ne zna, niko ne zna Niko ne zna sta to sija